Why is the Western gaming scene so inundated with liberals?

Why is the Western gaming scene so inundated with liberals?

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Because they will do all the thinking for you, tyvm.


Sup Forums is always right

why is it always a short haired cunt who did women's studies at university say shit like this

It's really just game developers and software developers in general

Not enough cock, I guess.

(((They))) saw it as (((Their))) next best market to infect. Hopefully gamers entirely reject their agenda and the games are critical commercial failures.

And the "journalists" who cover them.

because the people who make games weren't good enough to get real stem jobs or are artists and language majors

Never go to NeoGAF then, holy shit.

They're literally asking for trouble writing that

The Western world is going to be like Europe in 1848 before long

Its another target for them in their fantasy fight against the patriarchy.

She is right, but who wants to play a game about giving people flowers, when there's better shit to do in GTA.

>Western gaming scene
More like western everything scene. This is why I watch anime, and not shitty western TV shows. The nips are still interested in telling actual stories with actual characters, and not virtue signalling and pushing their utopian political views.

Because mentally ill liberal young adult millennials use vidya as an escape from reality. Though being secluded in a virtual world only keeps them in that state.

t. Mentally ill conservative millenial

captcha: calle calle

Because most old white conservatives could give less of a shit about those Nintendcasts and XStations.

Because it is inundated with young people, who are overwhelmingly leftist and majority nonwhite

this, because the jews infiltrated every kind of entertainment to subjugate us. fewer white children, by any means necessary.

Liberalism is a way for people that dedicate their life to leisure to feel less dead inside. Instead of building virtue it is easier to stay dedicated to Vidya or Comic Books or Harry Potter and pontificate to others.

Because the apolitical, conservative and libertarian types let them in to show how fair, open-minded and decent a person they are, hoping that the liberals will return the favor.

They never do; liberals will always attempt to subvert every organization or activity to advance their ideology and agenda. The only way to not be corrupted by liberal influence is to actively reject liberalism.

the left thinks if they take over cultural popular icons then society will follow but really they just poison everything they touch. The movie industry is in deep trouble and every leftist influenced game (looking at you mass effect) has been a massive failure

their views are not natural so theyre not fun

so this is why games have been completely shit lately

So when I gank lowbies in WoW and teabag the corpse, I'm being a political activist? Cool.

Anything male/white is being infiltrated with SJWs.

They don't like goys/males having community, so they try to break it down and create acrimony.

They seek to atomize people. There shouldn't be any sort of relationship or bond between people that is greater than the relationship between the state and the individual.

Community is dangerous.

ANYTHING male/white is targeted -- Sports, Military, Computer culture, gaming culture... I read an article where they were trying to label the *Boy Scouts* a dangerous introduction to a fachist culture.

They will try to introduce homosexuality, feminism into any male space, because it creates division and destroys any fraternity/commradery that exists

Very popular form of entertainment. After the recession in 2008, video games was one of the few industries that were not hit. They want to brainwash kids through video games, along with everything else. Also, it's popular predominantly among White and Asian males, which is an unspeakable crime for liberals.

noice digits lad

how else are they going to find work?

I work in gaming. It really isn't inundated with them. They're just the only ones who can voice their opinions without being fired. And it all comes down to the overton window, and how it's been used to silence anyone to the right of the 'fulcrum' - which is now so far left that a tiny minority can exert extreme pressure to manipulate everyone to their right.

None of the devs I work with (except maybe a handful) have ever advocated for any of this SJW garbage. There are a few, but most people roll their eyes and ignore them. Some will get in debates, but they know their limits and shut up quickly.

Damn these so-called journalists, I remember the passionate video games reviews websites in the late 90s and early 00s where they wrote articles anonymously, and probably had real jobs and took out ads just to make ends meet. Very passionate people behind those websites. Now these so-called journalists attention whore themselves out on social media and make their living from intimidating game developers. The worst was the guy who slept with a female developer, and Kotaku covered from him.


It's not. These cunts are fringe "indie" no-devs that have never and will never make anything that had commercial success. These GDC talks are always empty as fuck, multiple talks run at the same time, everyone who actually works in the industry is next door, busy listening to animators, engine coders and designers.

