Not irl, I don't hate individual people. But i keep getting redpills/whitepills shoved down my throat and I can't help but start believing it. Especially with the migrant issue in Europe, I'm afraid to travel there now because I'm a white young woman (blonde/blue eyes). And I don't feel racist about that but the more I read about these migrant's culture and religion, the more afraid of them I am. Thank god Trump won't let them in.
Sup Forums is making me racist
Truth isn't racist, all stereotypes are based in fact, etc. Racism is little more than an opinion.
tits or gtfo
Racism = Survival instinct
>Not irl, I don't hate individual people.
That's where you went wrong, if you don't hate the individual then you can't prevent the collective.
If Sup Forums is actually making you racist then your personhood was as barely developed as can be.
It builds on it, but adds additional elements. In group preference is not racism.
I guess I was already a bit racist but Sup Forums really brought it out bc I don't usually feel comfortable talking about my views on stuff like this, I'm afraid of being called a racist I guess. But talking to other people on Sup Forums about it makes me feel less crazy? idk, i'm the newest of newfag so it's kinda liberating openly talking about my concerns with these migrants w/o feeling like I'm a bad person. I'm also extremely insecure with myself so I'd say my personhood might not be that developed, you're right.
Fear not, my dear. I shall protect you. Posting a picture of yourself in a tight dress will help me do that.
Just wait til you try to drive to the grocery store and some nigger cuts you off, or some nigger is pulling out but stopped halfway into traffic, or some nigger is tailgating you, or some nigger is staring at you at the traffic light, or some nigger is going 10 under in front of you in a piece of shit car billowing smog into your air intake, or some fit nigger is in a fancy car with a handicap tag...
I see waaaaay more white people doing shit like that haha. Might just be where I live. yeah, i'm sure it would.
The tailgating and cutting off can be universal sure, but here the other things are literally always niggers..
>shoved down my throat
>goes to Sup Forums of his own volition
pick one, normie faggot
Well, if you're not going to show us the goods then it appears your presence here is worthless.... Have a good day, sir or madam. And when I say a good day, I mean one where you kill a family member and then yourself.
You have to be over 18 to post here.
( . Y . )
T his is how you do it
I have a fat slimy black cock for you to be inseminated by, come to Oslo and i'll use it inside you
suck my cock princess
It's not like I don't like it lmao. Also, idk if I''m gonna get pilled or not when I look at a thread, although now I know I almost always will. sorry i'm such a newfag :'^(
this isn't a porn board, why would i show you anything? And I am over 18, I'm not a rule breaker. Y'all are so mean haha, idk why I havent been lurking here longer. People on reddit are soft.
it's white and bigger
as long as you're a white capitalist i guess
noted, thx.
Kek speaks in my favor, submit your cunt to the bbc immediately
she's an oldfag belgium scum
back to the zoo
If she's been here (anywhere) before 2010 I don't wanna see her tits anyhow
It's because you're weak.
start lifting.
eat hearty meals with lots of protein.
avoid soy and bottled water.
keep lurking.
I was 13 in 2010, wasn't allowed to be on here (and all of my friends told me it was full of weird porn so I just stayed away.)
>start lifting and eat lots of protein
dude, you're talking to a female
tits or gtfo larper.
You're not a racist, you're just a survivalist. You recognize a potential threat and you're avoiding it, it's a natural response.
stop being friends with people who will judge you for speaking the truth
find yourself a traditionally-minded husband and have a lot of white babies
don't go to places with lots of shitskins without a male escort
Who cares sloppy tits
I'm not racist. I recognize the physical, cognitive and beheavioural diferences between races but i believe too in the plasticity and adaptation capabilities of the brain. If a nigger recieves enough
language and mathematic stimulation, he can be as capable as any white man
I concur. You are not a racist. For what it's worth I am a blond hair blue eye woman, too. But I am old. Still, that doesn't make it any easier to travel, lol. But there's LOTS to see within the U.S., sweetie. No need for Europe when you can go anywhere from Hawaii to Alaska to New England to New Orleans to Texas to Florida to the Grand Canyon to the Great Lakes. Stay out of Michigan, tho. I hear there's lots of muzzies there. Wouldn't want you to end up in a bourka! (Or worse)
It's not racist to hate smelly Muzzie immigrants that might rape and grope you indiscriminately.
