Why does Sup Forums hate him so much?
Honest thoughts on PJW?
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(((they))) want us fighting amongst ourselves so PJW and the rest of the alt-lite, being soft on israel, was targeted for this campaign. agree with them on the jews or not, these people are important to our movement and are direly needed as beginning redpills for normies. lauren southern, pjw, gavin mcinnes, milo, alex jones, etc. dont listen to divide and conquer campaigns!!
>Why does Sup Forums hate him so much
I quite like him, Sup Forums is not an echo chamber. We can and will discuss diffrent views. This is not reddit.
This lad gets it.
Kys faggot.
You and all the other divide and conquer assholes.
As long as you're against the left, you're ok by me.
After we beat them we can fight amongst ourselves
Imajun mah shawk!
Just like him i take two CAPSHOOHULS of brain force every morning.
he makes too much meteor predictions for me
Anyone who compares AntiFa to Nazis and denies Jewish power is a shill you retarded cunt
Alt-lite civic nationalist e-celeb.
The only e-celeb Sup Forums likes is PewDiePie because he's pink-pilling 57 million 12-year-olds so that when they grow up we can red pill them fully.
>puchable face
>shitty accent
>garbage video
>terrible point of view and opinions
insipid alt-lite trash. media fast food that makes CNN look like a paragon of impartiality and truth
>Sup Forums is one person
Also mainstream meteor is pretty funny, the only halfway decent shill campaign.
neo nazis are as retarded as antifas. As a Britt you should know better
Sup Forums likes people like david duke because they name the jew
Don't hate him, just really don't care about YouTube people either way.
They're fine for whatever purpose they serve, but once you know what's what, they're pretty much just redundancies that become targets for the enemy.
What is wrong with Nazism?
Don't forget to mention that he got schooled like a bitch by none of other than Anthony Fucking Fantano
Sup Forums hates him because they are afraid that his considerable powers of rhetoric will be turned on them and completely BTFO them, like he did here:
He's a pretty good comedian though.
>Sup Forums is not an echo chamber
xDDDD implying
He's a hypocrite.
Jealousy. Pure jealousy.
You have a reading comprehension problem.
PJW won't address racial realism, and keeps going with the Civic Nationalism meme, which is changing nothing about the situation that's destroying us.
Hack e-celeb who parrots whatever he finds on Sup Forums for clickbait. Changes his mind on things on an almost daily basis. Annoying voice and closeted homosexual.
If anyone needs proof that most of the alt-right talking heads are just unintelligent and uninspired nobodies trying to appeal to plebs
>xDDDD implying
Do you get banned if you don't agree with a certain agenda? Do you have to agree with the narrative to gain upvotes and karma? All threads are based on popularity, Sup Forums is free speech. Call me a faggot and that will be fine because that would be your opinion.
>has a rebel flag
>is a civic cuck
He should be shot. Closet-sodomite, pro-sodomite and the only difference between him and spencer is that spencer, while being worthless cattle, doesn't say stupid shit like " antifa ar da real fushists" and quote Churchill while being at it.
I don't like him because he is controlled opposition. He never named the jew and probably never will.
A kosher gate-keeper. Possibly a Jew because of his large lower lip.
it killed millions of white people and it made nationalism a taboo subject
Let me guess, you're also against purity spiraling, support spencer and blame natsocs of being d&c shills? Then your opinion is worth disregard.
I'm not a big fan of the way he presents himself and talks. I want a speaker who composes himself more like a mix between Milo and Shapiro.
Show me the last time any neo nazi group has actively tried to suppress a leftwing political gathering in the US. I think the last time was in the 70s when them and the KKK shot at some hippie communists
Yeah only because the British empire wanted war
>don't worry Poland we will protect you
>just kidding enjoy communist occupation!
>it killed millions of white people and it made nationalism a taboo subject
National socialism didn't do that. Race betrayal by a majority of western european who prefered siding with the jew rather than with their own did that.
Thanks boys.
If Hitler had won there wouldn't be muslim pedophile grooming rings in most english towns. Think about it.
The only e-celeb I actively hate is Sarcuck, otherwise I just disregard them.
1) op shill creates a thread asking about a person and he pretends to be unbiased, just asking a question
2) other shills come in to answer the question, as planned, with planned answers
3) oh it's just an organic thread with real people responding, take it in goys, this is the social consensus here, we don't like this person and neither would you
yeah cause larping as nazis changes everything
civic nationalism can be accepted by the general public and promote and pass policies such as restricted immigration.
you'll never kick out every non-white person from america, it's a stupid fantasy larp. civic nationalism can actually get shit done, which is why the topjews try to push you back into reichfag larping where your opinions can be safely ignored
Hitler was a crazy maniac. It would have been even worse.
I think you're all cunts desu
>you'll never kick out every non-white person from america
I don't think it was ever the point of ethno nationalism. Aren't they more into seceding and making a white only country ?
What are you so ashamed of ?
Thank fuck we did. All you tattooed American mongrels owe us your life. You would not be fit to wipe an Aryans boots. You are the gypsies of the new world. Degenerate scum
I think his schtick became kind of annoying, but he was one of the best in making videos straight to the point that could be shared like a bomb.
I like the way he talks and how he says "Imagine my shock", but other than that he's just another political thinkman
he's a faggot
he is good, I just got bored with him. but he is great at redpilling. you have to remember that there are many antifa discord shills that come here in an attempt to sway public opinion too.