Who are our most important public figures? What is your opinion on:
Andrew Anglin
Richard Spencer
Matthew Heimbach
Gavin McInnes
Jared Taylor
Paul Joseph Watson
Alex Jones
Tomi Lahren
Ann Coulter
Sean Hannity

Add anyone else who deserves inclusion.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sargon, obviously. He's the current leader of the Alt-Right.

Mike Enoch
'Seventh Son' Sven (Jesse)

On phone so sorry for bad layout

Who are our most important public figures? What is your opinion on:
Andrew Anglin
Our guy
Richard Spencer
Gay faggot controlled op
Matthew Heimbach
Larpy cringy retard
Gavin McInnes
Shill, racemixer
Weirdo but still our guy
Jared Taylor
Boring Jew loving cuck
Paul Joseph Watson
Alex Jones
Tomi Lahren
Ann Coulter
Our girl
Sean Hannity
Abit cucky but he's alright
Boring cuck
Our girl persececuted by gay skeptics

>rainbow flag
>support of sargon of cuck

Anders Breivik


Augustus Invictus seems to be one of the most legit mother fuckers out there.

I hope he does unite the right and the shills get exposed.


dr. david duke needs to be on this list. his name is ruined forever but he has made it his lifes work to drop nuclear redpills that serve as a foundation to this movement

second is jared taylor because he is a perfect representative with only one flaw (the jq) that dr. duke fills in

everyone else is a distant, distant third. doing great work, but these guys are giants and anyone else stands on their shoulders.
mark collett is also very strong but i dont give a fuck about brits really

>Andrew Anglin
mixture of good/shit
>Richard Spencer
pretty good
>Matthew Heimbach
don't know enough
>Gavin McInnes
>Jared Taylor
>Paul Joseph Watson
too cucked for us but not awful
>Alex Jones
good memes, bad content
>Tomi Lahren
>Ann Coulter
>Sean Hannity
potential for good

I'm assuming you mean living figures? Because there are a lot more great public figures that are dead.

Anyway, I'll give you my 'quick rundown'

>Andrew Anglin
Our guy x 100
>Richard Spencer
Our guy absolutely

>Matthew Heimbach
Our guy defo

>Gavin McInnes
Bit of a cuck -but he has some good issues (overall falls into the category of 'don't puch right' - I wouldn't criticise 'him' unless he criticises us.

Absolutely essential, tech support for the coming reich

>Jared Taylor
Good 'gateway drug' to the movement, one of the people who got me woke af.

>Paul Joseph Watson
Don't know much about him but I think he falls into Gavin McInnes tier.

>Alex Jones

>Tomi Lahren

>Ann Coulter
seems like a solid paleo conservative - don't know much that she's said desu

>Sean Hannity

seems like a faggot, maybe low gavin mcinnes tier

seems like //our girl// from what i've heard of her

>Andrew Anglin
Don't know him well, but I don't get a good first impression due to him being a stormfag and a weeb.
>Richard Spencer
Seems very self-centered to me, I get the impression that he desperately wants to be the führer of the alt-right. Nevertheless, he spends a lot of time promoting the alt-right and is usually smarter than the leftist retards he argues with, so I can't really dissaprove of him. I will never consider him to be my leader though.
>Matthew Heimbach
Don't know much about TradYouth, but I've heared it's similar to Generation Identitaire, so it sounds good to me.
>Gavin McInnes
Don't know who that is
>Jared Taylor
I like him, he makes a good case for the effects of racial consiousness on society.
>Paul Joseph Watson
I actually really like him. He makes good, normie friendly, videos about why postmodernism is cancer.
>Alex Jones
>Tomi Lahren
Don't know him/her
>Ann Coulter
Good for redpilling boomers I guess
>Sean Hannity
Same as above

The guys from TRS probably deserve inclusion on this list. IMO TDS is shitty, save for the Merchant Minute, but FtN is 5/5 bretty gud.

he's gay.

Andrew Anglin - Decent. Great propagandist. More intelligent than most give him credit for.

Richard Spencer - Very intellectual, often too esoteric for most to properly understand. Good looking and counteracts the "stupid, inbred hick" image we've come to be associated with.

Matthew Heimbach - Intelligent, good debater. Ideally should lose some weight.

