I want to join the swedish Military to make my father proud but I also don't want to join because i'd only be protecting niggerlovers and shitskins. What do?
Should i join the army?
Tell your father what you think. Maybe your military experience would help you restore Sweden.
Do it.
the military is gibsmedats for conservatives
get a real job and raise a family if you wanna make your daddy proud
The military is a good place to grow into a man. It literally saved my life.
Unless you're plotting a coup or something enjoy being posted to the 69th bull preppers
Try GMU. You will learn every basic shit that has to do with military aswell as growing some larger balls.
BUT, if you join hemvärnet after... then be ready to sit and load magazines 90% of your time in the military.
Aren't you forced to join the military now anyway with the new law?
It makes me sad knowing my dick will never be in her but some niggers dick probably will
Chances are low for that aswell.
If you want to make your father proud, this is how you do it desu. Marines made me a stronger, more disciplined, smarter, and respectable human. Joining something that is bigger than myself, something where the chain is only is as strong as it weakest link. Everyone has a job that is needed to be done, and it you gain a brotherhood in it.
Sluta breva på 4kanalen din jävla hanrej
Don't join.
The military has explicitly stated that they do not want patriots/nationalists.
It's a sjw shitfest.
The Swedish military is literally below arabs in unit cohesion and combat discipline.
Only a very small number of individuals will be conscripted and all you have to do to skip it is say you don't want to do it and they'll pick someone else.
>It's a sjw shitfest.
Yeah I agree. I did the GMU and joined the military for 2 years. It was the most horrible time in my entire young life.
I did beat my trained officer in a wargame scenario though, so I did get something from the military.
Do it.
Family > Race
Pretty sure Swedes fought in Afghanistan right?
Isn't Sweden bringing conscription service back or was that fake news?
Doubt it. Most Swede women are absolute hypocrites. They will scream refugees welcome and DEMAND more refugees, and then they will stay in their white upper middle class neighbourhood with their white upper middle class friends and call the lower class racist as the lower class has to barricade their homes at night. And then they'll go on instagram rants about how Sweden is doing just fine because their isolated neighbourhood is doing just fine. They're more racist than men (because they are allowed to be) but have 0 sense of responsibility.
Actually fucking the niggers is more of a U.S. thing. Here they're not very sexualized because they have that third world "hey gib pussi pls send vagene pls pls respond" mentality, and most of them are muslims or adorable manlet christians. I know it's a Sven thing to say but I'd be less upset if the refugees welcome crowd actually fucked the niggers and didn't just virtue signal on other peoples behalf.
They were in Afghanistan and they got raped in Mazar-e, five died.
They claim 20 afghans were killed, but I call BS. No proper investigation was ever conducted.
USA is more fked than Sweden still the brainless nignogs join the US army.
join the French Foreign Legion
This. Joining a meme army is just a waste of time. In FFL you'll also learn how the sandniggers fight.
Join the military, serve your time and go do a mission of peacekeeping and start doing PMC work. Do not join the french legion.
join to defend the muslim way of life for swedes you fucking clown country
2 Guys who have no glue what the French Foreign Legion is really like. Its only a good option if you are a criminal or dont care if youre just a pawn with shitty pay. If you are actually good at fighting and war you will join a private company and work for them. Mercenary work is for anyone who knows what they do.
Come to France , join the FFl
No nation is woth fighting for , only the company of arm brothers and the pleasure of killing is ...
Wait a few years until the resistance develops and join them.
>69th bull preppers
He wants to make his father proud, not join the meatwall of the west and die in a dirty ditch somewhere in Africa or the middle east.
FFL here , 2years , 4 months , on vacation
it's worth it only if you're from a shitty country and you want the passport and the money
i'd stay in sweden if i was swedish , the FFL is just like living in a3rd world countrt with a lot of marching and sweaping.
>i'd only be protecting niggerlovers
so you or your father are niggerlovers? SWEDEN YES!
Hoard weapons and ammo. Learn to use them, clean them, maintain them. Lift weights. Run and swim. Pick fights in the slums where even the police won't go.
Wait for collapse. All militias/nationalist parties are infiltrated wait it out don't join. Western governments' hatred of their own people is unprecedented it won't last.
When collapse happens have fun and remember no mercy. The traitors in our government showed us no mercy. We show them no mercy.
How is it third world? curious not memeing.
>The military has explicitly stated that they do not want patriots/nationalists.
Really makes you think.
