LOL Sup Forums BTFO
LOL Sup Forums BTFO
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That's pretty unimpressive autism by our standards.
this is neat
autistic people are the master race after all
Look at his head shape and skin tone hes at least 30% white, that plus autism is o comparison to average chiraq niggas god damnit
>Sup Forums is a bunch of autists
>Autist does something incredible
>Sup Forums btfo
He has autism like Rain Man, the kind that can recall minute details instantly.
I can't make heads or tails of his drawing, the Island placement is all wrong/
looks like absolute shit
>continuity errors in perspective
>sloppy horizon line
>no sense of scale
>literally is making up the small in-between buildings
>big landmarks such as skyscrapers drawn in the wrong location and look as though they're falling over backwards
this is literal 1/10 work
He is one of us
>Look at this outlier that proves the average
why do autistic brits act, look and sound like normal brits?
Kike thread
Yeah, that's not even close to being right
Did anyone actually check this for accuracy?
Im calling bullshit
OP is as usual, a faggot.
Many such cases.
>morons that never took a panorama picture with their cell phones
ofc it is bs,he is a nigger ffs.
He's black so it is very likely since they wuz great artists and sheeeeit
I am not familiar with it at all, but I can draw the skyline right now without even looking at a picture of it first. I am a decent artist, so I can make it look good, but it won't be accurate at all. Are they trying to say it's a very accurate picture? What scale and is the perspective accurate? I see a lot of jumbled, squiggly lines.
Don't get me wrong. I was a special needs aid for some severely autistic kids, and some of their abilities in other areas are exceptional compared to many people, especially given the lack of abilities in other areas. That other lack of abilities makes their abilities stand out even more when you get to know them, and it truly is impressive, but it doesn't make everything they can do reasonably well superhuman.
What's the name of that deli right there, nigger?
You don't know, do you dumbass?
>black guy scribbles a bunch of shit on paper and ya'll are
high IQ
Its real. He cant tie his own shoes though
Autists are good at seeing the bigger picture.
quit nigger-signaling
It's out of also perspective if he's trying to draw a panorama.
It's like he tried to draw it panorama, decided it was too hard halfway through, and went to a normal landscape style drawing. It's shit and you know it is, swissarmyqueer
It's also out of perspective*
holy fuck, goddamn dyslexia
I could literally do that in 1 second, I just don't feel like it.
Ignorant slide thread...
You do know there is a difference between Autistic Savants and dead-brained, vegetale mined retards whose parts of the brain that affect sexuality DO advance unlike their other brain functions so if retard Billy wants to rape a bitch, he has the force of ten men because strength control doesn't grow with them and then you have a fucking retard raping a bitch with retard-strength and a hurr duur face and vocal pattern while the courts side with him beau he's a fucking RETARD!
He drew monument island on the wrong side of governors island dipshit.
He's written about in this book
An Anthropologist on Mars
big if true
*becasue he's a fucking retard! FUCK! All retards need to be thrown to wolves.
But autistic savants are okay, just keep them chained up and use them as biological computers or etch-a-sketches.
You could never do it better and what's more important is you *would* never do better.
>This thread
are you being sarcastic? because we literally agree with your statement
So many nigger lovers in this thread,disgusting.
>my shrink thinks I'm one of these people
Brits are already autistic.
How is this btfo Sup Forums? He's literally /ourautist/
back 2leddit kiddo
Probably just a raid from some shithole.
He was part of some special on the BBC or something that I saw. Pretty impressive, but he's no Kim peeks. Might have been the same show just highlighting these people.
>Richard Spencer is based
I've literally never seen a """""""""NatSoc""""""""" say anything of the sort, they hate him and thinks he's a plant.
Anyone has a photograph of a similar point of view of the city to see if this is accurate? I don't think the Eiffel Tower is supposed to be on that island.
Idiot savants are nothing new, user.
I bet that's the only thing he can do well though, autists are usually very good at one thing and terrible at everything else.
I would love to see a actual photo.
Pretty sure he is just making little rectangles.
no, i get that part. i'm asking the op how Sup Forums is btfo.
thats really cool
now show him a lynching and let him draw that
stupid nigger
>pol btfo
>says this on a mongolian hieroglyph enthusiast website made of autists that helped flip an entire country's gov't upside down
savants are still cool though
Lucky nig
Good black genes
Gifted with the magic of autism
Yeah makes sense
>Believing this diversity propaganda.
> that helped flip an entire country's gov't upside down
keep believing that,next you gonna tell me you actually believe WW3 is starting? and that niggers are based? that jews are based too? fuck of nigger
>buying sandwiches from kikes
Probably has to do with the fact it is a black guy who can do some autistic bullshit that has no real value.
they do some hilarious shit sometimes
but that doesn't stop them from being jews
if there's demand, it has value
Natsocs are in the alt right. Spencer is a good lad. What you meant to say is you've never seen faggots from /aidschan/ and leftypol say anything good about him.
Pol is the wrong kind of autism.
They're more the school shooter type than the rain man one.
Nobody posted this yet?
Sssshhh, silent sweet burger. Don't tell 'm our secrets
Cant draw his dad though.
buying sandwiches from Mexicans and muslims that have shit covered hands
Bullshit. /hwndu/ is a perfect example of the level of incredible feats that this board is capable of.
>Hey guys I stuck my hand in this pile of shit and found a small gold pebble
It's from the Southwest of Manhattan looking northeast at the financial district. Probably over Bayonne or Elizabeth.
You are a retard. That is a literal photo representation of that skyline literally down to the numbers of Windows on each building.
And who is demanding crappy drawings of NYC? This is the dumbest "talent" anyone could be given.
Note the autism, he isn't some feral nigger they found in the ghetto. He was born with a different thinking process and brain patterns.
Didn't realize the outliers set the rule.. Oh wait
>hilarious highlights
man I felt really bad watching this, specially 2:08
>oh well
British TV is so fucking good. I'm glad the British taxpayer funds my entertainment.
Autism gives you a mixed bag of superpowers at the cost of your ability to function socially.
> you will never have this much autism
fucjking sucks
someone. looking at his history, he has done a few of these and they're not cheap considering that each drawing takes a helicopter ride.
>Implying anyone here needs or uses social skills.
"yeah blacks have a lower iq on average compared to the other race's iq distributions but look at this one he is smart okay??"
holy fuck, this is all gold
Yeah, but his autism is nothing compared to the dorks in this thread. This is a real dude and the picture is almost perfectly accurate but has a few issues, likely due to him not actually fully taking in specific small areas fully because his recollection is very high. He is obviously a significant anomaly with an abnormal brain similar to Kim Peeks (who was actually a super savant and not a singular savant like this dude is.) Either way, stupid thread all around, good job.
that's probably what people said about van gogh's starry night. "just a crappy drawing of the sky"
also, some people buy art for the context. being able to tell your rich buddies that your new art work was created from memory by a guy after a 20 minute heli ride over nyc is pretty cool
Thats sad man, they seem friendly
The one Kosher deli that I went to had roaches crawling on the floor, I saw like 3 of them before I even got my meal.
It's pretty gross desu senpai, not the food, but the place it's self
Fuggin kikes, man
Autism is a spectrum.
You got your screaming retards, your idiot savants, high functioning sociopaths, and failed normies.
Is Daniel /ourselves/?
he's borats retarded brother bilo
When the vikangs sacked the isles they only took the pretty girls home.
ahh but can fug dem whyt biches yo?
>the people bashing this
It just makes you come off as bitter. Get a fucking life you faggots.
>>hilarious highlights
I hate all these TV shows that exploit sad, broken people.
I hope these pimps burn in hell.