Gavin McInnes - Degenerate and self-proclaimed race-mixer.

weev - Good asset. If there's one thing our side needs, it's hackers and coders. Used to say he was Jewish, but now seems confident he isn't. No proof for either scenario.

Jared Taylor - Very intelligent and very good debater. Like Spencer, he counteracts the unintelligent stereotype.

Paul Joseph Watson - Tolerable. Too soft to properly be /ourguy/.

Alex Jones - Meme.

Tomi Lahren - Basic bitch neoconservative. Attractive, but no signs she's moving any further to the right.

Ann Coulter - Seems scared to be explicitly pro-white, which lowers her in my estimation.

Sean Hannity - Neoconservative who countersignals the "far-right"

Styxhexenhammer666 - Intelligent, kind of odd. Deep thinker, which is an asset.

RageAfterStorm - Attractive, gave in to trolls and deleted her account. Hoepfully she comes back.

>give me your shekels goys! How else are you going to get red pilled?
Fuck these clowns.

>Andrew Anglin
Very good BUT definitely worse than useless with normies; will just turn them off.
>Richard Spencer
Nice guy, works hard, but trying to fill a role that's too big for him. He isn't tough, sharp, aggressive enough to be the "leader of the alt-right".
>Matthew Heimbach
>Gavin McInnes
He's trying to walk a narrow path on the edge of respectability. Which way would he go if things got real? Hard to say
Our guy, albeit a bit of a bullshitter/self-promoter. Self-indulgent; likes the sound of his own voice. But there are worse vices.
>Jared Taylor
Our guy. One of the few people I would forgive for not (it seems) being on board with the JQ
>Paul Joseph Watson
See Gavin Mcinnes
>Alex Jones
>Tomi Lahren
>Ann Coulter
Our gal. A bit like Jared in that even if she isn't on board with the JQ she gets forgiven because she's so great otherwise.
>Sean Hannity
OK maybe, but anyone that mainstream is always a bit suspect
Overrated IMO. Pseudo-intellectual degenerate lolbertarian.

Could add:-

>Millennial Woes
Nice enough guy, seems to believe the right things, but he's not really serious/weighty enough to be a major player. He does decent work.

>Millennial Woes
>Listening to a guy who used to live in his fathers basement

Not an argument. Benefit scrounging, obese, chainsmoking, dick sucking and ass fucking neets addicted to coke with just terrible hair can be the saviours of the white race, you know.

Jeremy Joseph Christian

Yeah David Duke is definitely more serious than almost anyone else on that list, but (at least for the time being) he's useless, as you said.
It's a real pity coz if you can just get someone listening to him he is completely reasonable, but no-one will listen to him until they're on our side already.
Also I guess he has to be running out of steam a bit.

I don't know much about Sam Dickson but from just a couple of AmRen speeches he seems like a really good guy.

Another really good guy (but much more of a back-room intellectual) is Peter Brimelow.

This country was built on 30 year old neets you know

our guy but he's semi cringe tier, knows chan culture and memes but markets them like a jewish redditor. autist.
>Richard Spencer
our guy
>Matthew Heimbach
our guy
>Gavin McInnes
our guy
>Jared Taylor
our guy
>Paul Joseph Watson
>Alex Jones
court jester
>Tomi Lahren
don't care
>Ann Coulter
don't care
>Sean Hannity
don't care
cringe tier
want to fuck

>Matthew Heimbach


I love Milo Yiannopolous idc if he's a jew.

On and off with him. For every one thing I like about him there's another I despise. The Daily Stormer can be funny but I think it's turned into something it was never meant to be.
Again on and off. He comes across as intelligent and well-mannered but for whatever reason he has a tendency to look like an idiot in public.
Pretty good. Basically Spencer except he's not an MSM punchingbag.
Funny, but like Anglin he's kind of a normie repellent.
Honestly probably the best option we've got for a political solution to this whole mess. I'd call him our one real leader in all of this.
Entry-level, but extremely good for redpilling former liberals.
>Alex Jones
>Tomi Lahren
basic bitch neocon
>Ann Coutler
Basically Taylor's female equivalent. Pretty good.
Decent for a Fox reporter, but still a neocon.
Weird persona and appearance, but actually pretty intelligent and well-spoken. He's got a pretty good batting average when it comes to predictions.
Feel bad that she was chased off of Youtube. Hope she comes back.


