Other urls found in this thread:

When white women became so bored they got creative with their self destructive. I remember the two Austrian Slavs as well, one of them died by being hunted.

This is why people vote conservative.


Goddamn it Germany. If it was a shitskin you would be apologizing and buying them Air Jordans.

*takes bite into pizza*

Feels good

deserves it tbqh

>But muh white so save me. Look i was muh-lested dindu nuffin

Sucks to be her, but other ISIS lads are getting the same.

Hope she gets raped even more then she did by ISIS.

Fucking scum of the earth.

>white woman

Honestly i have no empathy for this kinda shit anymore. Enjoy your beheading roastie.

What compels young white girls to do this? Weak parental figures? Mental illness? White savior complex?

Hot. Will they stream it?

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.

So what is it. At one point Iraqis were unlikely to release her, and then some medias told Germany had negotiated Iraq to give her. Is she going to die or not?

Personally I think Iraq is based AF if they just hang her in town square.

Good - I was worried they'd let her back here.
She made her bed, and who knows what things she did down there ... maybe she killed people herself.
That can't be rehabilitated.


Will it be recorded on tape and uploaded to internet as this one?


kill that bitch
we don't want her back anyways. if they manage to get her back to germany she would face 10 years max because she's under 18

B-but i am s-so so-ho-ho-horry! D;;

This bitch is sorry now because her despicable bored ass is on the line.

why the hell do websites ever use video players without volume control jesus christ

Weak leftist fathers/non-existent fathers

post yfw roasty gets toasty

This better fucking happening. Bitch deserves to be axed through he neck

Good make a fucking example of out her. I know Germany will be calling Trump now so he can tell the Iraqis to not kill her but fuck if I were Trump I would be like, you know what? You guys were little bitches to me, I ain't doing shit.


Aw, let me shed some tears over another dumb white woman getting what she wanted.

traitors deserve the worst

Should face execution for being a treacherous mudshark tbqh, but the end result is great either way.



Good riddance


One less sandnigger-lover in the world,nice one.

hope she gets a serrated knife

>I entertained some ISIS soldiers for few months, killed some people as a female sniper, laughed as prisoners begged for mercy
>But seriously guys now I'm tired of war and violence, I'd really like to return to my family in Germany
Her family should have disowned her to preserve their honor.

Awww boo hoo an inferior liberal white cunt getting murdered by savages I shall surely mourn...not..

consider the toll paid in full mashallah

I hope they film it so all the wannabe jihadis from europe can see their fate

How much you want to bet she's the product of a single mother..

Based fucking Arabs
Behead the bitch


It's been a common occurance throughout the west since the 60's.

A weak, permissive patriarchy, self loathing and guilt, a misdirection of female empathy, the socially acceptable form of seeking traditional and masculine cultures that have eroded in her own tribe, and also emancipation - They are free to make these decisions, and they make bad ones, which is why we never used to allow women to vote.

her pussy and asshole must be insanely blown out from all the rape and torture. like the most epic prolapse in history. her vagina just a flesh purse hanging out of her torso. they probably cut her tits and clit off. her asshole looks like a flesh colored michelin tire

I would not bet anything, I think you are on the right track.

you reap what you sow

I want a Tonka truck...

>Implying Merkel won't use her Evil Powers to find a way to bring her home and spin it is as a win for Germany

well said user,well said.

She DID kill people herself. Or at least tried - She was a "sniper" during the end phase of Mosul. Whether she actually hit anything I dunno.

Either way, she was taking pot shots at Iraqi's - If I was them I'd be hanging the bitch too. If I woke up to see my cousin on Live Leak being burned alive or crucified, I'd have very little fucking patience for the mewling of a foreign invader - female or not.

She isn't. Her father has been the most vocal in media after hed kidnapping. She's simply product of German society.


laughed thinking about it

Why hasn't she been anally enriched to death yet?

She deserves it.
Only reason she is showing "remorse" is because she doesn't want to die.
She didn't feel this way when she and here mudshit buddies were killing people.

