They launder billions to their pedophile President.
They tried to blackmail our President.
They spread fake news.
They pay trolls to defend their grotesque regime.
They try to undermine our freedom of press and speech and our economic liberties.
When will we finally wake up and demand an end to the Russian problem? Sanctions aren't enough. We ought to do something.
Ethan Cooper
Gas the slavs, World War 3 now
John Thompson
You're half slavic yourself.
Adam Edwards
Go to bed Estonia, you're drunk again.
Brandon Jones
>When will we finally wake up and demand an end to the Israel problem? fixed the thread.
Eli Adams
wtf now i love russia
Easton Evans
Go fuck your self you Islamic terrorism/Soros/Hillary/EU/Kiev/Fake News supporting shill.
Your little country Estonia is a joke many people never even heard of,and you are basically Finns and Russians.
Alexander Wood
>they ripped Crimea away from Ukraine.
Aiden Williams
Where can I get paid to troll kike shills?
Jaxon Young
Olgino, suburbs of Saint Petersburg.
Lucas Bennett
Is everyone in Latvia still this stupid?
Lucas Myers
Putin pays well to shill. I've heard you can even get seized property like sports cars if you're talented enough
Nathaniel Carter
don't care, they promote traditional values and fags/feminists get the boot (literally) Based country.
Anthony Davis
Fucking shill confirmed
Russo-American Alliance > Better oil > Safer world > Strongest alliance in history > Dead mudslimes > Dead Commies
Isaiah Howard
You apparently missed the 97-2 vote in the senate to sanction them
Charles Morales
They kill rape Jewish women.
Dominic Young
I don't know what you expect to do?
Joshua Hughes
Who is Clinton, Rothschild, Soros, Pat?
Gabriel Bailey
So when did Russia take over from China as being the biggest supporter and protector of shit-eating commie Kim Jung un?
Crimea was given to Ukraine in 1965 by Kruschev .
Russia has never been democratic , needs to be ruled by an autocrat like Putin or it just falls apart.
Josiah Garcia
Fuck you OP. Take your shit back to /x/
Joseph Ross
>t. slav rape baby Your country is one third Slavic, what are you going to do about it?
Jayden Garcia
>They try to undermine our freedom of press Cool story bro. Capitalistic media is not but business and that means ratings first before truth.
Nathaniel Perry
>They gassed Syrian children. WONG! >They ripped Crimea away from Ukraine. WONG! >They are stalking at the Baltics. they stalk for nato, nato stalk kaliningrad all the fucking time. what the deal? >They launder billions to their pedophile President. /x/ ? >They tried to blackmail our President. stop taking those pills >They spread fake news. look at your own media, same shit everywhere. >They pay trolls to defend their grotesque regime. your's don't? you probably do it for free >They try to undermine our freedom of press and speech and our economic liberties. don't write stuff like that under EU flag. top kek
Adrian Roberts
Also, dude has no chin
Jaxson Scott
Fuck off kike
Ethan Allen
Russia doesn't give a fuck about sanctions. America cannot cut them off from global trade very well anymore, the new Silk Road is up and America does not have the power to shut it down. The US navy can't blockade Eurasian countries anymore.
Ian Morris
>They arm Kim Jung-Un Stopped reading here, you have zero idea what you're talking about.
Bentley Miller
Shit, man, someone pissed on your flag!
Thomas Roberts
>flag >opinion immediately discarded
Grayson Harris
Show your flag Hohol redditposter
Owen Scott
They gassed Syrian children.
They shot down an Iranian passenger jet.
They arm Saudi Arabis, ISIS, and
They destroyed Ukraine, forcing Crimea, DNR and LPR to seek refuge in Russia
Then they did again in Venezuela
They are stalking at the Middle Esst
They have failed miserably in Afghanistan.
They launder billions to their pedophile ex-President.
They tried to blackmail everyone .
They spread fake news.
They pay trolls to defend their grotesque regime.
They try to undermine our freedom of press and speech and our economic liberties.
When will we finally wake up and demand an end to the Americsn problem?
Sanctions aren't enough. We ought to do something.