
>he believes the anti-smoking memes

Other urls found in this thread:

>current year
>not smoking

that could be the smallest chest i've ever seen on a sub 10% bf man
just looks like a straight up faggot like a clen eating, nicotine smoking faggot who does an hour of arms, twice per week and just eats clen
if it's not photoshop, what's going on below his left pec? that's either surgery scars or a burn wound

Enjoy your cancer.

My sister is a nurse and she treats the most horrifying smoking related cancers you can possibly imagine. Tubes in people's throats at age 50, the whole deal. It's sick.

>he supports the addictive jew.

>falling for the tobacco jew
Basic goy.

>not chewing the superior nicotine gum

All the benefit, none of the lungfuckery.

low T manchildren detected

That's just his lungs sucking in to try and gasp a bit of air.

Wow. You are so jelly.

Theres a difference between having a smoke now and then (natural tobacco) and smoking 40 a day.

lets see some chest pics with timestamp tough guys

>t. Marlboro shill

>Thinks smoking increases Testosterone
Enjoy your ED from sucking all those fags, fag.

You can't see my healthy lungs on a picture silly boi.

Why don't you smoke my cock? Fuccboi.

>thinking everyone is a weak-willed faggot with no self-control like himself

It's not about will. It's about the shit you're putting in your body. Don't come crying to me that all that shit ruined you cardiovascular system and now you can't get it up.

ITT: menchildrens xD :DD

absolutely not. i look a lot better than this guy. higher bf but much bigger and more masculine. it's a fag look to look like this and syck on a fag, you fag

i will not take a fresh pic for you but this is me and if you really want to press me i will post this with a piece of paper. i hope it doesnt come to that. but you see my chest is thicker or at least thick enough to comment. ive been way leaner than this but i can't get baited here on this shit. i just respond man

> muh control

Love crushing darts with the boys down at the bathhouse.

>implying keith hasn't plowed more ass this summer alone than you will your entire life

>combustion sticks

get with the times, grandpa

having a cheeky marlboro right now and there's not a god damn shit you cucks can do about it

shit ab genes, sucks but its common
his proportion is off but breddy fuggin lean man

>black spade tattoo
>international symbol of someone that prefers having sex exclusively with black men
Gross, literal faggot.

respect for not being a larper
i keked pretty hard

>pushing your tits together to make them look bigger
>doing the ol' hand under bicep trick

Fit plz go

I wanna touch your chest desu
take another pic with timestamp


Smoking as a whole is a great exponent of human behavior.
You know it's shit, it doesn't have any benefits whatsoever, yet jews have successfully shilled retards into believing it makes them manly to do it.
It's not like alcohol, that while also quite bad in its way, it has a historical and societal place in humanity.

All it takes is some shilling, then you have generations upon generations doing your shilling for you, for free, while shaming the ones that aren't cucked by tobacco at the same time.

i respect these digits but my hand is holding the camera, stupid

thanks bro. im sick of this faggot shit
are you a woman? do you have pics?

here's the thing friends: this board was for fucking around. it isn't now. i am older than fuck and i've been here from way back. from GBS. this is the last thing and we cant fuck with our strongest and most-tanned studs hahahaha

this guy is like tha porn jew.

Disturbing, and I like weed.

so do your parents know you're gay or just Sup Forums?


>Still no chest pics.
We get it, faggot, your chest is just as shit if not worse than OP's pic.

As a smoker for nearly 20 years I have learned that schizotypal personalities have a natural need for nicotine. The Dale Gribble meme is real.
My guess is true Sup Forumstards tend to have schizotypal personalities. I know some of you jackasses are full blown paranoid schizophrenic.
The non-smokers need to gtfo

Triple Doubles
Kek is with me


I am a woman but I have a penis

shitty ass abs

Love it.

