How did chinks get so rich?

how did chinks get so rich?

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They are immune to (((them))) ethnic nationalism pays off

All of the jobs going there. Even if you pay them garbage, they're still getting the work.

Infinite source of slave labor.

They are the Jews of the east

From the sheer volume of chinkshit being exported all over the world

Biggest real estate and commercial property bubble in human history, that's how

Most people still are african tier poor

No, THEY made China rich. Chinese people did nothing.

by hard work.

They wouldn't have our manufacturing jobs in that enormous capacity.

With all of those jobs, any middle management positions become Chinese middle class, any managers become legit rich.

Redpill me on this


>Be related to Triad members
>Get business deal because Triad says so
>Become successful
>Help Triad
That's the top 10% of China. That's their whole thing.

>Move to Canada
>Say your money is legal
>Take out loans
>Buy 5 homes

Nothing cheaper than slave labor

There's no redpill, just common sense.

China's rich because your companies went there. American companies made China rich, and made it United States' rival, because it also weakened the US.

In a fascist or natsoc state, it wouldn't have happened.

By killing 30 million of their own people in the name of cultural revolution.

much study, little fun

>how did chinks get so rich?
they harvest American fear and turn it into money

this, all of politics in the entire world today is a big game to see who can suck billionaire cock the hardest and sloppiest, because big billionaires inside your borders = your country gets all the money and you win

The correct answer is Capitalism

What is sickening is that they don't deserve it

Largest expansion of credit in history since 09. leading to multiple asset bubbles. Good luck in the next decade china. Your roaring 20s just happened.

they sold their souls for money

Currency Manipulation with no accountability to (((world banks)))

but how is this fault of "da joos" ?


meh we in the west failed to contain our power and we also failed at keeping third worlders and muslims out

I'd rather have China be in charge in the future than the pajeets or muslims

(((Capitalists))) sucking their communist friends dick. The same capitalists push open borders and immigration for cheap labor. Captalism and communism are two sides of the same coin

I would die in a war between muslims and chinese, or indians and chinese, and ofc I'd side with muslims or pajeets. I hate China.

Create an equally big of a goy so the first one doesn't accidentaly get any funny ideas.

i can sum it up in 3 letters USA

yeah dude, they're so rich, that's why they're way behind Mexico and barely ahead of fucking Brazil on GDP per capita

Moved companies to China to save a buck on labor, all because shipping costs dropped when they started building supertankers. Now China is outsourcing its own bitch work to other cheaper countries.

white males would have done this too,the profit is just too big to turn down

>per capita
Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
They have over a billion people.

China is pretty un-regulated and those chinks do anything to make money.
The ones who ARE rich work all of the dumb ass poor chinese to death for pennies.

It's not even that, it's not even boomers. The "Greatest" Generation did this because they were still corporate heads in the late 70s through the 90s. These were their decisions. The boomers just followed them.

No one is immune to (((them))) buddy

>Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
>They have over a billion people

Yeah, and what the fuck is the point of a huge amount of wealth when most of your population lives in squalor? All it means is that a small number of chinks have a huge amount of money, and the rest might be able to afford some rice for the week. Malnutrition does great things for the mind and body.

You take 1 dollar from every one of your citizens to build a factory. You have 1.3 billion citizens.

No matter how shit poor your nation is on an individual basis, if you can get all the citizens behind a project you can make it happen by pooling their low individual resources to a giant pile of resources.

Very true, there's nothing harder to control than true monopolies.


china is africa-tier levels of poverty outside of select cities. look at national wealth and divide by population:

This thread isn't "why did the quality of life improve in chinkland??"
It is HOW do chinks get so rich.
The answer is cheap labor and un-regulated markets.
Why would you pay some retard $15/h to produce your widget in the US instead of paying chinks nothing do do it?

but thats going to change nipman,as more of them enter middle class. also

I'm honestly trying to decide whether the solution to this is to destroy China, or enslave someone, maybe Mexico.

just nuke every inch of it desu

yeah except 10K USD goes a lot further in China because the costs of transport, labor, and resources are cheap in China.

Cheap labor and secular; no value in human life in an existential sense allowed the Chinese to become literal machines in a global system of production.


real estate, they need to constantly build to prop their economy up

its unsustainable so expect a crash since its really unstable


and it will never ever pop

it has to

Move from maoist command economy to capitalist economy with significant protectionist barriers coupled with high population creating economies of scale which attracted international investors to invest in building factories to make cheaper products helping international investors bottom line

Kek post more Lao yang video caps


Thats what people were saying for the last decade. But instead the masses from the hinterlands started moving into the cities. China plays the long game.

Let's archive that

>cbc ca/radio/thecurrent/the-current-for-november-9-2015-1.3310323/china-s-deserted-ghost-cities-appeal-to-new-residents-1.3310388
>theguardian com/cities/2017/mar/21/china-west-ghost-city-comes-to-life-lanzhou-new-area

Two archives in 30 seconds?????? Either the most autistic Norwegian in existence or a based bot.

If you mean how they get rich in our countries, it's because they have a very strong racial association, a millionaire chink will help other 10 chinks to be millionaire, and those 10 chinks will help other 100 chink getting millionaire