It's smart.
oh. I'm a retard.
>I'm afraid to travel there now because I'm a white young woman
Stay way from big cities and you'll be fine. Plenty of small places that'll give you that medieval feel American tourists love.
( . Y . )
survivalist sounds better than racist, that makes me feel a little better lmao. For sure not trying to get raped or wifed by someone who doesn't think I'm worth as much as someone with a dick or a hijab. Also muh culture.
Fuck off.
>You'd better start believing mongrels are subhuman
>You are one
>muh dik
Fyfaen du er tåpelig, neger.
but i dont want an escort lmao, my twin sister and I grew up talking about once we turn 25 or something we'd go roaming europe together but I GUESS NOT HA. I'm looking for a tradtional guy but so many people are libs and i hate it. Craving some white babies bad though, it sucks how women are being brainwashed into thinking having kids is gonna rob them of a satisfying life. Like we were put here to be mothers wtf.
There is nothing wrong with realizing that niggers are niggers, and sand niggers are sand niggers. Indeed it is essential to understand this. As children we are taught that skin color doesn't matter, but as you grow older you realize that's a lie. You realize that 99.999999 % of blacks are niggers, and 99.9999999% of muslims are filthy sand niggers. Most all whites realize this as they mature. They just don't say it due to backlash. Feel fortunate you found Sup Forums early.
I feel like I found Sup Forums late. I grew up being made fun of for being a conservative, and called a bigot when I make jokes ugh. Memes are funny, libs need to lighten up.
Come on user. You know you want to suck on the BBC.
When thinking on politics and the prosperity of a people and culture the most important thing to consider is how groups will react as a whole, and the most fundamental (on a biological, structural level and a resulting behavioral level) is race. The understanding of this and its implications on the modern world, from black crime to the JQ, is necessary for any practical political outlook. The need to maintain homogeneity amongst the greater races with a biological aptitude for abstract concepts and virtues, is a fact.
Also titts or gtfo.
how many times do i have to type out my tits
( . Y . )
fuck you newfag
Stakkars deg lille hvite guttungen min, men slapp av, skal gi deg og kona de en jokunge du kan ta vare på
read this article
literally some faggot thought policing himself against rationality because he is "turning into an arsehole"
Archived that for you
wow wtf. That was an interesting read just because of how crazy it was. I just feel like I can't talk about my opinions bc PC culture, but I don't feel bad about thinking it. That's ridiculous. Islam literally is against western culture. He's a bigot bc he's afraid of tolerating the other side. He even actually said that censorship was the problem, he only realized he was a "bigot" bc his wife said his ideas were kinda right wing lmfao.
I'm under the impression most white women around your age don't think like you do. What is the general consensus among your female peers about Trump, immigration, and race issues?
They're "nasty woman" liberals who think trump is "literally hitler" and these poor MS13 illegals just want a better life lmao. In high school you couldn't say the words "black" or "white" (as in, blackboard or whiteout) without someone unironically yelling RACIST. A girl also cried in my college US history class because my prof was obviously supporting slavery by talking about it's economic benefits in the south before the civil war haha. Woman my age are fat feminazis who think the best thing they can do for society is fight the patriarchy. They also think I have internalized misogyny because I don't support abortion and want to be a good mother/wife someday.
where did you grow up and how did you avoid getting indoctrinated?
Houston. Which is sorta funny bc Texas, but it's very progressive here. I avoided indoctrination by making a tumblr when I was 14 and not liking the fact that if I'm not left i'm WRONG end of story. It was so cancer I just wouldn't be a part of it. I also found it very amusing that actual ideas and opinions triggered people. That's when I realized theres probably actually something really wrong with liberals and distanced myself from them.
Stop. You're giving me a glimmer of hope for a contented life with a trad woman. I'm doing just fine as a bitter husk.
So where could guys like us find a partner who thinks like you? Is it all hopeless?
Sorry husk.
I don't think it's hopeless. Even though I don't personally know many girls irl who are as traditional as me, lots of beautiful, traditional women on Gab at least. But the ladies I know also might be afraid to show off their conservative values for the same reason I am, I don't want to be called racist.