Other urls found in this thread:
>we're now no longer allowing slave labor
>automation and wage increases will deal with this as the market intended
Well, they're only kicking out illegals.
So is California indirectly admitting to having used a large illegal work force?
Oh no, those people hiring illegals for cheap under the table labor are paying for their business decisions? How horrible.
Oh no, the businesses profiting from illegal labor are being hurt by meanie trump boo hoo.
Agribusiness can't exploit people with low wages, tax evasion and zero benefits - how awful.
Breitbart says it's fake.
How about paying normal wages to normal people instead of slave labour? I don't know I must be crazy or something.
I believe now that democrats see the bigger picture and understand that without slavery they won't have the shit done.
Wasn't Lincoln a republican? Amercian "left" has always been all in for slavery
We already established this is fake news yesterday.
>slavery was bad! apologize for it you racist!
>oh no you took away my cheap and illegal borderline slavery workforce you racist!
>we need a 15 dollar minimum wage
>if we don't get a bunch of illegals getting paid significantly less than minimum wage we'll starve
Really makes me tink
>white people bitch about mexicans taking der jerbs
>Mexicans are deported
>They don't want der jerbs back
>everything the Left warned would happen is happening
go read it, this is the biggest piece of fake news I've seen
its like they make these kind of articles just to throw a bone to the obnoxious liberals on facebook who like to smuggly copy/paste headlines
We could do with less farms. We need to stop feeding black thirdworlder shitskins
Weird I haven't seen any footage of crops (((((rotting)))))
the left should work the fields, thats what socialism is
Bullshit. Propaganda to get leftist feels going and give them an article to cite.
Raise wages bitch.
They were, and then you voted to deport them. Now your pasty white ass is sitting at home instead of taking up the jobs you wanted back so badly.
Now they'll actually have to pay their employees a livable wage to attract them, oh no
>(((TIME))) Magazine
>No photos of rotting crops
>>we need a 15 dollar minimum wage
>>if we don't get a bunch of illegals getting paid significantly less than minimum wage we'll starve
This so much.
Fuck I hate libshits.
I don't even care that the story is fake.
>progressives are against outlawing slavery
>progressives are concerned that rich plantation owners won't have cheap labour to exploit
Oh my, how the world turns and changes.
Btw, doesn't the USA have a thriving prison labour industry? Why send in illegal Mexicans when you can hire prison-Americans?
Notice how liberals are all about promoting fair wages until they see an opportunity to attack Trump.
>Thanks Trump now I can't have my slave labor
I wonder if they even see the irony in adopting a Bush-era Republican talking point.
In a manner of speaking, yes. We had all the rural shithead "REAL MURKINS" braggina bout how important they were and that they wanted their jobs back from the ebil messkins. Well, now the job positions are wide fucking open and I'm just hearing crickets. I never wanted to do those jobs, but we had an entire workforce of people who did want to.
Isn't this from a survey from 2015? How is trump involved you cock sucker?
What about you?
Yes, its a fat load of fake news. Time is completely shameless, but it's sort of funny to see how the left will lap up any dish you put in front of them as long as it makes trump look bad.
salaries go up, more Americans apply. job solved.
it must suck that they will have to pay actual citizens more to work in those shitty conditions.
Good. Farms that rely on illegal labor should have to suffer for it.
whatever happened to mexicans legally coming in to work during certain seasons and then going back
>Southern crops rot as slaves are freed
I never wanted those shitty jobs you retard, that's why I wanted to push them onto the shitksins. Here's what you Republican shitlickers don't understand; we're playing the long game. We're pushing for welfare policies in the shitty parts of dying cities to segregate niggers from the rest of us. We're pushing for a de facto slave labor force taking advantage of third-world shitskins. Meanwhile, Republicans are all "IDEOLOGY NOT SKIN COLOR XDDD" like you've been doing since you started pushing your little Civil Rights Acts. We're playing the long game and you're too fucking dumb to even see it.
you mean slave labor right? lmao
It's almost like their opposition to the crackdown on illegals was fueled by their own personal interests & desire for slave labor and WASN'T about some altruistic cause.
