Redpill Me on North Korea

I, of course, grew up with the whole "North Korea is a giant cult" rhetoric. They might be, that's not the point.

They talked little of the Korean War in school. Learned very little about Korea generally, much less how N. Korea got to be whatever it is.

I watched a few documentaries recently, and i dunno. Part of me kinda sees "it." How that might work out, a way to build a society until all the torture and foreign aid that still doesn't sustain the population and weirdness kinda sets in, and the whole Jonestown Massacre vibe makes alot more sense.

How much of it is propaganda? what percentage of the people are actually living like shit? How much of the clean ass cities and the like just for show. Clearly all these people couldn't be actors?

So what the hell is going on? is it really just a bad case of stockholm syndrome? Is it really a cult?

It feels like one of the biggest mindfucks ever. I'm just trying to wrap my head around it.

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Lots of propaganda against it. They're ultranationalists and ultraconservatives. No, they are not communists.
They also aren't controlled by the jews. They're close to fascism, but not fascism exactly. Their own ideology, Juche. Racial purity, traditional values, all of that there.

NK is just a left-over of soviet influence sphere, that still survives thank to russian and chinese help, and thank to exporting their workforce.

People there are not treated as people by the government. They are just a potential workforce, a "part of the puzzle".

And they do have the cult of muh leader, which kind of "legitimizes" their rule.

They are ultranationalist. Literally /ourguys/.

Don't believe the Jewish lies they are the bad guys. They are only poor because of the sanctions put on them. Pyongyang ia a beautiful city. I'm drunk so forgive my rambling thoughts.

A lot of the questions we can't really know the answers for sure. But we do know

1. It's a shitty piece of land. (My grandfather fought in Korea and can confirm this)
2. Koreans have been assraped by pretty everybody historically.
3. The famine and starvation is real.
4. Korean children make great musicians when you put a gun to their head.

>a fucking leaf

>They are ultranationalist. Literally /ourguys/.

We are Korean ultranationlists?

Their military belongs in a museum.

you already know the truth, you grew up right. any fag that thinks NK is great should immediately move there

Former Eastern European immigrant here that escaped communism, two things I want to say here:

1) US media does push propaganda about foreign leaders before going to war. " is a child molestor that eats babies". 80% of media reports about Kim (how he behaves) are probably false.

2) Communism sucks, unless you live in the capital city, your life is a living hell.

Bullshit. The left would have you believe that Kim is crazy and it's all one giant cult, but really it's just typical communism


Kim will nuke California

kek wills it

I can't wait for Kimmy to try something and get fucking rekt. I'm gonna laugh my ass off.

(1)Shitty piece of land, in terms of like agriculture and such?
(2) That's what I've gathered, and it may explain the ultranationalism.
(3) But why? Why do some towns look super well maintained, cell phones, nice clothes, etc etc. I can understand towns to represent themselves on the media being this way. But what do these people do? What formulates them to have such articulate responses when asked about their country? Is it literally towns of actors? Is it families of the elite class from over there, given particular "liberties" (and yes i understand they can't really call out of the country or use real internets)

(4) Sounds kinda watlzy if you ask me. I've seen alot of their artistic disciplines seem to do very well, animators, pianists, etc.

(1) is why I am revisiting them now that I'm older.

(2) Why is that? Why not extend this prosperity to other cities, expand your influence or whatnot? I don't get it??

I don't think NK is actually awesome, that's not what I'm saying. But it's not like one nation(or group of nations) never made shit up about an opponent. I'm just trying to figure out what's really going on as best I can. What I don't understand that how it can be such a populated nation with so much shit going on and there's literally no (known) coups or anything. It just kinda keeps trucking. What is keeping them alive? What keeps the power structure current?

Perhaps more importantly, do these people literally think this way (bc brainwashing) or are they in so much fear of either (or both) foreigners and their government that they just act this way?

It's true. Both sides suck, defending one or the other is retarded.

Well at least they aren't brimming with shitskins and heebs like the rest of us....shlomo

(1) Yes. Also notice how in all the NK videos you never see a single animal.
(3) yes, the elite are treated well. BTW many houses are mock up fakes. Pic related


>3. The famine and starvation is real.

Truth. The ironic thing is that the government loyalists are the ones hurt the most by the famine, because their misplaced subservience and unwillingness to skirt the rules to get food by hook or by crook is killing them off. The ones who are more willing to do whatever it takes to survive are the ones who actually are.

In NK they eat dogs instead of cows because they're better manual workers. If you're caught eating cow meat you're put to death.

who do i believe

I think the reason that the towns journalists visit always seem "fake" is because it is actually fake. As in, North Korea doesn't exist. The journalists are right - it IS a production, they are just ignorant to WHY it's a production
It's not that weird, really. Besides being stuck culturally inside the late 80s, they have plenty of technology that's more than up to date, though it's 99.99% concentrated inside of pyongyang where there's a large tourist group.
Granted I've never personally been, I've talked to more than a few people who have been, and some who still go, including the dude who made these videos, jaka parker. He says the most epiphany causing moment was when he arrived there about 8 years ago, for the first time from indonesia. He was there to take pictures in high def for his company. But the people were kind, and it was generally a lot less restrictive than he'd heard about, so he stuck around. I think he's had 2 or 3 kids inside of north korea now, too.

