Are you 14 or full 1488?
How about neither both and sometimes just one?
Shitty poll, will not rig
Hitler lost the war because he was a junkie and an egotist. Nothing to admire.
Whites have created the modern world and all the technologies that fill it, plenty to admire.
16 actually
88 is a bunch of lefty bullshit. Call it what you want, but in the end, it's still National (((Socialism))).
Only anglos.
Nordics can fuck off
add a none you fag
A while ago there was a massive poll on whether Sup Forums was libertarian/fascist or NatSoc and the results were very nearly 50/50. This poll will have the same results because it's essentially the same question.
14 is inherently collectivist
Nazis are fucking retarded.
Also whenever you post a strawpoll on Sup Forums it gets hijacked by a bot or something that rigs it to be 50/50
Not really. You don't even necessarily have to be white to believe in the 14.
What if I'm just 88?
What does it mean to just be 14?
Believe in the 14 words but not want to do the whole national socialism thing.
I'd say you also don't want to gas the jews, but the holocaust never happened so...
Yup, with a long knife and everything. When do we start?
Blood and honor, bitches.
So what does a nigger want to do besides collect tax payer checks?
Very loosely collectivist, as the individual can still be spared and even strong when securing a race
1444 just halfway, I'm not a racist.
there's literally nothing wrong with voluntary collectivism borne of rational self-interest
WRONG. Hitler redefined what socialism meant under him
We going 50/50
That ts fair
88 is a meme. Hitler has been dead for 72 years. And he did do something wrong, he lost. Quit living in the past, and save your future.
Hail Trump.
Hail our people.
Hail victory.
Our dictator was cooler
14 because I'm not an edgy 12 year old faggot.
Hitler fled to Argentina you noob
Near-perfect Equilibrium.
(voted 14)
Eu4 pleb
You kill commies and implement liberties. You don't kill fellow Europeans and implement a welfare state.
Yep, we agree with each of those quotes. Those who disagree are not real national socialists. This is why right-wing libertarians are just useful tools that will submit or be purged when the time comes, night of the long knives style.
14 because i just don't think socialism can work
But do remember that as more and more wake up to the Jew, many of us become aware of the Jewish nature of Marxism.
What about the Jewish nature of Capitalism?
You worship an idol of profit. This is incompatible with the good of every people, including mine. My ideology has led to the death of more communists than the number of believers your stupid little club could ever dream of having.
It's not like I want to be 88, it's that the world has left me no choice
>My ideology has led to the death of more communists than the number of believers your stupid little club could ever dream of having.
so did communism
>worshiping a (((socialist)))
I expected better of you, Sup Forums. Sure he was right about the jews, but nothing else.
Yes, this is a natural side effect of the mental disease known as communism. What is your point?
that killing communists isn't a valid metric of whether or not an ideology is good because every ideology with any significant number of adherents has done it.
Also natsoc is the only ideology that failed so hard it turned over half a continent to communism
You're one of those idiots who reads the last post in a thread and blindly replies to it without having any idea of what was actually being said in context. Fuck off and suck an illegal's dick, leaf
Capitalism is not of Jewish nature, Jews are of Capitalistic nature. Marxist ideologies such as communism and socialism were invented by a mega-kike.
But did your ideology lead to the eradication of communism as an idea? No. In fact, through Jewish trickery and twisting of the truth (not the fault of NatSoc, but still notable), marxism as a whole has become more powerful than ever before.
im full 1488.
simply because you NEED 88 in order to make 14 work.
14 is the true redpill, but 88 is the necessary tool you need.
How dare you lay that at the feet of the only people in recent history that have ever tried to defeat the Jew? It is the fault of you and other miserable capitalist goyim who blindly followed the Jew and believe his lies about the absolute good of the free market and fiat currency and the need for constant economic expansion and other childish drivel. You've already proven yourself to be a historically illiterate moron by being stupid enough to call national socialism a form of marxism, so I'm not interested in debating a teenager who believes in irrelevant, naive "truths" from his econ 101 textbook.
I guess I'm not interested in debating a LARPer in his 30s who develops way too much of an emotional connection to his politics.
Hitler was a control freak with a huge ego. If there was someone to save the white race it would in no way be him