We need to lower the standards of SEAL training to accommodate the physical ability of women. The Military is a classic patriarchal example.
We need to lower the standards of SEAL training to accommodate the physical ability of women...
I would ring the bell on day 1.
I'm curious how long she lasted.
>1 post by this ID
she didn't last the first week. i'm not sure when hell week is, but i think it isn't the first week.
to be fair, i probably wouldn't last the first 12 hours.
>t. Newfag
That's not how it works and even if it was, who cares?
>implying op was serious and not pretending to be the enemy so we have something to argue about
wanna know how i know its your first time on pol?
I don't see that anymore since Sup Forums got flags.
whoops, just noticed it.
It's a meme you dip
>implying killing in the name of is a game
I knew a lot of guys in the officer training pipeline that wanted to be SEALs. They were in incredible shape. They had all the right extracurriculars, leadership positions, midshipmen fitness reports, etc to make it in. And out of around a dozen guys I only saw one get picked up for a spot at BUD/S. the rest were sent to ships or elsewhere where the navy needed. To see guys like that get turned down for lack of spots makes me simultaneously sad and proud. Sad because good men didn't make the cut to even get a shot at training to be a SEAL, but proud that we have so many good applicants that the Navy can turn away overqualified individuals.
The fact that this female got a spot in BUD/S is a fucking travesty. It shows that the Navy has now started to put other qualities above merit in the selection process. That woman was taking up the spot that could have gone to a more qualified male. Even if she was an Olympic-tier athlete there's no way she was in better shape than the guys I knew that got turned down. This is fucking depressing. I want to know who exactly approved her to get a shot at BUD/S. That officer is either a cancerous SJW or allowed himself to be influenced by one.
in combat we cannot babysit cunts...
time out for lipstick lesbians to watch Ellen on TV...
time out for PMS...
the enemy will understand...
no shit: Obongo issued a training manual REQUIRING TIME OUT DURING COMBAT FOR BREAST-FEEDING!!!
They got her in so she would just stop nagging and just the fuck up.
>you want to be a seal, yeah? you want to be a seal? you want me to sign this document? here you go
Why would there be soldiers with infants in combat?
Or give her the rank for "trying." Then fill up the rest of the quota that way because the left will be happy either way. Then g
Just ban men from combat roles, problem solved
>not memeing properly
Lurk moar before posting newfag.
why wouldn't there be?
Friend of mine got into BUDS. Didn't end up going though. Became a religious minister of sorts and fitness trainer in Compton.
He's a 5'10 Greek dude who was obese in highschool. Proud of him.
Now she can go on talk showw and brag about being the first qualified woman to try out and then blame the patriarchy for not preparing women enough for the seals. And half of the adminstrative staff should be female, and she should be involved in it.
b-but that'd mean only women die in combat!
Would you carry your infant into battle? Would you tactically breastfeed strangers while engaging the enemy? Why not use a bottle anyway?
They can't die if they never see a battlefield, works for our government