TIME magazine, enough said.
Survey finished in 2015 about 2014 harvest, which was better than the 2013 harvest and the survey's findings completely contradicts the headline. It's fake news in every way possible.
>Califags will probably starve and and die
Oh no. That sucks.
Raise wages.
The left wants to pay some lazy French fry cook $15 hr right?
Enjoy your skyrocketing produce prices, conservicucks.
>le democrats r da REAL racists
You don't say? Take a fucking step back and look at the bigger picture, dipshit.
>the left defending horrific working conditions with dirt pay
>We're playing the long game and you're too fucking dumb to even see it.
>relies on meatbags instead of robots
This why Japan will still be Japan in a century and USA will be gone.
>implying mexicans wanted them too
I know its hard for you to think but its not cause they wanted it, more like what choice is there?
go back to their shitty country that fails to provide or work for shitty wages in another?
Instead you promote them being treated shitty here too versus if they worked on actually coming legally they could instead demand an actual wage.
So da white just let his crops die? Lazy.
Aww shucks... we're just good ole American farmers who feed America's families. We should get unlimited subsidies, resources, and the right to fuck future demographics and the budget so we can pay $3 an hour for labor. Fuck these commies. Pay market rates for labor or innovate like everyone else.
Now ICE can pinpoint which farms used illegal labour. Nice thinking.
>farmworker shortage
This will buff out. Take away safety nets and it buffs out faster.
Who's we?
A job is the exchange of labor for money.
Not a fraction of the money that would be equal to the work.
Until they start actually offering the wages they would've had to pay in the first place without the illegals, they aren't offering jobs.
Stop devaluing our currency and hire white people for a livable wage hehehehe maga1
fake news
Snopes says it's fake
Politico says it's fake
The fucking article tells you they are using 2015 data, yet still blame trump.
No one here cares about facts, they will still post "fake news" and cry about CNN. Thanks for being one person who cares about the truth.
Finally! Now wages will go up.
Another illegal that is too busy to pick crops
>Instead you promote them being treated shitty here too versus if they worked on actually coming legally they could instead demand an actual wage.
Oh nooooo pls think of the poor brown people ;(((
Fuck that, they were useful peons while we worked on automation tech.
yes...we are very worried about the extra $.30 we will pay for each head of lettuce
>you dumbass
But seriously what is it with Democrats and not wanting to pay their workers? It's almost the same shit as a little over a hundred years ago. For people that claim to be "for the working class" they sure as shit seem to hate them
Sadly, pointing out your opponent's contradictions is not that effective.
day of the $10 big Mac soon
>offer slave wages
>market doesn't sell its labour to you
>crops rot
>business dies
>offer actual wages
>market sells its labour to you
>crops are harvested
>business isn't dead
>not having any rural and suburban retards to do your yard work
>Implying that 'people wanting their jerbs back from mexicans' wasn't just a leftist meme in the first place.
>Implying that anyone who was against illegal immigration didn't have a better reason than this.
>Implying the left's problems are our problems
Even if the story wasn't fake, I say let them all fucking starve until they get their act together.
Fake News from Subversive (((JEWS)))
When I lived in South Florida... my neigborhood was built next to 2 GIANT farms... one was Bell Peppers and the other was Strawberries.
Every Harvest there was TONS and TONS of crop that was not suitable for market (semi rotten, bug-eaten, deformed product).
This shit is left to ROT in MOUNTAINS weighing in at dozens to HUNDREDS OF TONS.
And when this was happening (MOUNTAINS of rotting produce)... there were ENTIRE SHANTY-TOWN VILLAGES of ILLEGAL GUATEMALAN SPICS... like 2-300 of them.
So these articles can suck my nuts... they are just using everyday spoilage of a major agribusiness to claim it's
>all because of Drumph and LAZY WHITES!!"
