Apparently I'm a fucking bigot even tho I answered everything from a color-blind idgaf point of view, but didn't spew blm memes. whatabout u?
Got 125
Apparently I'm a fucking bigot even tho I answered everything from a color-blind idgaf point of view, but didn't spew blm memes. whatabout u?
Got 125
Other urls found in this thread:
>Asking me for my personal info
Yeah that's not happening buddy.
>it wants my name
Not doing it
Even if I use fake info they have my IP address
Just finished the test now i realized i fucked up not using a proxy still i didnt use my real zip code fuck that
I dont even know how I got this, I didnt even pick the really obvious ones just practical shit, like if two candidates are exactly the same Id pick the one who knows the company better. Am I supposed to pick the black guy cause of gibs or im super racist?
How many questions are there? I cba doing this shit if its like 100 questions and a book to read for each one.
like a dozen at most
lol its like 20 questions and told me that i need to see the headshrinker for my racist tendencies even though im a black man from hollywood.
>not using fake names
I don't get it either
>You scored 65 which corresponds with the following summary:
>You need, as soon as possible, to seek psychological counseling so that your levels of hostility and willingness to shunt your own responsibility for your own behavior and beliefs onto others can be revealed to you.
>You scored 175 which corresponds with the following summary:
>In spite of our society’s institutional racist/colorist conditioning, you have managed to learn to treat others – irrespective of their melanin levels or ethnicity – as you would like to be treated. Congrats! Now, take the R.Q. Test back to your family and neighborhood, hold regular forums and help heal the rest of society!
i got 47 and a hint to see a psychologist. i did answerd the quastions honestly
Just answered honestly.
This can't be real.
You scored 149 which corresponds with the following summary:
You have, unfortunately, succumbed to some stereotypes and institutionally racist/colorist conditioning by our education system specifically, along with the rest of society. Your score, while not as low as that of others, must improve if you’ll do some self-inquiry to determine why your low self esteem causes you to scapegoat others and blame someone else for your own problems. Discuss the questions with low scores with others in open forum at the time of RQ testing.
How the fuck...I thought I'd get much higher based on the fact that I'm not some moron who actually judges people based on race in real life. Also it's funny how delusional the description is, it doesn't account for intellectual racism (race realism) at all. Maybe if you're some double digit iq stormfag it would apply.
but how will a psychologist help me anyway. he wont disprove that nigger chimp out more often, kill, kidnap and rob way more often then whites, and goatfuckers rape way more often then whites. how is he going to confince me that i should relax around blacks if all facts are against it ?
this, and nope
I'm curious to know if it works out differently giving same answers but identifying with different races/gender in the beginning. You know, as a control.
Because it assumes that all racists are dumb rednecks who hate science and libruls. It fails to make the distinction between racists who argue that evolution creates racial differences that can lead some races to have inherent superiority, and dipshits who think God created white people as the best and that brown folk need to go back to Africa.
fake as fuck
Lol, I got 15!
Damn niggers and their kike test.
I got a 24
Nice m8!
I answered all questions honestly.
You scored 22 which corresponds with the following summary:
You need, as soon as possible, to seek psychological counseling so that your levels of hostility and willingness to shunt your own responsibility for your own behavior and beliefs onto others can be revealed to you.
Now the police will kick your door down and arrest you for being a racist, good job.
The people who write this are idiots.
Kek. Got the same score as pretty much everyone else.
Did this test just expect me to bend over backwards for the blacks?
Well I am a chink, Fuck this test, It doesn't even have the asian option at the very beginning.
Your power level is so high they want to re educate you.
是, 我会說中文.
I got 165. You all are some racist niggers
>what race do you consider yourself to be
>implying race exists
And I'm the racist?
>no asian option
And I'm the racist? Fucking bigots think asians don't exist.
This is bullshit, I said I'm white and answered every question with the most politically correct answers,
guess what? I still got 126.
>if you’ll do some self-inquiry to determine why your low self esteem causes you to scapegoat others and blame someone else for your own problems.
What the fuck? Fuck you, random online test. None of my answers suggested even a hint of racial bias or close mindedness. I did select "I don't believe we live in a racist" society for the last question, so I imagine that set off the system's bigot alarms and dropped my score by 50 points, but jesus, what a smarmy, patronizing assessment.
Link to the test please. I suspect I might be a horrible person.
Oh okay, don't need the link, I'm not giving up any personal info
I memed it as hard as I could. I was surprised that neither my answers nor what I would expect to be "non-racist" answers showed up on any of the questions.
"a cop kills an unarmed mexican kid, how do you feel?"
My answer would've been "fuckin' beaner deserved it, if he wanted to live he should've been born white"
You scored 187 which corresponds with the following summary:
In spite of our society’s institutional racist/colorist conditioning, you have managed to learn to treat others – irrespective of their melanin levels or ethnicity – as you would like to be treated. Congrats! Now, take the R.Q. Test back to your family and neighborhood, hold regular forums and help heal the rest of society!
If you're White, yes.
That test is dogshit and forces me to choose an opinion I don't give a fuck about. These people really are in the business of villainizing and victimizing people.
