Black people are dum-
Black people are dum-
what is affirmative action
brb four people doing one homework
Have you seen the low IQ niggers being accepted to Harvard and Yale?
Also from how those kids dress they are clearly not from some ghetto but they will all be BLM leader tier assuming they don't not go into STEM
affirmative action you knob goblin. look it up.
It's like Me, Myself, and Irene
>affirmative action is not a plot to destroy Americ-
What could that possibly mean when their obligated to accept 100% of black peolple who apply?
either affirmative action or they're on the far right sight of the bell's curve. No one's saying all blacks are stupid. Just on average they're pretty stupid
side*, fucking hell
Hitler did nothing wro-
There are always exceptions to the rule:
- Mexicans that don't steal
- Indians that use a toilet
- Asian with >4" dick
"Taxpayers to pay for it"
Affirmative action means a mediocre nigger gets in where a brilliant white applicant will be rejected.
As if there were black people in polland
Black people are not dumb, niggers are.
Take off the memeflag, Leaf.
Too bad niggers outnumber black people.
Niggers eternally btfo
niggers would call them sellouts
free ride im sure