World War III

Who will win, Sup Forums?

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Andorra will be the only livable place.

6 bajillion people will fight for that land.

The jews.

You got China on the wrong side there pally

The people there are dirty, though.

>North America not in locations
We escape war at home yet again.

Why would China support USA?

Um, don't you mean Taured?



Nobody wins you know that. World War III will be in space in the Internet. Buy some candles.


>tfw future world war winner
suck on that, fags

Oh God. Siding with the Germans is a death warrant.

Republic of China is Taiwan, underageb&. You should know that.

Just like the last two world wars

Being the only superpower in the world has its perks.


>mfw russian/chink invasion through mexico


Shhh, goyim

>russia and china together

If nobody else has pointed out how idiotic this is I leave Sup Forums for 2 complete minutes

No one wins.

Neither side is powerful enough to overpower the other.

Most deaths would be on the Indian/Paki subcontinent.

lol at co-belligerents on both sides. Sounds like a bunch of alcoholics starting shit.

>Most deaths would be on the Indian/Paki subcontinent.
So...everybody wins?

We drive their economy. We buy what they sell.

Germany needs a big win.



>Israel not on both sides
Are you not paying attention?

The ones that stay neutral.

he looks arabic, could taured be from a timeline where andorra didnt fight off the arab hordes successfully?

because from what i know that is the reason why andorra was created/gifted

Fucking kek

They can always sell it to someone else.

Assuming no nukes- allies

With nukes nobody wins

Africa will win, since they're totally uninvolved and will repopulate the world with niggers.

>Be local chinese govt official
>At war with america and their allies
>Town was raided last night
>Houses burnt down
>Women Raped
>But most importantly theres shit Everywhere
>Especially the streets
>But the toilets are extremely clean and covered with flowers
>Indian Designated Shitting and Rape Battalion strikes again

well, at least I'll go in good company.


Russian defense systems are sufficient to go to war against the entire world, even without nukes. We won't even come close to winning it, obviously, but neither will anyone else. The fleet would be useless as Moscow is not achievable by sea, the airforce would be shot down with Russia's toppest tier ballistics, and the Russia's decent airforce will ensure no regular army nor ground vehicles will pass.
Refute this.

I laughed, then i just felt sad desu

Russia already said they ain't getting involved

the best defense system america has is that lots of civilians there have guns, therefore making its land almost unconquistable by infantary at all


Feelsgood to be neutral

Kinetic bombardment.

*note* I don't want to fight you Ivan. Can we be best friends please?

Russia isn't getting involved and China will stay neutral if nk fires first

Who else needs a cheap disposable ultra strength toilet seats? Also the cheap chinese tacticool gear sales will plummet

What's that?

As always

>Feelsgood to be a irrelevant cuntry

Tungsten rods dropped from orbit.


fucking this lol

Africa wins.

Based off that match up allies will roll over the new axis of evil

if there is a war Iran is coming straight for isreal, so will every other country that surrounds them.

simple numbers game

and the drug addict US will be too busy hiding in its bunkers.

lol, I wonder....

I fight with my colonies, Canada and Australia, and not some sandniggers, poos, and Slavs, thank you.

Ay whats up chinabro

Thanks for using my image

Isn't Sup Forums banned in China?

>South America

South America will be the last bastion of humanity. Moving to Ecuador on Sunday lads

Vietnam among the Allied Forces?
I mean, yeah they can't get along with China but still.

If this turns nuclear, it'll be more like just North Korea vs Everyone Else. All those other sanctioned countries won't interfere.

Just post the Tian An Men tanks picture, then report him to his government for having seen it. That thing is like CP to a chinaman.

Neu Schwabenland.

Sup Forums in 80 years will be complaining about how we were the bad guys in ww3 and Putin and Kim were going to unite the world under glorious fascist rule before we razed their countries.

It'll be more like, "haha, fuck you Seoul. Fuck you Japan. You want mirrion dorra? Too bad, here bomb, fuck you!"

Then in 3 months it'll be, "waaah, America was so bad to start this, it's all the fault of the United States, why did they make those poor helpless North Koreans murder everyone? Nuclear weapons are bad so only bad people are allowed to have them."

in 80 years, Sup Forums rules the world.

Pakistan is a US ally and Russia said it wouldn't side with North Korea,and dislikes China as well.

Fuck you


NATO will only join if they are the agressors. And theres a very good chance they wont be. So count every nation in there out.

I hope Srbija will be safe.


You're not wrong

Eurasian powers. They'll set off a crisis in Africa and help the niggers invade Europe. The niggers will do the rest.

Weaponized niggers... the ultimate biological weapon.

SJWs in America and Europe will demand niggers are taken in by the tanker load.

They become a strain on resources during a full blown war. They chimp out. They start raping and killing like niggers do.

West crumbles. Asians laugh at us.

We die. No future for us white bois in a China man's world.

Hopefully in 80 years you wont be a country anymore. Future is looking bright.


Unreal KeK

Was the Cuban missile crisis ever this exciting? Or is this not even coming close because Kimmy wants to remain in power.


We are ready to aid North Korea.
Our country sides with USA by default, but that'll change once the new coup happens.
Our weapons of mass destruction are ready.

The Jews


shut it down
>goyim knows

Srbija will. Can't say the same about Bosnia and Kosovo!!!!

>implying ayy lmaos will let us destroy the planet

Wait shit we gotta drop them from NATO or were guaranteed to lose

Can we ally with Russia and Iran and nuke the Israelis and Saudis?

Wrong. Article 5 will apply. You'll be sucked into our war for israel yet again.

Bioweapon mecca when

If I get drafted or obliterated in a nuclear blast I won't feel like much of a winner 2bh

Take this distraction as time to remove kebab in peace

Why is your made of wood?

Hope to be on the winning side from the start.

This is why India should join China's side. The west only ever disrespects and looks down upon India.

Make a few small concessions, join OBOR, and India will reap tremendous benefits.

Checked :D

china is on our side. so is pakistan

russia has india and germany, and saudi arabia soon; france and italy are uncertain