>well thought out post that accurately describes whats happening
My word.

Game programming is some of the most intense programming. Lots of math and theory.
I have been a corporate programmer for 20 years.
This is also the reason they are failing when they hire weak candidates for diversity. You can not hide weak skills when you are doing cutting edge work.

Because most gamers and gamedevs, for all their e-tantrums, are beta cuck pushovers.

That's why they put the women in shitty roles like programming animations according to certain cues and stuff like that. Basically just triggering animations at certain spots within a scripted segment. The guys will be figuring out clever ways to calculate bullet trajectories and the women will work on the system menu or 'coding' the 'emotional context' of a scene.

Modern companies must have people dedicated to making the statistics pretty while keeping the women from fucking up as much as possible.

Yep. HR Departments, Customer service departments, Facilities, Front desk, etc. They balanced out all the men with a nearly 75% female art team where I work. But then the art is handed over to male 3D modelers and developers, and the art team spends the rest of the day shitposting on plebbit.

I can't look at any western TV Show or movie without searching for any type of propaganda

Perhaps it's the active indoctrination in western tertiary institutions.
Almost everyone involved in video game development goes through tertiary education to get there.

I don't get why they fetishize their careers so much. They drop the word "career" at every opportunity, but for men it's assumed that we do real work...

>everything is racist, everything is sexist
Liberalism is like sexual perversion. It's always on their minds.

Excellent synopsis

When something interesting but mildly controversial is even suggested (see Confederate) the socjus brigade throws a tantrum.
Their tantrums yielding results for them is depressing to witness.

Like the woman who got the store here in Portland to get rid of the Confederate flag.


Because it's like a fucking cult and they have to snake their tendrils everywhere. Their old vehicles were mainstream media and colleges.

Colleges are still in their grasp, but they realized that youths care more about videogames than fake news, so now they're trying to propagandize through videogames.

They're trying to create a complete environment, a total bubble where a person will be so completely surrounded in leftist ideas, with their stupid rhetoric and strawmans that it'll create a pavlovian response whenever they encounter a right-winger who threatens that safe space called their life, and they'll be instantly triggered.

It's a spearhead strategy executed by the cabal's nation-level brainwashers. It happened in S. Korea parallel with the U.S.--we called it gamergate and ended with gamers accidentally fighting off the opening salvo in the U.S. culture war.

Feminists pick on gamers because they're easy targets. They won't go to Saudi Arabia and spready their cuntery there where it's actually needed, no, they have to pick on the poor socially awkward nerds that have already withdrawn from society.

game industry fag here

the really good devs, like programmers, good artists, basically people with talent and are self-reliant don't talk much about politics. in fact, they may be left leaning but they are not SJW.

the loudest, most annoying SJWs are all testers or people who don't hold mission-critical positions. especially female testers. the amount of entitlement and the amount of "i am a "dev", im important, and i make this company good smugness" is through the roof with those delusional pieces of shit.

No, you are not an IMPORTANT dev, you are just a random piece of shit we picked up who can file bugs and follow instructions. You don't know how to make anything, you are not creative, and you are talentless. Ironically, if a huge layoff takes place, those are the first to go, no questions asked.

once in a while there are good devs who are smart that lean SJW but that's because they are misguided and have been fed lies over and over.

Yeah, that sounds like my experience where I work too. QA, Customer Service, and art are full of SJW cunts. We only have two female devs. Probably 40+ male devs.

>Is there even a non western gaming scene?

So take all the virgins on Sup Forums and pair them with these women. Problem solved.


It's a leaf too. What's going on

Interestingly, some websites track the male-to-female ratios for job types, and the vague "coordination"-type jobs have much higher percentages of females, while the clear, solid-value jobs are virtually all male.

Cause people who play a lot of games and people who make them are beta.

