Why havent you choose the /real/ red pill?

why havent you choose the /real/ red pill?

Poor quality bait

Jews lost the mantle of responsibility after they killed Jesus and rejected salvation. The talmud is their satanic Bible now, the rejection of the books of Moses and the testament (old + new) of God

jews were sent here to torment us. we are in hell

Of course only a faggot could be this degenerate.

The bogpill is the true pill stupid sodomite faggot



All the goyim is equal in the eyes of the Lord.

The one you call "God" is the Demiurge.

The Jews were Chosen by Yaldabaoth himself.

Cain is the Son of the Serpent Archon.



Christians are the current Old Testament Jews. Modern day Jews are satanists.


Look on the dark side = jews will NEVER exist for eternity, because neither will I.

Death comes for us all, it is absolute. It must happen. Even the brightest flame will wither away and die.

The Fire fades. And then, only Dark will remain.


Yes, indeed. The Darksign brands the Jew. And in this land, the goy are corralled and led to the north, where they are locked away, to await the end of the world... This is your fate.


>implying the /black pill/ isn't the only real option in life

The actual redpill is God hates most living humans. A foolish World ruled by greed and gluttony. By power and money over stability and harmony. The good will of life and honesty over manipulation and distrust. It will be a sad day when he rises again, as it will be a last for many. Jews are the only chosen who need the crutch.

This realm is a place of shadow and fog Lorded over by the Gloomy Ruler.

Its only a shadow of the true fathers Pleroma.

Jews were chosen by our creator, who shaped them into the greatest people

shit bait try harder faggot

Revelation 2:9 - " I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

Chosen by God for the oven

and then they betrayed him

>implying atheism isn't the red pill

atheism is the red-pill in your late teens. But you gotta grow out of that shit and rediscover God for the true redpill.