Pretty fascinating place. I'd never want to go, I don't think, but it fascinates me to no end.

Satan is right. Journalist see this with their eyes, but we know eyes aren't real.

>Dr. Trump I'm DPRK

South Korea is the cult, do you even 8 Goddess?

That's basically him yeah, he records everything. Even recorded himself going to some dimly lit hairdresser.
It's some cool stuff, really.

Here's him at the anti-US imperialism rally a week or two ago.

Both Koreas are authoritarian shitholes. I hope NK nukes SK and gives Trump an excuse to nuke NK.

>cut my hair in North Korea


There is one us professor on youtube who claims Jouche involves a lot racial theories.

Yeah here's one of my favorites, where he visits the argentina store.

How are we to believe this isn't all some next level gommie propaganda?

The same leaf always licking NK and Chinas pussy must be Kims proxy

You aren't. Take it as you will, 90% of what he records is legal and allowed by the norks (according to him anyway), but I like to think that the norks are too busy trying to chop up people to feed to prisoners in concentration camps to worry about some indonesian dude recording himself stuttering trying to talk to some north korean girl doing cash exchange.

Because the North Korean government let foreigners into their country from time to time, and those people have made documentaries of their visit.

>They are ultranationalist. Literally /ourguys/

Thats not how nationalism works idiot. They're /theirguys/.

Nationalism is fine as long as they leave me alone (dont attack the US)

>(2) Why is that? Why not extend this prosperity to other cities, expand your influence or whatnot? I don't get it??

Because Communism doesnt actually create prosperity.
Govt controlled economies always fail outside of a total war; the DPRK keeps their country in a constant state of quasi war to justify their bullshit and it still doesnt work.
They are wise to jewish trickery

The VICE North Korea travel doc. was actually pretty good, back from a time when VICE wasn't total trash.

they are ethnonationalist and have no central bank or jewish influences. and they hate and constantly threaten to destroy israel.

literally /ourguys/

>[Juche] has also been described as a form of Korean ethnic nationalism, but one which promotes the Kim family as the saviours of the "Korean Race"

Best Korea.
Liberal paradise food (domestic and UN feed), medical child care
4. Lots of Labor Summer camps
5. Lowest Carbon foot print
6. Legal Weed
7. Legal Opium
8. All the uneducated split tail a man can ever wont.

Best Korea is a model of liberty.

then why starvation and famine?

Weird weed is legal, how do they justify that? economy?

I saw one video of the 'resources' that "any" NK citizen could enjoy, like pools, parks, and horse stables.

Why is no one there? Why is no one at the stores? How do they acquire money and stuff?

Starvation is only for those that dont abide. Weed is a gift from the gods, its food, clothe, and fun.

Only the good liberal Best Koreans get this.

Their cabinets are full and only need to get supplies on a weekly not every day slave.

No need for wealth, best korea provides

Do they turn down our Jew money?

Best Korea doesnt need money changing juda. No money. Everything is free for the best Koreans.

they lead in producing non-degenerate art

So are the starving children part of the "if you commit a crime, your family pays" kinda legal system? So like a province fucks up and just anyone that lives there pretty much starves?

I can agree with their stance on weed.

Not needing money as a means to acquire wealth, but as a means of documenting purchases and whatever. If they are truly getting all NK provides, why is there the euro and dollar and (i think?) yen also being used?

They're are not in a constant state of famine and starvation. Their country has faced some droughts, and because of sanctions and the way their economy works (they don't import food from other countries) it has lead to food shortages.

But now they rely heavily on chinese food aid so this is no longer as much of a issue as it was.

But the DPRK eliminated mention of communism from their constitution in the '90s. Also, they have a lot of overtly racist propaganda. Check out the book "The Cleanest Race."

DPRK is so

a e s t h e t i c

DPRK actually does have a central bank, but it isn't under Jewish control.

What goes on in this pic?

Are you retarded? How can you not see this?

>MSM to the liberals: NK is nationalist hell hole, look at how brain washed they all are!
>MSM to conservatives: NK is communist hell hole, look at how brain washed they all are!

I'm not saying that I know exactly whats going on in the DPRK but I'm sure as shit that the media isn't telling the truth

Do something out of your own free will in NK and you'll be red pilled instantly ;)

>in his work 'On the Juche Idea' Kim Jong-il explains that Juche is a departure from Marxism–Leninism rather than simply a reinterpretation of it. According to Kim, Juche offers not only an "independent and creative" direction to the Korean revolution, but also establishes a new era for human history.[5]

>In his 1955 speech, the first known to refer to Juche, Kim Il-sung said:"To make revolution in Korea we must know Korean history and geography as well as the customs of the Korean people. Only then is it possible to educate our people in a way that suits them and to inspire in them an ardent love for their native place and their motherland."[19]

>In the speech On Socialist Construction and the South Korean Revolution in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, given on April 14, 1965, Kim Il-sung outlined the three fundamental principles of Juche: political independence, economic self-sustenance self-reliance in defence.

sounds pretty based desu

I tried once authentical North Korean lemonade and it was delicious.