Easy infiltration.

it makes sense, ive come to the following conclusion:

those SJW pieces of shit are all commies on the inside. the people who like communism or lean marxism are people who depend on others to produce for them, and those people are often talentless hacks.

those of us who have skills, knowledge, and ambition know that one day we will become successful or get somewhere. of course we understand SJW is shit, and so is the bullshit progressives feed us. we want to make money and start a family, not fucking become degenerates and spend all our moneys on figurines, fidget spinners and shit.

pareto distribution is right on again, 20% of the people do 80% of the work. really, i can count a handful of people at work that i consider elite tier. the rest, like you described, QA, fucking customer service, external departments aren't really putting actual work into the project, they are just working around it. (sometimes the smart QAs, the diamonds in the rough do come through and advance, but those people you can tell from day 1 that they dont belong in QA)

Lets be honest.

It was a pretty easy scene to take over. Most gamers are low test losers.

yep, that's why i actually have mad ass respect for women devs who actually crunch like us. there are a few gals here at work that really love what they do and i have tremendous respect for them and they are basically like one of us bros because they love something so much that they are willing to forego the typical work/life balance lifestyle most women seek and decide to put their time in to see something through. those are really badass women that know their shit.

but there are also a lot of women who just basically do the 9 - 5, maybe stay late when they announce extra hours or crunch, but generally have very little ambition on expanding skillsets or pushing the project even further.

but at any given time when someone is staying late, that person is most definitely a man.

>"Set in a multi-ethnic, multicultural society"
>audience cheers
What the fuck is the point of this shit? And why is the audience cheering?

I would treat QA with a little more respect as the good QA people discover issues before the products ship. For example, they can find ingenious ways to break software. However, a lot of QA is outsourced to India where they actually brag about finding excuses to avoid work, I know because I knew someone who had worked with them.

I've known one woman who was like that. The rest are entitled cunts and they only get worse with age, until you would rather work with rabid pit bulls.

k long story . short version is the gaben is a white supremacist and bill gates hates china and the todd may be bitter about his grandfathers legacy in WW2 being revealed as nothing but lies and there is this tape of bill gates with tom fulp and egoraptor drunk at E3 saying racist shit

so to compensate the industry kinda did this thing where they are like its not a big deal because we have lots of diversity. cut to ubisoft or EA making a big deal about 1 fucking game they are making and how important diversity is

here is a summary of gamergate bc im sure you guys are newfags when it comes to the subject. dont read this outloud bc when you do it sounds retarded 'rabbit hole rabbit hole rabbit hole' but its the only and best summary i know of

Liberals tend to be more artistic, while Conservatives are more within the financial areas. Well videogames are a form of art.

Most gamers are more like passive types who prefer to bury their heads in the sand until it's too late.

and here is a post about female posters and social shaming.
this happens to be how leftist shills operate esp towards gamers. shame shame shame
the irony is that this is more telling of leftist 'males' who partake in leftist ideaologies

>Bonnie Ruberg

the left

no they are necessary part of the process but they arent as high valued as they think and claim they are. and honestly i wouldnt put "developer" as a title on them because quality assurance is not creative work. but because the industry is so broad that different companies might have different asks for their QA so i would consider someone a developer if they have to develop tools to do their job. (solving problem creatively)

also the further the QA department away from your studio, the worse it becomes. i worked with QA from the publisher and those motherfuckers would actually enforce bug quota so i get duplicated bugs all the fucking time or sometimes even bugs that tries to argue about certain design choices instead of telling you of an actual problem. just because in your opinion it's not right doesnt mean it's not working.

and there's working with in house QA, they are a lot more responsible and professional about it. i fact i think promoting from within should be a preferred method of hiring because it just makes sense to throw those young talents something to catch on to. often times it's the kids who went to a for-profit art school, came out and cant get a real job that had to resort to QA. those dont stay there for long if they're willing to talk to more people and do work on the side.


gaming is for numales, grow the fuck up

Games are the largest media segment now and they were totally unregulated.
Now they are regulated.

Agreed that the best QA is developers who occasionally test products, which I've seen for the most critical products.

>even bugs that tries to argue about certain design choices instead of telling you of an actual problem
Ironically, I've been told to "just file a bug report" when I've had an opinion on something, so perhaps it's management.

Worst for me is late-night calls to overseas colleagues who find excuses to avoid work, if we had only qualified local colleagues, the projects would finish "under budget, ahead of schedule."

