They're going to team up, aren't they?
They're going to team up, aren't they?
what is about venezuela ? care to spoonfeed me ?
what is he going to throw? sticks?
does he even have the resources to throw sticks? HAHAHAHAHA
That's right.
would be interesting as fuck
Jackie Chan and Freddy Mercury? A new Band? What will the name will possibly be?
how would they team up? I mean logistically, just how?
What the fuck is Maduro gonna do to help Kim?? Give him a mustache ride maybe??
Lol please nuke venezuela already.
More like Garfunkle and Oates
US will hack NK's missles to hit Venezuela.
tried socialism; failed, now in civil war
Lmao what are they gonna do? Starve together ?
Team up for what? Neither have any significant power projection. Team up to wage defensive wars against America?
Good luck involving yourself in a war with America when your barely containing a civil war as it stands.
actually no. maduro wants to go to USA to talk to trump. If they talk and maduro dont kill trump he is obviously going to take a deal with USA.
delet this
Good, let's kill two communist regimes in one go.
are you serious nigger