She has a point you know

She has a point you know
Isn't this what you racist anti-immigrantionists wanted?

Other urls found in this thread:

no. half of those farmhand positions need to be filled by women

She must be confused.

The real question is, did these farmers try to hire American workers at a fair wage?

Put women to work in the fields.


why aren't women lining up for those jobs?

There's no such thing as a legal job that no one wants, only wages that no one will accept. Maybe if wages improved, whites would start doing that labor. But leftists thought the best solution to a labor shortage was bringing in beaners from across the board to depress wages. Real champions of the working class.

Why not mechanize it?

Surely there are Machines that can do this work?


California always votes blue. Why would Trump voter want to live there?

and supplementing the beans with welfare paid for by the taxpayers which makes 4$ an hour a livable wage. true heroes

>Implying snownigs can work in the heat

Fucking kek, they'll pass out.

Someone with a twitter ask her why women don't want equal opportunity when it comes to doing hard labor?

You just remembered Commiefornia had a chance to stop illegal spics flooding the country, and the people voted for it and then the SCOTUS turned it down

Democucks really did ruin this country

These farms get heavy government subsidies, maybe they should pay real wages before complaining about crop loss

>wahhhh big farms can't use slave labor anymore why would you do this evil thing stupid drumpflets

Why are neoliberals so embarrassing?

Americans might not pick crops, but they do work construction, work in kitchens, are carpenters, welders, maintenance men. There are many jobs that illegals do compete with Americans for. With supervised seasonal immigrants, we could take care of the crops.

Do I also get paid under the table?

Blame immigration for rotting crops, don't hire workers and pay unemployment insurance et al, make insurance claim, get paid anyway.

So while you get uneducated incompetent people into high paying jobs created by white men to receive annual $200k for zero contribution, you want us to work on the fields with our masters degrees and professional expertise?
Its like "hey there are jobs, you can suck my dick for $1.20".
Fuck you.

Pretty sure most women would make better farmers than Snownigs.

What happened with diversity?

I'll work that job when it pays a fair wage.

>work on the fields with our masters degrees and professional expertise?

Nobody wants Jews working on the fields just snowniggers. They're basically animals as it is.

This story has already been debunked. It uses 2015 data, and then blames trump

Fact check, you fucking morons.

I would love to work as a farm laborer if the Mexicans were gone. The problem is, they aren't gone.

Let's archive that

Exactly. We need to increase the number of blacks and women working on the fields. They asked for diversity.

This, anything else would be sexist

a programmed God amongst mere mortals. Thank you Norge

There are more blacks that are unemployed.

You say that like they belong there, as a latino I find your comment very fucking offensive, why can't white men do the job?
"no it has to be the fucking spics, they are the ones that can do it because they belong there" "white men don't want to do that job because they need AC at all time, nigger latinos are used to it so put them to work and pay them as the borderline slave they are"
Fuck you nigger, anybody can do the job it doesn't have to be an specific race to do a shitty job

Lol, liberal women are the worst. No wonder the vast majority of them are resorting to egg freezing because no man wants to date them.

Bitter lonely bitches is what they are.


Lol, you guys are the next closest things to niggers.

black unemployment is high, maybe they should lay off the crack and get to going

We've got a bunch of unemployed niggers lazing about on welfare, they could use jobs too. Call it workfare, farmer pays illegal alien wage to nigs, us gov supplements with section 8, foodstamps, and negative taxation, all conditional upon employment and drug-testing.

i dont think women have it in them to pick the fields

women CANT do it


Perfect hero to solve california problems..
He would be trans lesbian these days.

Spaniards are white. Deal w/it, Pedro

No its should be all women.
Ill enjoy the welfare.

>whites achieve X
>turns out X is a big pile of shit
you people are a fucking joke

>The Democrats are justifying slavery again

Damn. That post made me really sad. Are there really people like you on this planet or are you just pretending to be stupid?

>ITT: retards

yeah, good point.
Why is she on twitter when she could be working and eliminating the lack of diversity in the farming trade?

work in the field is traditionally a woman's job

Put California out of business.

pay me a living wage and I'll pick those fucking crops all day, I'll get ripped and bang tons of chicks too idgaf. But I do care about employers paying me garbage and mexicans $2 an hour to shit up my state just so they can get rich.

>california crops

who cares

I bet the libruls must be so salty, anyway enjoy your rapidly rising food costs

Yupp Koreans and Japanese doing gods work.