This reminds me of the the time some indie developer had his name dragged through the mud because he didn't make men and women functionally identical in the code for his game. I'm pretty sure the game was called Rimworld. Here's the link archive.is/LU1u2 if you're curious.

anyways, to answer OP's question. i think gad saad explained it pretty nicely in the latest interview with dave rubin.

the reason why shits like SJW, feminism, post modernism can take over industry like the video games industry is because it's a creative field, and there are a lot of subjectivity to the work. unlike physics, you cant fucking argue against gravity with feminism. or biology. so the more objective the field is, the harder it is for SJW to invade because their whole universe is built on lies and misinterpretation of facts and history. but it is the creative field that gives them enough room to take hold and multiply. that is the area that does not have immunity against cancer because it is the lack of immunity (objectivity) that makes creative work so enjoyable.

but of course, exposed to cancer, get cancer.

Because social engineering is the goal.
There will be no where to run or hide. Stand and fight, or drop dead.

to clarify gad saad talked about how SJW and post modernism can invade college campus. not game industry.

his reasoning is that college campus allows ideas to flourish. so SJW takes hold of humanities first. because humanities is not as important as STEM and STEM deals with objectivity so there's not much room for the cancer to take hold of.

Everything must be political for Socialists/Communists. Literally everything.

By politicizing everything, State involvement in everything becomes justified (in their minds).

on top of that, the gaming industry for a long time was under the criticism of too boring. and indeed it felt like it has hit a point where all the games you play involves killing and annihilating each other. the interactive medium really didn't have a different mode. but that's not to say that we need to fucking inject a bunch of SJW bullshit into our games. video games need to allow us to play with each other in different ways, down to the core it's still going to have its competition aspects and its cooperation aspects. if we take away those things then it's not a game anymore, it's a chore.

i feel like SJW took advantage of the situation and forced the wrong type of "diversity" into the medium. what the medium needs is a diversity of design philosophy (thoughts), not diversity of representation.

(((oligarchs))) have entered the final phase of their total dominance of society. this is the reason the prog/lib shit is shoved into every aspect of life-including vidya. by destroying/neutralizing white males*-who (((they))) view as their only threat,they then can rule virtually forever through life extention tech. you don't really think they care about darkies and roasties,do you? (((their words,not mine)))
* the only common goal of progs is destroying white males-thats how feminist rationalize accepting islam,etc. never mind that white males have given women,gays,etc more rights-excessive rights,than any other society ever. you can't argue with a crazy prog.

Everything must be repeatedly scrutinized (though not to the point of atomization, for they'd have to admit that people are individuals) in their binary oppressor/oppressed model.

>SJW took advantage of the situation and forced the wrong type of "diversity" into the medium. what the medium needs is a diversity of design philosophy (thoughts), not diversity of representation.
They're too shallow to know the difference

checking those digits

because they are talentless hacks!

Well said, best to stick to non-creative areas like, to name a few at random, security, oil, and mining.

>Listening to a kike

The reason they can take over these industries is because they have no self defense mechanicsm. When you're made up of the freaks and the geeks you welcome any one in. You're just happy to find other people who like the same shit you like, you don't realize they're abusive until it's too late.

Cool. Now i really feel powerful full wizard tier bro :))) kek Fight me on my warrior :D

Noone wants to become a programmer anymore because you get death threats from normies when you nerf their class. I was going to do CS degree when I found out that game developers get shit on by society. Fuck that. I'll just teach myself to code as a hobby.

>holy shit

Fuck off to plebbit, millennial

Everyone online gets death threads you goddamn pussy. It's the internet, you laugh at it because no one actually means them.

(They) have infiltrated all levels of entertainment, and, like user said are attempting to destroy white community.

Sadly this. The women just had to shame them to control them.

I knew there was a reason i loved this game.

Of death threats from anons are enough to scare you off then you have no business being online or outside. I cannot fathom how weak a person must be to let trolls control their life.

We play games to get away from liberal TV. Their nature is conformity and linear. People want to be creative, not passive. Liberal bullshit can only survive in linear console games.

Isn't a Jewish name nor a Jewish last name

Be honest, what do you think of this character, which haunts Sup Forums rubs it hands like a crafty cartoon villain?

If it wasn't for the kippah, it would look more like an Arab than a Jew.

I collect them btw, but only ones I feel are worth it

You got this one?