The swarms of flies and stench was fucking ferocious and I was glad when the farmers sold their property to build into strip malls and more McMansions.
It was wicked fun exploring all that farm land bordering the Everglades National Park though as a kid!
Republicans being retarded and fucking everything up yet again. Nothing new under the sun.
you ever notice when something bad is happening in America its the same fucking people causing the problems
San Frisco
Oh no, whatever will I do? I can't buy any avocados that I don't fucking eat. Get fucked, Commiefornia. You reap what you sow.
>leftists complain about illegals not getting paid enough
>when said legals are deported and the companies can no longer pay slave wages leftist still bitch
This affects pretty much the entire rural Southwest you moron.
>not wanting to flood the country with spics and wanting decent border control
>fucking everything up
Pay Americans a decent wage for the job and help the economy retard
Are you fucking retarded? He isn't deporting enough you dumb shit. Fake news. Don't worry about us. Worry about your own shitty country whatever it is. Not even important enough to remember that flag.
I choose INNOVATION. now go back to mexico.
This is exactly what my nigga Cesar Chavez wanted. For crops to rot until big farms decided to pay Hispanic American workers fair wages. The Democrat party betrayed Chavez and all he fought for when they sided with the illegal traitors who came to aid the big corporate farms instead of the Hispanic workers fighting for fair wages. Trump is finishing what Chavez started, dont you guys ever forget that, regardless of how you feel about Hispanics.
>help the economy by offering higher wages on jobs nobody wants to fucking do since automation is right around the corner
Oh look, another short-sighted Republitard wanting to free the poor little slaves.
Your point Is? They shouldn't have used illegal slave labor.
People will do the jobs if you fucking pay them you kike
RAISE YOUR WAGES. How hard is econ 101?
From the same fake news that brought you...
Does it offend your little sensibilities that white people mare taking advantage of the innocent brown people? Are you going to write up another fucking Civil Rights Act and give them more shit?
Guess what these farmers will do when they have to pay fair wages? They will move their operations to Mexico. Unless you want more government regulation, that is simply what will happen, why would an intelligent capitalist pay higher wages when they don't have to?
Nobody with a fucking brain is going to toil on some shitty farm with zero job security courtesy of the looming specter of full-on automation, shithead.
Am I expected to care if Cali starves?
wtf I hate laws now
The regressive Left are full of Luddites against modern technology for agriculture.
If full-on automation was looming corporations wouldn't be suffering from losing their slaves. Also people will do the work if they need it. Maybe not as a career but they'll do it, look at the wage cucks in fast food. It has the same problem of looming full-on automation but people still flock to it
Fuck em
>le regressive left xD
>demoCRAPS r real raciss!!! XDDDD
You fucking shitheels were the ones to free the niggers and push Civil Rights through. Your precious god Ronald Reagan was the one to give a shitton of beaners amnesty the first time around. Democrats have been trying to subvert all of this while operating under the laws that you idiots passed for decades now. We had de facto slavery from beaners and have been making good progress toward de facto segregation in universities and cities. And, once again, you're all working to undo it.
Commiefornia could just empty out all the inmates in their prison and have them work the fields. Have them outfitted with shock collars to keep them in line, and small explosive devices when they try to tamper with it. Libshits try to raise hell about this? They get the same.
Problem solved.
Well, you've got to learn you can't keep slaves, California. America taught the South its lesson, now it's teaching you yours.
Get with the times, assholes. It's the current year.
fuck everything about this news story
you can easily fix the problem with equipment and thats what contracted farm programs get for running these courses using illegals as their platform
if an idea didn't work move on don't push it
This is a good thing.There is too much waste when it comes to produce. Maybe now farmers will produce less crop and people will become content with eating a piece of fruit that is oddly shaped but still as good as any other fruit.
Now imagine if those are at every major farm, what jobs will make up for the 50 or so farm hands that takes away? Are you pushing for a universal basic income or something? As much of a technical marvel as that is, there needs to be something to fill in the void of those lost manpower jobs.