I hope they fucking kill her, use experimental medical technology to bring her back to life just so they can kill her again.

Then I hope they track down her mom and dad and kill them for raising such a worthless race traitor.

Why are you guys wanting to see her dead?
She prolly was nothing but a fuck-kitchen back there. If she killed someone or shot people, fine, off with her head. But she did some kind of run-away-Islamic-acid-teen-trip being fucked by Achmed and then gunned into her leg by Heli gun, well. Send her to tend to harmed by ISIS for the next ten years. Then send her out to preach in Islamist ghettos against Islamism. If she is lucky she survives this and has done a service for the people she passively harmed and annoys the Islamists too!

Good. Good.


Hope they shave her head and march her through town to the gallows.

>joins insane genocidal cult that claims to hate Jews but magically everything they do ends up benefiting them someone
Sorry lad she's one of yours, unless you're a roach.

Didn't she join voluntarily?


Live by the sword you die by the sword.

She deserves to die for that unibrow.

Had she made her way to Toronto, Trudeau would've compensated her for her suffering.

Imagine being being Britain - They're taking back hardened Islamist killers who have openly stated;

>Yeah, I'm coming back, because the war is basically lost. I'm 100% down with the ideology though and my plan is to bring the war closer to the homefront.

Then claiming you can't monitor them full time because you need precious resources allocated to monitoring "Far Right Extremists" posting mean tweets.

Does one feel sympathy for a child who tests danger by touching a hot stove when he's been told many times to never do so? Of course not.

Oh yeah you're absolutely right, she did. Wrong wording. She had a crush on some Muslim and went after him to Turkey and from there she ended up where she is right now.

This attitude is exactly why sand niggers own your country now, hanz.

Find your fucking testicles. She betrayed your country and the german people. She probably wishes you were killed at the hands of her sand-nigger boyfriend.

Real talk, she HATES you. That's why she joined a terrorist organization hellbent on destroying everything your people stand for.

>One soldier shouts: “Make room, make room, she is a Christian
>Linda, who converted to Islam

When will white people learn. These sand people will never see us as human, regardless of any conversion or whatever.

We must begin to change, and find a way to make our people great again.
And how could we do this?
We could accomplish this by changing ourselves as individuals.

First you must begin to love yourself.
Accept who you are - both your strengths and weaknesses - and work on becoming a better person.

Accept the fact that you, and only YOU controls your destiny.
Learn from your mistakes. Do not dwell upon them. Forgive yourself, and move on.

Have a purpose. Have a reason to live. A family. A love for something. A skill. A trade. Something that makes you want to get up in the morning because you're passionate about it. Set goals, and accomplish them!

Give back to your community by serving your folk. Have pride in yourself. Be proud of who you are and what you've accomplished. And if you haven't done anything to be proud of - then you had better start doing something that you can be proud of!

YOU are the only person whose judgement matters. So live up to your own standards and do not settle for less. Be the greatest you, that you can be!

Get physical. Get off your ass and get outside. Go to the gym. Play a sport. Run, walk, move your body. You were not created to sit in a cubicle or be glued to a television all day. Or be a smoker, a drunkard or a drug abuser! Overcome your vices and cleanse yourself of these poisons.

Take classes in self-defense. You will need to know how to defend yourself in today's world. Eat a healthy diet, to protect yourself from disease and enjoy optimal health!

Become smarter. Read, read, read and then read some more! Every day you should be reading SOMETHING. Become the most intelligent person you know. Learn as much as you can about everything and become an expert in at least ONE FIELD that interests you, so that you can teach others about it.



>colin cuck

What's with the filename m8? Literally every country has these bleeding hearts.

The smarter you are, the harder it will be for your enemies to deceive you, and the better you will be at fighting in this Info War and teach others to be just as effective as you.

Learn your people's history. Learn where you came from. Who your ancestors were. Learn what they have accomplished. Be proud of the good that they have done, and learn from their mistakes so that you don't repeat them. Know that you are the future and are here to do even greater things.