>enjoy your rapidly rising food costs

>farmers hire Americans at an acceptable wage
>prices goes up
>people don't buy the produce
>equilibrium is reached
Why do they hate economics?

When the revolution starts, this bitch will be first against the wall. Smug fucking cunt.

Nah, the next closest thing is your rape babies.

The farmers don't even pay min wage you dumb cunt--you know, the min wage you and other librard trash voted for

Opinionated Spic/nigger women are the absolute worst. So glad I don't live in america. I would go insane.

How do we empty out the ghetto, the hood, the crackhouses, the inner city and the prisons? How do we get the unemployed and uneducated out of the rut they've been stuck in since the Johnson administration? How do we get the welfare kangz and queens to work the fields in place of the illegals we're deporting?

>other countries flood the market with cheap produce
>american farms go out of business.
>land is turned into condos for the chines
>3rd world countries can now jack up produce prices
>america pays more for produce and no jobs are created.

why do you lack understanding of the free market?


Fuck you and your illegal family, spic. abuelita is going BACK

We knew many many MANY jobs were taken by illegals already though

better that we let them sit and stew in their lost profits for a season and come in when they're willing to may more than the dirt wages that can only sustain jungle people

I would gladly be a farmer we dont need you spic.
Fuck ad be a farmer just to have free food fuck you mean.

What a cuck. Hard farming work has traditionally been the work of men. You're just a faggot

sexist. why are you trying to keep women out of the workplace

Good kids can get their ass out there and work just like my generation did, and buy their own damn sneakers, I-phones etc.

And be better off for it.

planting the seed and tilling the field, harvest is women work
t. farm boy

I already have a job in engineering, I'll pass.

What's the pay though? If I wasn't an automation technician, then I'd do it for at least $15/h and full benefits (that may go up depending on the cost of living there).

There are certain crops that really can't be mechanized very well without harming the crop at the moment. Like certain fruits get bruised if you use a machine to shake them out of a tree. At least that's what I read somewhere. Seems like a pretty easy problem to tackle but I don't know much about it

They did this for Prop 8 as well.

Yeah why don't you go ahead and move out of that high paying job to open up much needed opportunities for women of color. You can go pick avocados for a while.
Oh what's that? I'm asking too much for you to give up a little bit of privilege to do the kind of labor brown people have been doing for you your whole life? Are your white supremacist fee-fees hurt?
Good. Once Trump is impeached, and that will be soon, there will be nobody to protect you from getting exactly what you deserve.

If no legal citizens are not willing to work for the posted wage, they'll have to raise the wage until people want the job. This is not a shortage, and if you think otherwise you are promoting modern day proto-slavery.

>professional expertise

having a bachelors in english/music isn't professional expertise or know-how, you're useless

No thanks.
I'm going to make niggers, spics and women support me for a change.

I don't live in California, but yes this is what I wanted.

>as a functioning adult
Those are for teens


And it's working.

There are already pneumatic driven soft robot, but it still needs image based pattern recognition to function.

In the spirit of equality, of which the state of California loves to remind us its the best in, I'll be expecting 50% of those farmhands to be female.

California is the largest agricultural economy in the country. If California crops fail, food prices skyrocket This post gave me autism

California Proposition 187: Californians voted against illegal immigration

California Proposition 8: Californians rejected gay marriage (2008)

In the end, it didn't matter, because some Leftist judges on the Ninth Circuit decided otherwise.

yeah, and i see no problem with it

Yay, another thread that's just a Twitter screen shot of some random nobody.

Awesome. My kids can go work there for the local minimum wage and pay full taxes on their earnings.

I'm excited.

I'd be willing to work on a farm. Just not on the left coast. RIP Cali Produce!

Don't care.
I grow my own food and literally live behind a farm.
Fuck you all.


Force welfare blacks to pick the crops.

California must be hurting now that their slaves are being taken away

I knew it was horrible tone deaf larping halfway through but posted anyway because fuck it. I can usually get a rise out of Sup Forums but not today. Enjoy the free autism.

You can't send KANGZ to do that shitty work.

So are my sides.

Because I'd do it for a fair wage and then after realizing that its shit work for human beings, I'd devise a cost effective form of automation.

Hey unemployed roasties, would you take a look at that absolute inundation of labour, right, fucking, there, just waiting for the taking.