Everything , the food , the leadership ...
being always surrounded by extremely stupid , yound , uneducated 3rd worlders .Slavs and Polish sergants who yell like fucking mules all the time .
if you're a 1st worlder , i wouldn't recommand joining it at all , i'm only doing it for the citizenship and money. 1200/month euros is a very good money for me , .
Military helps pay the bills for a family
T. USN Sailor
I'm literally in Tatouine right now ...
Hot like fucking hell.
i hate sand...
so, let get this straight:
you want to join the army while niggers and rapefugees are having sex with your white women and you are risking your life? tell how is not that being a fucking KEK?
Arent you sand nogs supposed to be accustomed to that?
> swedish army
> risking life
Nah. He will spend years attending diversity seminars with occasional obstacle course run and range shooting
>I want to join the swedish Military
No, you don't.
>to make my father proud
>but I also don't want to join because i'd only be protecting niggerlovers and shitskins.
>What do?
Don't join
Shit is going down the drain and the they will force SJW bullshit onto your unit whether you or your CO likes it or not. The top brass are yay saying cucks that kiss the asses of the politicians.
t. former miltard
Only join with the intention of redpilling everyone around you and planning a Pinochet-style military coup against the swe gov.
Otherwise don't bother. Much better to focus on making as many white babies as possible. Your life will be of much more purpose and value that way.
Stop being childish dicks anons.
You should. If your people can maintain control of the military there is still hope for a regime change down the road.
>diversity seminars
Do they report your earnings to home country? I have succubus ex-wife that I would love to cut off her income by joining FFL. I make about 40k, but only like 30k after she gets her share so this would not be a step down in pay for me.
Have military experience, actual combat in Afghanistan.
>Do they report your earnings to home country?
Doesn't France basically become your new home country?
I don't think you get a new passport for a few years so I doubt it.
Do it for your father and get training for the end times.
>Military helps pay the bills for a family
so does welfare, and both are funded with taxes paid by people with real jobs, being actually productive
yeah 30k annually is basically the same as 1200/month
As amilitary entity , la légion has is own secrecy policy and does protects its own
You can get a new identity if you ask for it they'all alsi assign you a new natioanlity ...the money will be deposited in an acoount by your new identity , so can't see it's possible to take money from you .
its not but I have expenses, my discretionary spending is less than 1200/month whereas in the military at least in my military the entire paycheck is discretionary
I'm betting they will reject me for being an overeducated first worlder though. I have a bachelors degree (its useless though).
>so does welfare, and both are funded with taxes paid by people with real jobs, being actually productive
The dollar would have crashed a long time ago if the US military didn't beat the shit out of every one that tried going of the petrodollar system. You can think whatever you want about that but the fact is that the dollar status as a world reserve currency is being held up by force alone.
So they are hardly welfare queens. Meddling good goy assholes that runs the errand of Israel? Yep, but not welfare queens.
If the Swedish Military is such and SJW shitfest why do so many ex swedish military guys volunteer for the far right Ukrainian military organization called the Azov Battalion?
and when I say far right I mean it in the true sense of the word not kike media sense of the word.
Yeah, do it. Just to put it on the resumé. Don't fall into the education-meme, get work right afterwards. Unless your education is something that you know for sure is in heavy demand.
Stick, jävla cancer.
>killing other white people in pointless border dispute
sounds far retard to me
>If the Swedish Military is such and SJW shitfest
Because it wasn't, and it isn't. But its turning into one and its getting worse by the day.
Still mostly right wing people though, just like in any other military in any other country. Pay and benefits are shit though, no such thing as a GI bill here.
Lots of live fire though, if you are in that kind of unit.
>protecting somalians, syrians and afghans who are raping your women
why? seriously, why
the idea that military is welfare is fucking stupid anyway. Clearly people in the military are working. Leftists and anarchists just want to call it welfare because they disagree with the moral purpose of that work or just are intimidated by fighting men and want to insult them.
>do GMU
>learn military stuff
>leave the military when done
>create a right wing death squad with other patriots
>start massacring mudshits, SJWs and other filth that förpestar riket
Every sovereign nation requires a standing army desu. When you join, you'll see its not about serving your country. No, its more about sacrificing alongside your brothers in arms. It many not make sense now, but if you do join you'll see what I'm saying.
I'd say join the russian army, because then you wouldn't fight for faggy social democratic intrests like equality, retarded border politics and dickgirls, and if the russians would to invade you'd be on the winning side
they reject you because , statisticly , you guys end up deserting , because you can always do better in your 1st world county,or you can't take a polish guy screaming in your face ...
