I'd never expect for my beloved island to produce a song worth breaking Gangnam Style's view record. This feels insane.
Can someone explained how Despacito got so popular worldwide?
This is Sup Forums my friend
If something stupid as race is political, then music is political. Also this is called politically INCORRECT.
It's breddy catchy tbqh
Nothing more to it. Sometimes you just hit that jackpot as an artist/singer or whatever.
It's shit and only popular because people are retarded. Even fucking Macarena is a better spic song than this.
Never heard it, suggesting kike media shoved it down your throat and told you it was good.
Macarena is a fucking meme, Despacito is breathtakenly subtly sexual and I enjoy singing it while brooming.
How's the economy? Are you actually living comfortably or are you in a poverty trap?
> People are retarded
> This shit is retarded
They are literally made for each other.
Well there are an awful lot of corn-niggers so it's not a surprise really.
just listened to it for the first time, seems like random spic music, nothing special to it
Despacito is fucking trash.
As for how it got so popular, its due to people having shit taste.
This is proof that you are retarded and will never be a state.
>not being able to enjoy music
Welcome to pol
I live pretty comfy as a middle class citizen here. I've got my Galaxy Edge 6, my PC, my PS4, my Gamecube, my PS2, my Gameboy Color, my 3DS, my Nintendo Switch, my 4k TV, my three other regular TVs, my stuffed of food refrigerator, my air conditioner on high, and my existence is not threatened by nukes. Comfy as fuck.
Because White men use this song to fantasize about being alphas.
>make a catchy song
> make justin bieber sing part of it in english.
worldwide popular now bitch.
As a Dominican, I agree. At least he song is better than Gangnam Style, I'll give you that.
Catchy songs usually have a single repeating note multiple times in a song. If you look at the sheet music of Despacito, you will see that the notes the singers are singing are repeating right after the other; if you were playing it on a piano, you will be pressing the same key like 10 times nonstop . The same with Macarena and many songs that are catchy.
Fuck you. It's a decent song, but they play it like 1000x a day here. Also, white girls singing DAYS-PUH-SEETO is annoying as fuck.
>Also this is called politically INCORRECT.
That doesn't mean the topic can be on something unrelated to politics you fucking monkey.
This song is awesome. There isn't a single girl who doesn't start dancing when the DJ puts this song.
who gives a shit
this thread is cancer
>in all fields
I listened to it for like 5 secounds, terrible. Maybe I'm getting old now, but music feels very manufactored now, and descapato is a nice example of it.
>beloved island
PR and DR have made some of the greatest music of all time yet you little young americanized fags don't even know any of it
I'm a fascist, fuck what you want. I want full domination over this board because I'm sick of nothingburger Happening threads.
It's... a regular song of that genre, not really standing out when compared to it's contemporaries. Some marketing team.
Room of beaners dancing on their coffee break at the janitorial college.
Take your trumpets and castanets elsewhere
Listen to Pantera and reach your new level of confidence and white power.
So you must like every single song that was ever made in the history of mankind, right?
They're bean niggers, if anything.
You should have started a thread asking how to build bombs to kill those retards not pleasuring yourself with the faggotry they do.
Kill yourself.
all it needs is 2 or 3 catchy words + bunch of drunks and druggies in clubs around Globe and whoa - you have a hit song.
>eeeyyy macarena
>oppa gangnam style
>i hope we meeeeat again
When will NA ever produce quality music? It's always producing degenerate hip-hop, and companies like Google are proud of it.
Are you america's retarded brother? That flag looks mighty aesthetic I may add.
>american hip hop
>brazilian funk
Good thing the country remains.
Puerto Rico is a US territory, so yeah. We're its retarded little brother in a sense.
>This is how we do in Puerto Rico
>Sexy Model walks through dirty streets, shacks, garbage and poor people everywhere
>retarded residents are still proud of it, and rather be dancing and drinking than work to not live in poverty and filth
Pretty red pilled desu
Never heard of it. Then again, I don't listen to island nigger music.
summer slump
America beat up our dad (Spain) and took us to his house.
You must not go out.
Trap is the worst trash to come become mainstream this decade and it came from the US. Things are not looking good for NA music.
Spain's a rapist country and should go fuck itself, I'm sticking with the capitalist daddy.
Like Gangnam Style is some hallmark of quality to be compared to.
Reality remains that it fits into "catchy summer hit" and is something that the record companies WANT you to listen to. They throw money at it, and the music plays. Easy-peasy.
This way most people can even pretend to like different kinds of music - even if it still just is another pop song largely dependant on enormous cash injections.
people have shit taste and it became a meme, as shit as reguetón is there are better songs out there that are not as generic.
