I have a pretty good claim on the Byzantine throne

I have a pretty good claim on the Byzantine throne
What would be the best way to go about pressing it

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Live a couple of thousand years ago

How so?
Who are you a descendant of?

post on Sup Forums about the jews

step 1: reclaim constantinople in the name of christ
step 2: name yourself emperor by rite of blood and steel
step 3: ???
step 4: profit

>I have a pretty good claim on the Byzantine throne

by killing erdogan and eating his heart,only then you can sit on the throne of Byzantium

Prove yourself worthy. Lead our army of conquest and remove the turks.

The last titular Eastern Roman Emperor, Andreas Palaiologos, sold his imperial title to Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile before his death in 1502.
However, in practice this title and claim was never much pushed or enacted to reclaim Constantinople or any Roman territories. Nevertheless, many cities and institutions in Spain to this day use the double-headed Roman eagle. The city of Toledo, Spain and the province of Zamora, Spain are just few of many examples: see Coat of arms of Toledo (Spain).

One of the junior branches of the Palaiologos

Come with us brother, we will take back Constantinople from the Saracens.

Thats a Bulgarian Tsar,my dude

Build up your plot strength

By taking Constantinople. Otherwise claims to the Byzantine throne means about as much as trying to claim the Ottoman throne.

Get rich
Get sizable army of mercenaries.
Invade turkey.
Kill off the Turks in Anatolia.
Colonize Anatola with Balkan people.
Somehow avoid NATO involvement.

• Give birth to 3 dragons.
• Raise a fucking army.
• Build a fleet of ships.
• Get a small loan of a million dollars from your father.
• Get pegged by Vulva Putin.
• ??????
• Profit!

please stop larping.

>implying the Roman throne gives a fuck about bloodlines and dynasties

To the strongest.

Get some investment and buy a private army with which to invade Turkey with. I'd recommend starting small and trying to reclaim the area of Trebizond then working your way up to Constantinople.

It would probably be best to take advantage of the chaos is Syria and start there and try and gain followers

As Charlemagne's 31st-great grandson I think you're a faggot. Why would you want to rule roaches?

"I'm the Βασινεύ των Ρωμαιων! I know I don't control actual Rome but I have a New Rome that I just call 'into the city.'" Also "Irene Imperatrix Augusta." Like what the fuck. No such thing as an Imperatrix.

Why not remove?

Yes goy err, friend, Deus Vult is hate speech against Muslims.
We should stop using such hatred violence inciting meme.

I'd start with the Ecumenical Patriarch. If he recognizes you as basileus, the rest of the empire will fall in line. You'll have to do something to prove your worth, though. Can you take Hagia Sophia and hold it long enough to re-sanctify it?


Hire varagian guard to throw you off your roof

Fpbp :)

Didn't someone from that family marry into the Russian royalty? I know they started calling themselves Third Rome.

Except the Empire did not exist a couple thousand years ago

Uh like everyone. Princess St. Olga Equal-to-the-Apostles was the daughter of a Byzantine Emperor and married the Prince of the Kievan Rus'. Helena Dragaš, AKA St. Hypmone, was the mother of the last two Roman Emperor and husband of the third-to-last, and a Kievan Princess.

Pic related is the last Tsar and Tsarina. She's dressed in imitation of the Byzantine princesses Kievan Princes were so fond of marrying.

It's simple but elegant I like it

>some Amerifat thinks he's a byzantine emperor
the larping never ends

Nouveau riche Americans married into a lot of noble Yuro houses back in the 1900s


>has "claim" on throne of long time ruined empire
>uses Bulgarian tsar
Ride never ends on Sup Forums

You won't get shit. My great grandfather was an Admiral and Pasha of the Ottoman empire before World War 1. He owned more than half of Istanbul. His entire family was comprised of Pasha's and Lords. After the collapse the states stripped everything away. Same thing happened to my family in Albania that was in the top echelons of government and military. Point to all this is that my grandmother tried to fight both the Albanian and Turkish government with her entire family for our stuff back, it costs tens of thousands of dollars to even get basic info, let alone go to court. We actually do have legal claim to prime real estate all over Istanbul and Tirane. But a lawyer told my family it would cost millions to even fight it, let alone win.

This is about getting shit back that we have legal representation and documentation for from 100 years ago. I don't see how you could realistically challenge anyone to claim a throne from over 1500 years ago that doesn't exist anymore.

>being cockroach and albanian
kys asap.

>Useless gypsy Boolgar tries to express his opinion through grunts and thieving