How much stronger have you gotten this year so far, Sup Forums?
You are keeping fit and improving your physique, aren't you?
How much stronger have you gotten this year so far, Sup Forums?
You are keeping fit and improving your physique, aren't you?
so much stronger, i can into 10 tacos in a sitting
Pick one
Impressive. But what's up with the half rep?
>having a women spot you
Bueno trabajo!
lifting and fitness is for vain faggots who can't into handiwork like actual men
Went from benching 190 to 245 within a month!! :) So Happy!
If you touch your sternum, it's not a half rep.
she don't even look like she's on power juice ...
I quit doing drugs.. It's a start
Have you never spotted anyone on the bench in your entire lives or what?
Powerlifting bench press is different from bodybuilding bench press. The former is about maximizing weight moved and the latter is about moving weight through a full range of motion to stimulate the muscle as much as possible.
It was a full rep.
In January I could bench press 40-45 kg of plates (plus whatever the weight of the pole), now I do 55-60 kg in 3x6-8 reps
Enjoy your double bypass.
I dunno, maybe I can bench 20lbs more now. I don't train a lot. I'm at ~180lbs for 9 reps now.
It's kind of hard to build muscle mass unless you actually have to lift heavy a lot and reach muscular failure.
I'm a DEXfag
Hi speed low drag
I've basically fucking stalled on all my lifts. I mean, you do generally tend to lose progress as you get stronger and it becomes exponentially harder, but goddamn, I'm in a rut.
Biggest reason for that is that I'm working now. It's a lot easier to be the most autistically efficient lifter in the world when you're just a collegefag who has time for all this shit, making sure you get enough sleep, getting enough macros, whatever.
I've gotten much weaker
That's why you do it after you do handiwork you jackass. You likely have crap energy if you cant lift after a work day. Kill yourself beer bellied fuck.
been doing crazy pelvis exeriseces so i'm almost fully at big cums
I pick two, but I'm not on the side of the majority of Sup Forums.
>Powerlifting bench press is different from bodybuilding bench press.
lmao no it's really not you delusional DYEL. The only difference is a body builder is injecting copious amounts of russian pharma while a power lifter is fat.
Just started lifting light weights and doing some startup physical fitness, currently ottermode so not all is lost
>Having a weaker person than yourself help you lift something you are struggling with
White nationalism = fit
Yup that's the trend. Read up on r/K selection theory as applied to politics you genetic reject.
been working out for about a month, so only slightly stronger
>that arch
HahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA he won't be able to walk in 5 years, good job Faggot, technique>weight, it's first grade
Manlet heavy lifters piss me off.
Guy I knew awhile back could bench a ton because he was so fucking short it's like his arms barely went above his chest. Same with squats.
Watched the vid again. he doesn't touch his sternum and he arches his back like a motherfucker. his upper arms are barely parallel to the floor. That, my friend, is a half rep. But don't get me wrong. 500 pounds is stil pretty fucking impressive.
stay mad lanklet
Ah, you haven't then. On the bench press, you don't need much assistance in order to be able to move the weight. Especially not at that level. If someone just applies a little extra force to help you out, you're gonna make it. And if you drop it? Well, nobody in the world is strong or fast enough to catch it.
>talks about "actual men"
>from Croatia
Thinks he's more of a man than any army or warrior in the world that ever existed because of "handiwork"
Rape baby with no dads and low IQ look like this,
Same. I work out every day usually but now because of how tiring work is, I have less time at the gym but I always make up for it
I bet most people who say this, including you, don't actually do hard work and are just scrawny faggots
No butt on bench = no rep. Still strong though.
It is not a half rep. You should stop talking about this now, DYEL.
My trigger finger is yoked and LASIK was a great investment.
I.e. My guns be yuge
The butt is on the bench matey.
Alex Jones needs to find better spotters.
just over 30%
>benching with your back arched off the bench
Absolutely fucking sickening
That girl is ugly as sin by the way
nice job brah, you're gonna make it
full body work out since 10 years ... if it weren't for a slight layer of fat i'd totally look a gym rat (not gym bro)
shoulder exc. guided but free weights > 150max and 140kg regulary 3 sets 8 - 12 reps ...
bench - i'm fucking weak and with it being the 5th or 6th excercise kinda strained ... manage only 80kg regulary 8 - 12 reps x 3
legs 180kg div.
not really bragging but every faggot can get there, at some point its the same as taking a shit, you just do it because it serves a purpose
wanna be a enthusiast in taking a shit? knock yourself out champ, just don't break that asshole + consider reading a book once in a while ...
you're gonna make it bro, nice!
that's fucked lmao
I can bench 250 for 8 reps in 3 sets but I don't desire to really do more, I'm only 5'11 and more implies potential injury/loss of mobility etc.
All for being fit but fitness to the point of t-rex arms defeats the purpose to me, ya you can stick your dick in spray tanned sluts all day but could you imagine having a butthole itch you lack the mobility to adequately scratch?
Count me out.
I seriously thought this guy was about to die.
Confirmed for not lifting.
If you ever do bench, and fail a rep and need the spotter to step in, do not give up completely. The spotter is not there to take the load entirely, they really can't (unless they're much stronger) due to the position involved. They just pull a bit, allowing you to get through the sticking point and lock it out.
If you give up entirely, you'll either fuck up their back (if they're dumb) or get the bar dropped on you (if they're smart).
I'm still able to do my 3-day-a-week lifting program, but it's more about not getting enough sleep and autistically counting calories to make sure you're getting 3000 kcal/day and like 150 g/day of protein and such. And the further you progress, the more the slightest little thing will cause you to stall or lose strength.
If I were to plot my progress over the past year or so, it'd look like a sinewave. Feel like I'm making progress, then stall and have to drop the weight, then work back up, then stall again, etc. I'm okay where I am, I guess.
and barely any leg drive. it's a very strong bench especially for a man his size, but bench press fucks my lower back harder than squats and deads and it isn't even close. it also fucks my neck. it's just a very awkward and unnatural movement
competitive powerlifters, especially heavier guys and the top guys, are on just as much shit and often more. and the user is correct about the motion being different
Lost 60 pounds. No need to hit the gym, naturally buff, Arab masterrace.
I tried doing some pushups today.
Stronger. Got me and the family up to 2 exercise sessions a day just as prescribed to the hitlerjunend.