>Andrew Anglin
our guy. The daily stormer is the most popular alt right website atm
>Richard Spencer
hit or miss. Has a lot of pressure on his shoulders since the media has named him the leader of the alt right. He's a smart guy but comes off as an egghead sometimes.
>Matthew Heimbach
The better version of Spencer who IMO should be the leader of the alt right. He's Orthodox, has 3 kids, and is very well spoken.
>Gavin McInnes
Neocon faggot. Though creating the proud boys was a good idea. We need more men's organizations.
Don't know too much about him
>Jared Taylor
The father of the movement. Even though he probably won't live to see the ethnostate implemeneted he'll be remembered as the guy who started it all like john locke is to liberalism and marx is to communism.
>Paul Joseph Watson
Normie redpills
>Alex Jones
>Tomi Lahren
controlled opposition
Ann Coulter
>normie redpill
Sean Hannity
>shitty version of Tucker
>has good insights but his upbringing and locatation leaves him ignorant of the true nature of race
standard patreon whore, who

We need a Christopher Hitchens. The closest thing we presently have is Jordan Peterson.

>the unintelligent stereotype

It may sound silly but where did the stereotype even come from?

>whites invent literally everything and hand forge civilization for thousands of years
>dude whites are dumb racists lmao

Unintelligent stereotype of white nationalists. Basically the fat rednecks and ugly skinheads.

Most of the people on your list are a road to failure. We're not the Left (who are most comfortable in opposition). We're in it to win, and none of those folks make the cut.

Milo is a jew. He admitted it on the NPR interview.

Milo is an attention whore who's only in this for the publicity. He's made that pretty clear with his recent antics.

I think this is a data mining thread, so faggots can choose targets for their mass flagging gayness.

SeeEver since the end of WWII there's been an effort to portray the "far-right" as stupid and ugly, usually via skinheads or rednecks. Quite tragic considering how intellectual far-right ideologies of the past such as fascism and NatSoc were.

Jim goad should be on this list, along with some of the takimag crew, amren, and vdare contributors. Like derbyshire, Steve sailer, and whoever else.
Another interesting guy is Boyd rice. He was Sup Forums Sup Forums incarnate in like 1992, but has mellowed out. I think he just doesn't give a shit

Pretty sure it was his father's attic.
Checkmate, atheists.






>Andrew Anglin
controlled opposition
publishes stories that are fake news
not cnn fake news, but actual fake stories, a.k.a hoaxes

might be genuine
but i've caught him talk about a certain topic where he didn't know what he's talking about.
said a lot of things that were wrong
but you wouldn't notice because he said it in such a confident way that he sounds as if he knew what he's talking about
he may be doing it on other topics
since he seems like a genuine guy, my guess is he's only done 3 hours of research before posting a video about it




>Not posting Ron Paul
>Not posting Millenial Woes


Andrew Anglin good
Richard Spencer good
Matthew Heimbach good
Gavin McInnes gay
weev good
Jared Taylor good
Paul Joseph Watson gay
Alex Jones gay
Tomi Lahren gay
Ann Coulter good
Sean Hannity good
Styxhexenhammer666 gay
RageAfterStorm gay







>tomi lahren

Who wrote this list? The_Donald?

Aren't you the cutest little faggottry exoert

Forgot Milo

>Andrew Anglin
funny dude, blames modernity's ills on Jews when they're only a piece of the puzzle, see also: Mike Enoch

>Richard Spencer
Solid. It would be nice if everyone on the right knew their Heidegger.

>Matthew Heimbach
Needs to lose weight. Churchie. Otherwise ourguy.

>Gavin McInnes
not sure if he's ourguy; will be demonized by the (((left))) despite Milo-tier opportunism


>Jared Taylor
Defends white identity too often in bourgeois terms, rather than something desirable in itself. Doesn't criticize Jews.

>Paul Joseph Watson
thinks his counter-signaling will save him from getting Shoahed; there is more to life than $$ bro

>Alex Jones
A paradoxical figure: ourguy, shill, and conman rolled into one ball of super male vitality

>Tomi Lahren
Basic bitch conservative, has redpilled instincts but is not redpilled.