Love watching whores do it even more.

motherfucker stop pressing me
i need to black out my shit it takes time
but consider im standing here as a real man who posts his beliefs like an adult
i dont need to verify myself but i will because it is inspirational for other goyim
just give me a second man

>flexed """pecs"""
>not a relaxed pic like in op's
lose fat weight fatty

OP here. I was banned for starting a white man's music thread on Sup Forums. bluepilled cucks the whole lot of em. going for a smoke.

At the very least, anti-smoking memes save you money.

Ever notice it's the most Jewish controlled media and countries(or states in USA) that are vabidly against smoking?
Being anti - smoking is blue pilled as fuck. Doesn't mean you have to smoke, but to be anti-smoking, might as well circumcise yourself and go to synogogue.

>i need to black out my shit
I knew you were a coal burning faggot.

nice flag
god damn i hope you die
"lose weight, fatty" is in my head every day. im about self-improvement. im about honoring my ancestors who fought and died so i could be here. im a bloodline, and im doing my part in the gym. it's so small to troll like this. it's below me. so im not going to take a fresh pic. but you might see the pec meat and thickness here, you subversive disgrace. you faggot

J*ws are the ones shilling AGAINST smoking you fucking blue pilled cuck.
Or maybe you're just a fucking kike in the flesh.
Fuck out of here, Ezra

this could be the gayest post i've ever seen on a Sup Forums thread post

I would tolerate smoking if people only did it inside their homes and didn't throw their

Seriously, fuck the NAP, execute those fucks by a firing squad.

post dicc

Honestly it's no fucking secret that smoking is bad for you. It's retarded to deny it.

But if you're fully against it or are offended by smokers or smug because you're not a smoker you're a faggot.

Its social, gotten more punnani with fags then I ever did before.

HAHAHAHAHHA fucking retard 1 megapixel non-picture and blacked out the spade tattoo that you posted earlier.


the social aspect is a big part of why I miss smoking
its great to go out and light one up and talk to whoever else happens to be smoking
I've had so many great conversations from smoking

Why did you "black out" your black cock lust tattoo? You already posted a pic with the permanent marking on your chest declaring how much you like to guzzle black cum, why are you blacking it out now?

Surely someone proud of being a nigger's bottom bitch enough to get a tattoo would be proud enough to post pictures of it.

that could be the smallest shoulder width i've ever seen on a sub 55% bf man

>risk of getting cancer from your mouth all the way to your kidneys
>even get cancer from places the smoke doesn't touch like the pancreas
>greater risk of clamping your airways shut, forcing other people to take care of your now dependent ass just because you can't even breathe properly
>slowly develop an addiction, basically enslaving yourself to an inanimate object that you actually pay for
Smoking is basically choosing to be a cuck, except you give money to other people for the privilege.

>all the manchildren ITT

Smoking is for subhuman.

Yeah I know its nice.

Asking a nice QT if they wanna go out and have a ciggy works 100% of the time. Literally its always that fat girl that don't smoke, had this nice Aryan qt that had some fat ginger bitch that would latch on to her 24/7.

asking the cute girl for a fag was the only time I could fuckin get some alone time.

Wish those Liberal faggots didn't impose the public smoking ban and smoking wasn't such a taboo. Some people look at you as trash if you smoke it's like fock of ya fat shite smdh

im under attack
it makes me sick but come on man
is this what we're reduced to here?
my grandfather caught a bullet in his head. 101st airborne

im here guys. you will see me in charlotte.

>Democrat mad about muh socialized medicine
English is for white man

Yeah like those soldiers on the eastern front that used to fight of Slavs 8-1 that smoked Yeah fuck off Nip

>my grandfather caught a bullet in his head. 101st airborne
>so I had to get a BLACKED tattoo
That's not how that works, son.

>im under attack
No it's just a rare opportunity to troll a sperglord like you, senpai :^)

ey malboro shill we have ID tags retard. my neighbor is only 25 and has all but a collapsed fucking lung cuz hes a twig who smokes two packs a day so fuck off

Sure, smoking looks cool, I'll give it that.

