Yfw you managed to join the local nazi party while being openly gay

>yfw you managed to join the local nazi party while being openly gay


Ever been on /lgbt/ or /hm/? Half the posters there are literal fascists/white nationalists.

thought you were against "degeneracy"
maybe it's just the skinheads

I'm against it if it prevents our white race from having a stable pop. number, which is happening at the moment yeah, but I don't condemn homosexuality per se.

The Nazi party had several gay men in leadership positions. As long as they don't push their lifestyle down everyone's throat, it shouldn't be a problem

then were on the same side

>reminder that the jews run the lgbtq mafia and are currently pushing trannies as hard as possible
>there are plenty of gays that find trannies disgusting
>there are plenty of gays that dont use their sexuality as their defining trait


Exactly, I got a lot of gay friends and to the untrained eye they'd seem more right wing than I am (even though I'd consider myself extreme right). They just want to live their live like any other person.

best argument for homosexuals ive seen so far. I have no problem as long as you dont tell me about it and act like boypucci fem-male (flamboyancy)

Have you ever seen Nazi art? It's straight up homo.

Homosexuality is actually a pretty big (and equally pointless) topic of contention within the far right. There will always be the ironmarch types who literally want to bog all sodomites, but I think in general people really just don't give a shit as long as it's kept in the bedroom.

I've never seen Nazi-Art, enlighten me please

jesus christ...
this is shocking, why are you all so calm, civilized and nice

every time a conversation about gays and the right wing appears every goes full skinhead mode: "KILL ALL FAGS!" "FILTHY DEGENERATES!"

but no, youre all calm and nice

anyway, yes. I agree with all of your points
homosexuality is un-avoidable, there will always be some
BUT these days, homosexuality has turned into something trendy, something uniqe and quirky, something that is being pushed by (((them)))

but during these times people should remember that, it's not ALL gays fault, it's (((their))) fault
they were the ones who created the LGBTQ movement
they were the ones who started the pride parades
they were the ones who are pushing for tranny acceptance

want more?

I think he was refering to original nazi art
art made by the third reich

Nazis have always had important roles for gays. Mostly swallowing sperm on their knees. You down? Got a throwaway email for me?


look on the side of the picture you posted my guy

You're disappointing me, just like in the "Drei-Mächte-Pakt"
In essence, what I wanted to say was that I don't care which organic holes you put your dick into. I'm just concerned about the birth of white babies.

>TFW you post literal fucking 9gag shit on Sup Forums without realizing.....

>In essence, what I wanted to say was that I don't care which organic holes you put your dick into. I'm just concerned about the birth of white babies.
could not agree more
even though I sadly will never contribute to the amount of white babies
I will spend my life, stopping the jewish lgbtq mafia, stopping people from falling for the jewish lies, encourage people to NOT go to the pride parades, tell people that they should be proud of their heritage

I might not be perfect... b-but I might become a honorary aryan before I get buried

>Ever been on /lgbt/ or /hm/?
No. Have you?

It's not really a big deal for me depends on your definition of "openly gay" though. I don't like cultural pressure about it

Alexander wasn't a homo.

>showing a pic of failed cultures
>one is better than the other tho they all failed

wew lad get of this board you fucking faggot this is america

Yes, their taste has taken a nose dive over the years. Some Nazi fetishes will do them good.

He wasn't?

They're going to kill you the second that you're no longer useful to them.

>nazis were gay as fuck muh rohm
Yeah Rohm was an ass bandit and so were some of his buttbuddies in the SA and Hitler had them fucking purged. Aside from the power struggle, he explicitly wanted to rid the nazi party of any blatant homosexuality.
Nazi Germany made a concerted effort to find treatments/cures for homosex degenerates.
The fact that you managed to join a local """"nazi"""" political organization while being openly gay says nothing about the true nature of the movement but it speaks volumes about the state of these alleged "nazis" in the USA.
basically this

>Don't be a degenerate (no trannies, no "prides" etc.)
>Keep it to yourself and in your home
>Don't ask for "rights" (special privileges) such as adoption and marriage
And we are cool


It's a huge historical meme to apply modern paradigms to history. He probably did have that close male lover, but he had numerous wives and children and god knows how many bastards.

Gays tend to have slightly above average IQs, so having them as part of your organization is probably a net positive so long as they aren't encouraging it in the normal population.

No. Openly gay people are just in countries and areas where the IQ is slightly higher than average i.e middle class to rich white areas. Fuck off. No gays exist in low IQ areas because they would get murdered.


>No gays exist in low IQ areas because they would get murdered
So what your saying is that being anti-gay is result of a low iq?


sure thing
litterally already doing all this personally

Rare Ernst Rohm pepe. Neat.

Yeah, "openly" sounds really off-putting. Don't ask, don't tell.

they're going to kill you. stupid faggot

Just dont involve kids in your degeneracy and even most nazis will probably be cool with you