>Ann Coulter
One of us and hides her power level. See also: Tucker Carlson

>Sean Hannity
treats politics in a typical boomer fashion, like cheering for a sports team

i don't follow this guy

don't trust anyone with a nose ring



hey faggot you forgot somebody

>Andrew Anglin
>Tomi Lahren
>Matthew Heimbach
Literally who?
>Richard Spencer
CIA plant controlled opposition
>Gavin McInnes
Alt lite and a literal faggot
>Jared Taylor
Also literally who.
>Paul Joseph Watson
Annoying drama queen but his points resonate with normalfags.
>Alex Jones
Possibly a plant but an excellent source of memes. Just don't take him too seriously.

>Ann Coulter
Hysterical fairweather Trump supporter but she does share many of our views.
>Sean Hannity
He's alright if a little wierd.
Victim of the Skeptic Justice Warriors but I don't trust anybody with a nosering.

Sup Forums criminally underrates Steve Sailer.


Attack the public figures thread?
Attack the public figures thread.

Arex Jones


Andrew Anglin great
Richard Spencer good
Matthew Heimnach ok
Gavin McInnes bad
weev good
Jared Taylor good
Paul Joseph Watson no value
Alex Jones no value
Tomi Lahren no value
Ann Coulter great
Sean Hannity fine, mostly harmless
Styxhexenhammer666 no clue RageAfterStorm great





>Andrew Anglin
Non-white gook fetishist
>Richard Spencer
closeted homosexual contrarian
>Matthew Heimbach
non-white low IQ strasserite
>Gavin McInnes
>Jared Taylor
>Paul Joseph Watson
>Alex Jones
bill hicks
>Tomi Lahren
annoying cunt who is nowhere near as attractive as people maker her out to be
>Ann Coulter
our guy
>Sean Hannity
shabbos goy cuckservative
probably a jew, but for sure a useless eceleb cunt


Rageafterstorm is a retarded asian girl.


Literally whos the lot of them, except for Hannity. He's the only one on your list well known enough to be considered a public figure.

Scott Adams



Funny cunt


Funny cunt. Alright dude. Racist dancer.


Don't know much about him. Seems like a bit of a Larper, but he's on our side so whatever.


He's alright. Don't really watch his stuff though. Good for the kids and normies



>Jared Taylor

Yeah, he's pretty great.


I'm not going to piss on him in public, but he's irritating as fuck and cringe worthy

>Alex Jones

/ourdrunkuncle/ and a humble water filter salesman

>Tomi Lahren

Literally don't care. She's for the Fox News crowd

>Ann Coulter

She's alright. Mostly correcet about everything. Not someone I watch or read with any frequency though.

>Sean Hannity

Bandwagonning Neo-Con. Literally pay no attention to him




Future Wife.

Also, the MOST /ourguy/ guys are pic related.

Anyone who denies this is reddit.


>Literally who?


Jason Unruhe

Tara McCarthy


(((Andrew Anglin of the daily jewer))

Ricardo Spencer just treads water for clicks

Gavin McInnes is a faggot for jews

(((weev))) is a subhuman disgusting creepy jew

Jared Taylor is a anti-white cuck that had his balls clipped by his handlers

Paul Joseph Watson is a lower iq cuck

Alex Jones is an absolute idiot controlled by jews

Sean Hannity has been cool for a long time

>there are better and smarter neets on this site

Make way, foreign ignorance coming through.

>Andrew Anglin
>Richard Spencer
Don't like him.
>Matthew Heimbach
>Gavin McInnes
Seems okish.
>Jared Taylor
>Paul Joseph Watson
Hard to take him seriously.
Imagine my shark.
>Alex Jones
Same as pjw.
>Tomi Lahren
>Ann Coulter
>Sean Hannity
Seems ok
What i've heard from him seems ok. But it's fucking hard to take someone with that nickname and that appearance seriously.
Sorry lad.

Dr. David Duke posts on Sup Forums believe it or not.

>Andrew Anglin
>Richard Spencer
>Matthew Heimbach
>Gavin McInnes
>Jared Taylor
>Paul Joseph Watson
>Alex Jones
>Tomi Lahren
Jews and Zionists

>Ann Coulter

>Sean Hannity


nice data mining thread senpai

>>Andrew Anglin
>controlled opposition
>publishes stories that are fake news
>not cnn fake news, but actual fake stories, a.k.a hoaxes

he's also a jew thief that steals from little kids on his jew handlers orders


That's my home town hero!

then your town will burn


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Dear redditfag,

you have to go back.

