Is there a bigger cuck than Joss Whedon?
Is there a bigger cuck than Joss Whedon?
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North Korean isn't a race you turbokike, he's have to kill the South Koreans too
Literally who?
That is the gayest thing I've seen today. What a fag.
A Hollywood cuck.
Now ask how he feels about White Genocide.
Imagine the backfire it would cause if Trump's twitter got suspended/deleted.
I can't even imagine being this much of a pussy
The greatest director of our time.
What about NK threatening to nuke the US every day?
2016 was like the final crossroads. The situation with the migrants, white-hating, and propaganda had become so bad that only someone with their head truly, deeply borrowed in the sand would refuse to see it. Now I'm afraid to say anyone who didn't come to the light before or during 2016 has probably crossed the Rubicon and their mind can no longer be recovered.
He's definitely cucked on levels we haven't seen before but he's a producer. Why should we give anything he says any credence? I hate that we have to be subjected to these vapid dimwits because they have checkmarks next to their name
Of 90s-early 2000s tv*
yes, that guy who played wesley crusher.
Didn't a bunch of hysterical feminists run this guy off twitter for some tiny transgression? He'll never learn.
I also wonder if he war mongers about Syria and Russia
The two avengers movies are probably the best movies ever created.
Americans uniroincally want to nuke innocent norks. Remember this next time an obese redneck tries to lecture you on how great America and Americans are. All it takes is their president doing the now routine north korea tough talking for them to want to nuke a country of innocent people out of existence
And the alternative is what, lay down and take it?
>say Trump is threatening N Koreans woth Genocide
>ignore that Lil Kim is threatening S. Korean and Japan with Genocide
Bravo, Joss.
>Norks kill a Jewish kid
>Jews get triggered & tell Trump to be tougher on North Korea
>Trump tells them to behave, they keep threatening USA & allies with Nukes
>Trump is the bad guy
This is getting fucking ridiculous, liberals have lost their minds
Can you imagine if anyone actually thought this? Are there people like that? Where do peasants of such bad taste even exist?
I wish he does something like HWNDU, so we can see him have a mental breakdown.
but remember, if you kill your enemy, they win faggot
your dad
As dumb as it was for Trump to take Kim's weak ass attention whoring bait, nigger is good at shitposting, but fucking terrible at responding to it, Whedon is infinitely more retarded and our species would be better off without his pseudointellectual ass. Just shut the fuck up and let these two autismo leaders shitpost to one another, literally nothing of substance will happen because contrary to warmonger belief, the gook is a rational actor, he likes ruling over people with an iron fist, and he's not going to compromise that by starting a war he cannot possibly win.
will whedon
You're right
Anthony Burch
I wish firefly was in someone else's hands.
Also this is a damned if you do damned if you don't. Trump could bring free higher education and dismantle the Nork Threat and each. Course he offered for free would be how he genocided the proud north Korean race
Nothing the right will do will ever satisfiy the left so it's pointless trying to win them.
>cuck beard
>libshit political views
Everything about this guy screams low-T faggot.
It's not like the norks have been threatening every western country with nuclear armageddon for years or anything
Should I know who this faggot is?
Man he's really snapped.
He's the director of Buffy/Firefly/Marvel Capeshit I think
This explains why he put all those homosexual innuendos in avengers 2.
looks like a typical pizza lover
>When Trump threatens N. Korea he's threatening N. Koreans. With genocide.
When Kim threatens the US he's just fucking around lol, chill out guise.
It's like we've been teleported to hell where half the people have been replaced with doppelgangers
what the fuck m8
this degeneracy will be the end of us
So the left still haven't learned from their experiences with Milo? Try and silence someone and it only makes them more popular. I mean has Joss taken even a second to actually think what would happen if Twitter did delete his account?
That would be nolan
pls stop posting this it makes me want to kill myself
Didn't "Joss" (nice cultural appropriation there) get bullied off twitter by the the sjw brigade?
The norks threaten us with genocide every time they make an official government release.
I've seen a lot of leftists REEEEEing about this today. They're determined to get Trump removed from Twitter any way they can and this is their latest attempt at mass reporting him for making threats.
Wouldn't the literal least that twitter could do is to not do anything at all?
Jews have no problem trying to meme us into war with the Russians, but are triggered by the prospect of us pissing off the (((Marxist))) Norks or chinks
>twitter you can save the world!
>just delete Trumps twitter and you can prevent genocide!
as if Trump won't just pick up the phone and call him a bitch.
>goes to police over tweets
can you actually do that or will they (hopefully) just laugh in your face?
"Literally" is the new "like. " It's overuse is LITERALLY the easiest way to spot a moron.
When Kim is threatening the US, he's not threatening the US.
I am like literally the like best virtue signaler on twitter
I say we send Joss to "negotiate"
>literal faggot
They'll laugh in his face. I don't even know who he is but he sounds like a raving lunatic.
Wait, when did he say anything about genocide?
Its kinda strange how Liberalism relies on destruction so heavily. Destroy Trump's way of communicating so he becomes less powerful! Destroy monetary incentive for conservative YouTubers to make videos! Destroy your fetus! Destroy thirty thousand emails! "Delete your account!"
Yeah, I see your reasoning Joss, but I don't think the jury is gonna buy it.
Should just stick with "Nazi!" or "KKK!" for now.
Also, I know it's twitter, but fix that capital "W", you're a fucking writer.
>The greatest director (of bad children's TV) of our time
Every moron "Literally!"s every braindead comment nowadays. Don't know when, why, or how it started, but it drives me nuts.
He never said anything about genocide but in leftist minds he's literally Hitler so everything he says means genocide because they're just that delusional.
This explains millenials.
To be fair, Kim doesn't have a twitter account, so he can't violate their TOS.
Liberals are cucks who can't achieve anything on their own, so they instinctively try to bring g everyone down to their level so they can compete. Every form of socialism, including national socialism works this way.
What has he even done that has been remotely relevant these days?
>leering at a preteen girl like a slab of meat
One of the most disturbing things I've seen in a really long time F. Am
That's about what I figured.
>tfw you wish someone looked at you like that guys looks at that kid
Why are Swedes always such blue pilled cucks?
Destroy self-reliance and self-respect, most importantly.
it's a boy
That's his son m8
>can't imagine
I'm trying and it hurts.
It LITERALLY hurts my head so much I'm LITERALLY shaking
w-what is it???
If Trump starts using an alternative to twitter then twitter is finished and even the nu-males of san francisco know it
Low hanging fruit is not worth trolling.
To think, I actually liked Firefly. No matter, this degenerate slime *LITERALLY* needs a double gassing, just be sure.
will we ever wake up from this nightmare
>Trump threatens to attack country that has threatened us
>Cuck Whedon wants it shut down
Gets my noggin joggin
>When Trump threatens N. Korea he's threatening N. Koreans.
Brilliant man.
He used it once, how is that overuse you fucking kek
Twitter would be a utility within hours