Stand up for your people. Confront those who wish to destroy them! And never apologize for your beliefs, never apologize for standing up for yourself, never surrender, never back down in the face of adversity no matter what the odds or what the cost.

Know your enemy. Study them. Learn their strategies and develop ways to counter them. Don't waste your energy on hating them, but rather focus it on learning how to protect your people from their attacks.

Hate drains you. Love empowers you. Do not become bitter and lose compassion by submitting to fear and hatred as your enemy does. Fight fire with water to extinguish the hate. Seek justice, not vengeance. Do not feed the fire with more fire. Do NOT become your enemy!

Get passionate about this cause. Speak with your heart, so that the fire in your eyes reignites that dormant flame, which once burned bright within your people's souls.

Do not make the survival of your people a hobby. Make it the MAIN MISSION of your life, and realize that everything else you do is only a means to accomplish that end.

Network and find others like yourself. Speak only to those who can and wish to be saved, by showing them the love you have for them and realize that you cannot save those that wish to be destroyed. They have made their choice, and they are not your responsibility.


She took part in the destruction of the Grand Mosque of al-Nuri.

Hope they hang her high. Nobody has the right to destroy history.

Tell the truth. Do not fear speaking it in front of others, no matter who it may offend. The truth is our greatest weapon. Always use it while combating the enemy and while reawakening your kinsfolk. The truth does not only belong to us, but to all humanity. Spread it to anyone who is willing to listen, no matter who they may be.

Deliver the truth in such a way so that anyone listening can understand. And when, and only when, each and every one of us becomes a great person, THEN we will once again become a great people.

But our journey towards greatness can only begin with YOU...

Off With Her Head!!!!!!!

Stupid bitch.
Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes.

Tbf her government and media told her they are victims and whites are evil

his/her mother,in this case germany,no matter how stupid the kid is,his/her mother will always love him.

merkel will clain that the far-right extremists conviced the little cunt to join ISIS

live u.s.s liberty survivor interview,oy vey

>shitty flag

Back to plebit with you

she is really paying for the stupid propaganda that was drummed into her head as a girl

she was brainwashed from birth to hate her own and love the brown barbarian hordes

user! NO!

Stop spreading this """"""""""""fake news"""""""""!

She was a good, GERMAN, girl who wanted to go to Syria to provide medical care and aid to """""""the children"""""" and was seduce by a handsome Arab man (I know, aren't they all lol?) and then kidnapped via brainwashing and indoctrinated into their cult.

The minute the war was lost and she was captured, she miraculously came to her senses and simply cant remember (or doesn't want to - and what kind of RAPIST would try and force her to relive this trauma anyway?) what it is she did, but she knows deep down that she loves Germany, loves her Papa, loves progressive politics and wants to go home, because she is a little, defenseless, sweet and caring girl*

*Unless she wishes to gain employment or join the military at a later date, in which case she is a stronk independent womyn who don't need no man and is MORE capable of making rational decisions than any FUCKING WHITE MALE


I'm serious. I was waiting to hear this news. Traitors deserve worse than death. Fucking sellout cunt.


This is really good pasta and needs to be used more often to remind the aimless what needs to be done.

this, we really do have to change it or it'll be the collective doom of the west.

i demand live stream of her beheading

Kek totally didn't expect that one.

Good riddance

this could easily be made a Costanza may-may

I read that as Colin Cuck.

>A father repeatedly telling a daughter not to touch a hot stove, even though her professor says it's the more erotically charged act of rebellion you can engage in

Lots of burned vaginas.

id like to thank iraqis for doing what the germans would be too pussy to do
always kill a traitor before an enemy, jimjam



Good. Hopefully, those Iraqi soldiers raped her as well.

dat monobrow

Jesus Christ these people are crazy. I've never wanted to keep these fuckers out of my country more than I do now after seeing this.

Would you fugg? Sorry for inglish bad am polish