3rd worlder stay because we're used to shittylife standard , they money is extremely good for what we use to , also that proise of the frech citizenship is a huge motivator
the 2 most important factors , from what is have seen , is in order , probability of wether you'll stay or not , and wether you're aprevious military or not
Join the underground white nationalist army.
If there's not one, make one. Day of the rope draws near
>the dollar status as a world reserve currency is being held up by force alone.
about one fifth of current US man power and spendings used efficiently would be sufficient for that
anything above that is to keep good boys like >The military is a good place to grow into a man. It literally saved my life.
off the streets without having to resort to evil socialism
>Clearly people in the military are working
they are working in the literal sense of spending energy over time
but they aren't working as in creating anything useful
the military is the king of useless waste of resources on bureaucracy, a corrupt defense industry and useless drills for 'muh preparedness
Sweden has a military? Literally their only goal in war is to defend Gotland. Nothing else
Defect to Finland.
>tfw Swedes use C6 GPMG but probably call it something gay
I guess cuck countries are more alike than we knew
Azov supports Feminists.
Saying something is welfare because you don't like the result of the work means welfare is in the eye of the beholder, which is stupid. Welfare is getting money for doing no work.
Pretty sure the Swedish army is LGBT-certified, it's become a place where poor genetics can excel whilst being mediocre at best. Physical and mental tests have been lowered beyond pathetic to be able to diversify it with women and colored people, you'll still have 'fun', but at this point it's like joining the scouts.
Yeah I was a Marine, I honestly don't see how slavs screaming at me is going to be any worse than what we had to go through. I honestly could do better in my home country but I really don't care about money and just want to get back into a position where I can shoot foreigners in exchange for money, particularly sandniggers.
dude , i'm technicly a sandnigger ...
Come apply , it will make you a better human and soldier
Sorry m8, if it makes you feel better last time I fought I had sandniggers on my side too. Its just easier to kill people who I know hate me already.
Is Russian invasion a widespread concern in Sweden or something? wtf?
just get out and start a new country somewhere else where people who live in it actually will care
its ok , i'd enjoy it too , he he
but all active work i did was Patroling in Toulouse ..
they hate you as much as they hate me so you probably would, I'm doing my online research on ffl now, fun to learn about
>Welfare is getting money for doing no work
and the military is getting money for playing with toys in a sandbox
both are a form of giving tax money to people who aren't fit to live on their own
Become a scientist and work for the military while not being enlisted.
Yes, but this is how you do it, you do it like Jesus would've done it:
>Act stupid/leftist/sjw
>Do acts that gets noticed, word spreads fast.
>The acts must be a sacrifice, so that no one else will do the same mistake.
Claim to be homosexual, claim rights, argue marxism, talk about how nice you think mulattos look.
"Listen! A farmer went out to plant his seed. While he was planting, some seed fell by the road, and the birds came and ate it up. 5Some seed fell on rocky ground where there wasn’t much dirt. That seed grew very fast, because the ground was not deep. But when the sun rose, the plants dried up because they did not have deep roots. Some other seed fell among thorny weeds, which grew and choked the good plants. So those plants did not produce a crop. Some other seed fell on good ground and began to grow. It got taller and produced a crop. Some plants made thirty times more, some made sixty times more, and some made a hundred times more.”
Then Jesus said, “Let those with ears use them and listen!
Nope, they prepare you for a war that doesn't exist, I tried 3 times to join though lol
Who knows maybe there will be an ethnic cleansing and you get to kill a few of them. And also make your father happy.
It's a win-win really.
Go full Breivik or you're a fag.
Every time a russian fighter jet or something else comes too close, it's a headline, like recently when Dmitriy Donskoy was spotted off the west coast, it made headlines, the funniest one i saw was an opinion piece written by a shitlib turk titled "We must not submit to russian agression".
Azov is a jew owned organization formed to ensure a safe heaven for the Khazarian mobsters in Ukraine, their "rightful" clay as they call it.
They are not better than the SJW's.
>Implying you won't climb up the ranks and stage a military coup
It would be almost too easy in a country like Sweden
Get the training with weapons whilst you can, soon enough 5-10 years; Once the nigger spending catches IP with your pussy men your job will be gone faster than cigarettes in the hood.
Loads of army jobs were cut in the early 90s when Sweden last went pussy up.