It's obviously shitty and amateurish, even for an online test. The software itself is semi-broken - returned errors the first two times I tried to take it. I've seen "What Hunger Games Character Are You?" tests that were more professionally put-together than that, in terms of both content and presentation.
It's not even interesting enough to rise to the level of clickbait. Why are we talking about this?
A lot of these didn't have the options I would have chosen, that is complete indifference.
Like the friend whose child was dating someone of a different race, it's like there was no "I don't fucking care" option, it was either "that's wrong" or "that's great" when I don't feel either way.
racist is an anti-aryan slur.
That's why I quit like 1/4 way through, not going to adjust my true thoughts to appease some halfwits who want me to pick something that isn't my true beliefs.
More leftist tricks, distortion of truth where they force you to state nonbeliefs and attack you for said nonbeliefs they cornered you into.
You scored 65 which corresponds with the following summary:
You need, as soon as possible, to seek psychological counseling so that your levels of hostility and willingness to shunt your own responsibility for your own behavior and beliefs onto others can be revealed to you.
I don't understand, anime girl. Why do I get a 10/10?
I got the same message, only scored 88. I even exaggerated some of my answers to be slightly more racist than usual.
Pretty disappointing desu
looks like my depression has made me a okay person.
You scored 156 which corresponds with the following summary:
In spite of our society’s institutional racist/colorist conditioning, you have managed to learn to treat others – irrespective of their melanin levels or ethnicity – as you would like to be treated. Congrats! Now, take the R.Q. Test back to your family and neighborhood, hold regular forums and help heal the rest of society!
I responded like it wanted me to, shit
Fake, however still toppest kek.
Oh awesome, so a lower score is better/more racist.
You scored 47 which corresponds with the following summary:
You need, as soon as possible, to seek psychological counseling so that your levels of hostility and willingness to shunt your own responsibility for your own behavior and beliefs onto others can be revealed to you.
If you score over 100 as a black man you're an Uncle Tom. Don't be angry, I don't make the rules.
It's never too late to self-reflect and become less racist.
visionary, that will be the future.
And I fucking lost it. (((they))) know.
>asks for personal information
>including race
>play a game of 20 questions
>get told you're a psychopath at the end
Jewish tricks, the quiz.
>what is fake info?
13 here. get on my level junior bigot
>You scored 80 which corresponds with the following summary:
You need, as soon as possible, to seek psychological counseling so that your levels of hostility and willingness to shunt your own responsibility for your own behavior and beliefs onto others can be revealed to you.
I store their bodies in my basement, ama.
Check this shit niggers
my cucumber plants are infested with mites. what's the best way to get rid of them without spraying a wide spectrum pesticide?
indians don't like to be called natives anymore, it's first nations
You are basically Obama.
The test called you a nigger, OP
no user u got self esteem issuessss!!!!11
I'm mixed "other" I don't even have a real race, these questions were so fucking weird to me.
bumping this so we can add more Sup Forums users to the database.
fucking hell you fools, why would you fall for this?
heres what it tells you when you get nearly every answer wrong
couldn't figure out wtf it wanted from me for the extra 10
The test is "Cheeky". It sets up some options to basically be the "I don't give a shit about it." but sneaks in a little racial undertone to it to essentially paint those who don't care and being impartial as actually being racist.
Also to add it gives options such as
>"Be cordial to the child but would keep an eye on him or her to make sure that he or she does not involve your child in any undesirable behavior."
This is a completely sensible and rational thing to do. One should be concerned with whom their children are deciding to socialise and as such learn behaviours from. It takes this sensibility and tries to weasel in a notion that you are racist for something you would do regardless of race.
I'm not taking the test but no I'm not
Oy vey goy if you don't worship blacks it's because you have low self esteem, oy gevalt only losers are racists! It's like anuddah shoah
can't be the first time you figured out how liberal guilt works, user
Of course not. Just pointing out that the "Official" presentation the format gives is simply disguise and that the questionaire is completely baited. Basically don't waste your time on such a piece of shit because it's not even attempting objectivity but rather attempting to catch you out. A given but still stating.
Looks like I need to be more tolerant
ask my mum, she's pretty good at gardening
I'm human therefore I'm racist. All others are liars.
It's a fucking shit collection of answers. There's either 1 answer for "literally hitler", or 3 for stupid beatnik hippy shit.
Also, one of the questions talked about pic related.
Got a 137, do I win?
A lot of those questions are worded poorly. The first one about redskins seemed like a bunch of non-sequiturs, and the Mexican kid being shot by the police really needed more details.
I do enjoy how "Urban Americans" is slowly becoming another euphemism for negros.
It's really irritating. Just because I want a homogeneous white society doesn't mean that I'll act like a moron and sperg at every nonwhite. I have my views. and keep them separate from my larger life
If I'm going to a fucking supermarket checkout line, I pick the shorter one. Who the fuck cares what race the cashier is?
How about you clean up your own fucking backyard before you look in mine.
Mind your own business.
Anybody else getting their autism triggered by the test putting "race" in those quotation marks?
>couldn't figure out wtf it wanted from me for the extra 10
To put your race as something other than white, preferably black. Can't have whitey getting a perfect score.
>Blacks are the minorities