I remember being in highschool and thinking reguetón would be dead by now but now it seems like its going to stay here forever.
>Implying we live in actual poverty
>TFW first world
You cannot deny your ancestors, your blood, mijo
Spain was a pretty shit dad, yeah.
>Proud of despacito
Do you even know who capablanca is?
My family's more German than Spanish, Taino, and African combined.
Absolutely. And just look at Jake Paul if you want to know where hip-hop is headed. Everything that comes from NA is absolute trash. Their music industry is headed for doom soon if they don't get their shit together.
May as well remove statehood from every state then if liking a song is a barrier to statehood.
Its fucking shit but it has beibers name attached to it so its gonna be a hit like the dross ed sheeren produced over the past couple of months
I'd rather shoot myself on the foot than listen again to that bullshit, seriously I knew for a long time that pop music is fucked but are you fucking kidding?! Cheesy ass motherfucker
It's only popular because it keeps getting played on the radio.
And it keeps getting played on the radio because certain people want it that way.
Fame comes not from quality, but from repetition.
If you show a dude's face with his name underneath on TV every two hours for weeks on end, that dude will get famous simply because everyone will know him.
Same principle.
Caribbean apes will never achieve musical greatness akin to Argentine/Uruguayan music.
>PR and DR have made some of the greatest music of all time
What's was the dumb genre called that they popularized where it's basically just men humping women who are bent over while gyrating?
Bieber's version doesn't break 1 billion views and was made after the fact, the original is over 3.1 billion views.
Whites can't make music anymore even though they were the best by far for a long time. Its a sign of the times, and a sign of a dying race. At best they can mimic niggers and rap like post malone, or make generic rock pop like maroon 5. The soul is gone.
La chica en el video es muy Sexy. Eso és.
Comprendes mi espanhol?
It's funky
Dude. I've been there. It's slightly better than DR. Slightly.
Fuck I hate normie taste so much they play this song everywhere if I heard despacito again im blowing my head off
Eh, se entiende. Pero en mi opinion la chica no es tan sexy. Yo conozco muchas mamacitas de verdad en Puerto Rico que tienen nalgas y cintura que sobrepasan la definición de una diosa.
People only like it because of Justin Bieber.
Fucking Puerto Rico, I mean at least they have something now, It must be horrible being a colony of the US and a shit hole.
gib milkies
Shut the fuck up, Eurowhore. Go back to jerking off to Ahmed and your wife.
spics only want to have sex 24/7 like africans
the music represents their interests
>People only like it because of Justin Bieber.
The version with the most views does not have Justin Bieber in it you maggot.
Because being able to make pop music that appeals to the lowest common denominator is somehow a mark worthy of note.
It's just another Taco two step that sounds just like any other auto tuned reggaeton shite.
It's not that popular, it's just forced down people's throats by the (((music companies))).
Welcome to Sup Forums. Now go listen to Was Wollen Wir Trinken and Erika then come back to us.
Heh its a free country,
oh wait.... you wont hear that in Puerto Rico much will you. Nevermind.
It is catchy like other pop hits.
Well thats all I`ve heard over here. Most radios cut out the Spanish rap so they can have more Beiber.
Look at the views, netorare.
>Danny Yankee
Fucking kill yourself NewRican
Well obviously spics cant even learn to speak not like a transvestite with inverted testees, they wont learn contraception either. The Kids bump up the views.
Lets hope they can start a independence movement for you aswell.
These rica-rats need to have a washed up Canadian to even be somewhat relevant for like 2 months of one year
Jesus fuck that's sad
You don't even have kids. Your people will die off soon because of your pathetic marxist socialism.
We were more relevant before Bieber. You people just love mocking the US. It makes you feel in control when being cucked, doesn't it? Sad.
didn't Bieber sing a remix of the song? that probably has a lot to do with the popularity as well
Literally never heard of it until this thread.
I don't get. Sounds like elevator music.
Don't see it on the charts here.
Probs because of Justin Biebers involvement. His videos have Yuge view counts.
because women get turned on by the image of people humping
women respond to sexualy charged material even though they act prude and cold
>OP keeps getting baited by low-tier banter and shitposts
People like you are why we'll never be a state, OP.
is being independent cucked?
I mean your lucky to even have a flag on here.
At least we will be remembered as a people group, and not just a minority within the US, your father country.
I've literally never heard of this song
I just listened to it. I don't get it. It sounds like generic "latin" music and is boring. And I'm not adverse to pop music.
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito :3
I don't know how any pop songs get popular tbqh
I never hear of any songs until they've been on the radio for a good month.
Nos vamos pegando poquito a poquito.
I'm 35 and what is this?
kys boricua faggot. daddy yankee and raggaeton are cancer.