I guess they not that bad after all.

Ok so china gets Korean coal, Korea gets fed. food aid, to me, is indicative of a failed state. Food is of upmost importance to national security and independence.

you damned straight they are. and their arts.
See It just kind of makes my head spin.

That's what I'm thinking.

Nothing, it's just for show

>one thread complaining about liberals defending the Norks
>another complaining that liberals want to fight Russia but are afraid of NK for some reason
>another about how made up everything about North Korea and want to go to war with them when they're "/our guys/'


Weed is legal because nobody there knows about it. Very difficult to find cannabis in NK.

i don't think the US sends them aid, but regardless they don't recognise the state of israel and they don't have a kike owned central bank.

Many houses. Have you got more than one photo as proof?

They aren't in a cult, they're hostages. They've got a system with peasants where they basically have them call out each other for various kinds of bullshit from bad haircuts to staying up too late. This isn't MSM bullshit, the NKs are redpilled as fuck.

No proof again by a burger. Just regurgitated bullshit.

Now mi5 is in on it. Proof please.
Not propoganda.

that guy was probably forced to make those vids and all the cool places like pc stores he shows are probably open to the elite only

So because of these reasons we should go to war with them, not because theyre not part of an international private banking system with no governmental oversight...rrrrright... you gotta any bridges for sale bud?

and before any of you jews say "oh ur just falling for western propaganda", the fact that this guy is allowed to share his videos promoting north korea shows that western govts really dont care about showing nk in a negative light.

Chop people up?
Going to need proof burger.

Kim wind slick willy probably had human trafficking dealings

>Believe Best Korea is as portrayed in the (((news)))
>But they did that with Nazi Germany
>Best Korea are (((Commies)))
>But they're ultra-nationalist
>They hate the West
>But they're redpilled on the Jewish Question

Truly an enigma.
If they had followed the National Socialism route they could have been a pretty solid country.

Polish diaspora here. Born 93, parents said gommunism was also pretty good in the country couse u could lie about ur yield and keep some for yourself instead of just rations.

But everyone's glad it's gone.

lmao. This alone is proof of how the MSM lies about DPRK. The media could tell you that Kim Jong Un eats his own shit and you'd believe every word of it.

False premise = false conclusion. I never said that was why they need to be taken out. Grow a brain.

Oh ok kike, please go on about how much you love and care for the humanity of the norks and how much you wanna rescue them from the evil tyrant. Cmon lets brainwash all the goyim tonight.

>MSM propaganda
Watch their one television statement and tell me it's not a batshit crazy hellhole

It's China's playtool to keep us Amerifats under China control

We could all live in peace but the Jew plays tricks on us to keep us in fear and create communism to ruin countries

Its' the Jew

Eastern European communism was a bullshit economic system that was doomed to failure, but at least the communist party wasn't trying to replace the population with sub-human apes, hajis, and poo in loos.

Probably... lol
No proof just a retard.

Even if it was true, who's to say that's wrong, it seems like a functional conservative cultural adaptation. Similar to how hindus don't slaughter their cow, but still drink the milk.

"Dogs" makes it an emotional headline, to the westerner.

which brings me to "hostages" seems to be something that's pushed. Maybe it's true idk i'm here to try and figure it out. But rescuing "hostages" gets a population behind a war.

showed how the famine meme might not be a constant thing, i mean after all, looking at it objectively it's difficult to get any nation off the ground. America had quite a rough start, seems like we didn't get it "together" for nearly 200 years. NK is not even 100 years?

I'm not convinced they are hostages, or that hostages is a good word. I'm thinking they are either brainwashed very well, like I was saying in OP, Jonestown Massacre style. Their vibes, as that with many cults seem the same. Kind of spacey, but coherent.

And I still can't tell if it's an utter failure or actually works. It could be, as I see it

A) All completely fake, probably some sort of psyop using slaves or something?
B) Real- these people are fearing for their lives
C) Alternate- They are completely bought in, functioning as some sort of hive. Their fear is more of bringing shame to their families than actual punishment, which they would probably feel they deserve.

Meanwhile there is a lot of evidence to take an american presidential candidate to trial for child trafficking.... nothing.

A country on the wrong side of the coin (right now). It was a very advanced and one of the leading countries in the world back when the USSR was at its height, even Sork couldn't compete. They quickly declined into famines soon after the USSR dissolution. USA has been actively isolating and sanctioning them since 1991, resulting in famines and material shortages. Right now corrupted CIA officials, arms dealers (such as the bush family) see Nork as a big business opportunity and if a war ever happens in Nork than it will only and only be for those people to line their pockets, nothing else. Nork is not a threat and never will be.

Poor otto

This is what torture looks like in the DPRK


Jesus Christ those single row bottles of booze are fucking hilarious. Just enough to fool you for the first millisecond that the shelves are "stacked" but you immediately notice the sham. They don't even have enough supplies to stock a single fake supermarket, just amazing. The power of communism is definitely alive and kicking over there.

It's not even really communism. NK is just like most other third world countries except with a massive police state.