Trudeau uses advanced mathematics to explain how to replace white Canadians

White Canadians are being replaced:

>This month Manitoba responded to two complaints by barring a driver from continuing to use his two-year-old licence plate “ASIMIL8.”
>Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada officials are digesting a significant report that defines absorptive capacity as “a two-way process that encourages adjustment on the part of both the newcomer and the receiving society.”
>With Canada now accepting 300,000 immigrants a year, in addition to accommodating 700,000 international students and temporary foreign workers, the 2014 report, which has no listed author, recognizes real problems. It wants policy makers to adapt.
>There is a strong tendency for newcomers to settle with members of their own ethnicity in the core of cities and, more recently, their suburbs.
>Second-generation visible minority immigrants, compared to first-generation immigrants, are more likely to “perceive” they’ve been subject to discrimination.

300,000 immigrants a year, 700,000 international students and temporary foreign workers, 400,000 10-year visa, amounts to over a million per year. People wonder why wages are suppressed and hospital wait times keep getting longer....

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Is this pic from China or Canada?

Vancouver or Chengdu?

Richmond BC or Shanghai?

Are you literally retarded?

Fuck Canada so much.

I worry more for America as they could sort themselves out only to have you retards fuck up and try to move in.

you can tell which ones aren't china because tehy aren't a shithole

Dundas Street is in Vancouver, not Richmond.

So far, you posted 3 pictures of Historic Chinatown in Vancouver and tried to argue that Vancouver looks like China.
Go fuck yourself.

Prophetic occult Kekian mage here
>america goes to war with North Korea
>China sides with NK
>Canada sides with USA (of course)
>America bombs China and NK to pieces
>chink citizens in Canada and the US are put in concentration camps during the war
It shall be glorious

>manlet rice dick is mad that asian girls prefer the superior BWC

I appreciate you finding the time between Muslims gangraping your kids to let us know how we are doing

I think canada is paying foreign unis to send students.
2 years ago my uni REALLY insisted that i should do at least one semester abroad in Canada for no real reason other. as soon i said "no way" they just send another one

I wouldn't doubt it. There has been an almost 100% increase in foreign student enrolment in the last decade, while domestic enrolment is down. Universities are just another scheme to increase foreign immigration and suffocate the Canadian white middle class with enormous debt and dismal job prospects.

the guy who got the plate loved the borg


Thanks for not being a parasite, Pedro. Few things are worse than a leaf who's also a spic. They all come here just to be whiney snivelling liberal pieces of shit or commies with their Che Guvara shirts (despite the fact that he hated Mexicans)


Can confirm.


>get the fuck out

Yea all white Canadians with close familial contacts in Europe, especially if you're Eastern Europe like me should consider just migrating back to the homeland.

Canada is caput. At least back there you can fight against the hordes and live a comfy life with a comfy wife if you're man enough.

I'd rather move to America where I can own better guns, defend myself if a nigger tries to kill me or is on my property, criticize Islam, and deny the holocaust.
Trump is going to MAGA

Not to mention I won't have to pay money for whores to murder their children any more
But Switzerland is pretty based about gun rights

>going to an even worse shithole

The US is in a worse shape than Canada buddy. Don't care about your guns, it's not like you're going to cleanse all the shitskins before you get assimilated. Must suck to be you. Btw gun laws are lax in most Eastern European countries, moreso than America.
Says here I can't have semi-autos in Serbia, period and in Czech republic it is restricted to open carry

smashes button labeled 30000 foot overview of quantum computing

You have spotted the real story - Canada hands out work and study permits to third worlders like mad. Some estimates put it nearer 2 million. The "official" immigration stat is a lie - and that's already a crazy high number at 300,000.

Canada was a great country to lvie in, has been for over a century. It's quiet and sparsely populted. You have to work hard and (((they))) don't do very well, bankers in general haven't done well, being rich didn't let you have tons of mexican servants etc.

That drives them mad which is why Trudeau and the others are obsessed with increasing Canada's population. It will make lfie miserable for 99% but a few - the rich, the global elite, (((they))) of course too - those 1% will do well.

History will condemn those who have destroyed western civilisation.

>The "official" immigration stat is a lie - and that's already a crazy high number at 300,000.
They're saying that's a lie too with the 200+ mostly Haitians right now crossing Champlain into Lacolle Quebec right now and that the number is way higher. Wouldn't be suprised if the government lies.

Also RE: Work permits, Indian coworkers have had it take time but it eventually gets done. Americans can do it in under 20 minutes at the border but between taxes, wages, and the disparity on the value of the CAD vs. USD most of the intellectual capital is flowing south on TN visas to the US rather than North on US work permits.

Unlike most here I don't have a problem with Indians. But they should be in India. Bringing them in big numebrs to work in tech helps nobody except the 1% who own those companies - it makes life miserable for everyone and stores up trouble for later.

Trudeauism is Anti-White. His 'father' was a communist and the whole agenda since 1971 has been a massive social experiment designed to prevent the emergence of European nationalism.


First generation immigrants, and especially sikhs, are okay. Second generation immigrants on the other hand cause no end of crime. But the real issue is they're in too large number. This wasn't supposed to be their country. If immigration maintained something like 85 - 95% white canadians, nobody would give a flying fuck.

But as we edge closer to 60% it's getting more and more obvious we're meant to be eradicated.

>First generation immigrants, and especially sikhs, are okay
That's your first mistake. Stop seeing immigrants as human beans; they are only obstacles. Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.

>because they arnt a shithole

not for long, and your kids should start learning chinese