Dying of lung cancer, not so much. I've seen too many Boomers fall apart too quickly and die horrendously painful looking deaths. The cost of cancer treatment in clapistan is complete retarded as well.

I slept with 3 different women in this place i worked for 18 months. All 3 smoked. First got chatting to all 3 in the smoke room.

God bless smoke rooms.

OP here. your neighbor sounds like a pussy.

dont honor your ancestors goy
guilty as charged. this shit just gets under my skin because we have a clear opportunity here and Sup Forums is the last popular free speech board but you have the worst in-fighting ever. it makes me sick. people just dont realize how dire the situation is

>Smoking is unattractive

Now that's the biggest meme more so than that "But muh Jew smoke" meme

From the outside you may think there's in-fighting but really it's just shareblue, tumblrinas, newfags, LARPers and Reddit coming here to either bait us or say stupid shit and then get called out for it.

I smoke
Smoking is disgusting

I smoked for 3 years before quitting.
I then vaped for like 6 months before quitting

I dunno I never feel like smoking or nothin anymore, they smell bad to me now.

Totally depends on who's doing it. Some people look cool and sophisticated, others look gross and trashy.

My favorite uncle was a chain smoker. He died at 49.

>If she smokes, she pokes

if that motherfucker doesnt have aids, then he has hepatitis. greasy sweat, user.

Well yeah of course that's with anything.

Also I don't know if it's a big thing in America but for some reason I think that 'straights' as we call them here look trashy while role ups look quite good.

And if you where a track suit you look like trash either way.

there is though because it's a movement based on honesty. paleo-cons vs. neo-cons, libertarians vs. conservitarians or whatever the fuck. fucking ancaps. tradcons vs alt-right.

it's a huge mess and needs to be corrected. look at what liberals are doing: they have ONE PLATFORM ONE MESSAGE yet we are fags poised to lose the fight because mike enoch looks jewish or my pic here has a spade tattoo.

it's 100% sick and disgusting. the trolling has become manifest. we need to come together, and i mean it

What is that? an iphone 3, fatass?

>dont honor your ancestors goy
I don't need gay tattoos to honor anyone, I can do it through my actions and accomplishments.

>and Sup Forums is the last popular free speech board but you have the worst in-fighting ever.
Competition of ideas is the most important part of Sup Forums and every idea and meme can and should be attacked instantly. Think of it as doing reps for your brain.

massive waste of your money but it actually saves taxpayer money because it is cheaper to treat the diseases than have you live to be 80+

I smoke one-two cigarettes a day and it hasn't impacted me at all. If you smoke over a pack a day then it probably will, but those people need to learn self-discipline. Don't fall for the anti-smoking meme, it's bullshit. Smoking in moderation is ok.

i smoked for 6 years since I was 15, quit this year

I don't care if anyone else smokes, but fuck it honestly, its disgusting


>it's a movement based on honesty
I can agree with that.
Just don't let the trolling get to you. Jesus Christ we got you to post topless pics of you ffs.

I laughed, Sup Forums is already inundated with shill bullshit so why not?

Trump is the greatest president ever and you should smoke cigarettes, they make your breath smell nice and look cool. Honest.

a l p h a

>mfw he smokes

hahahah four
it is all cracked and fucked up but im old as fuck and it serves me at work because it's so small in my pocket
ok. but for me i need the reminder, it helps to see this in the mirror after my morning dump because i need the reminder.
i know. but someone has to be here. someone needs to pull the curtain back and ill do it because i believe in this. i might catch heat from a couple fags but i think i'll motivate a couple dozen fags to some extent and that makes me feel good

Literally only ugly fat girls think that. Not even doing damage control,

The hottest girls I know either smoke or don't care one bit.

what do you do?

idk what kind of garbage slags you got over there but the quality women here avoid smoking, the ones under 40 at least

I love cigarettes and it makes me look cool but drowning on the fluids in your lungs or having a stroke is not glamorous.

This is true