What do you guys think about this bike life movement?
at 2:00 you get to see how baboons give medical attention
What do you guys think about this bike life movement?
at 2:00 you get to see how baboons give medical attention
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Good thing she was wearing a helmet.
If you look at the bike, you can see the person with the helmet on body, still holding onto the bike.
kek are those her fucking feet at the top of the pic?
Is she going to be ok
holy fuck
here's the other half
I'm going to be sick.
>bike life movement
must be an inner city thing. Squids gonna squid man. Some have great skills but stupid af which is why I never ride in groups.
Oh Shit...I am getting woozy
nice jeans
biking will make you half the man you used to be
That chick in the helmet doesnt look half bad.
underrated post
How the fuck is she in two like that with the lower half still on the bike?
Also, aside from swapping out the wheels, these nogs are nowhere near smart enough to run anything other than stock.
I make too much money to risk dying
These bikerbros are either having a midlife crisis or they work low end jobs and biking makes them feel superior to make up for being a wage fuck, they don't care if they die because financially they have nothing to lose
more like bikedeath haha
Holy fuck I ride one of those every day. Usually not a dumb ass though
oh what a terbl loss of anudder yung blak lyfe yo
taken befo his tiem
jus a fine upstandin dindu nuffin who dundi nuffin, road is raycess yo, fo real
Looks like she is a cyborg and there are wires coming out of her torso
She is about to do a handstand and steal the onlooker's lives, like the aswang
Biker here.
The only safe way to drive is to assume that everyone on the road wants to murder you.
Realize you don't have crumple zones, that any moment you aren't paying attention is extremely dangerous. Don't take risks, don't fuck around, don't show off. Go from A to B and don't fuck around, and you'll be fine.
>95% of these biker gore videos was from some fucknut drinking, showing off, or not paying attention.
2 strokes offroad is way better than 4slows on the highway anyways
Niggers ruin everything
If you like donating your organs, being scared for life, or not being alive at all
Drive a motorcycle
t. EMT
wtf? now I hate niggers
Is she ok?
2 strokes are dead m8
Hello fellow biker, be safe out there.
Also biker here.
These types of threads make me ignore my bike for weeks cause it scares the fuck out of me.
>All these nigs using their welfare money for motorcycles.
And yet they complain they don't have enough.
Blacks, spics, and wiggers are the reason why you can't have a safe group ride. Try to have a good afternoon with a bunch of bikers and you'll wind up stopped on the side of the road because some cretin looped out and wrecked into everyone beside him.
if shit goes down they'll be able to get to safe locations
You're a faggot. I'm having some beers and i'm hitting the club later.
Lucky he had a helmet
Motorcycle riders are automatically niggers.
The wrong kid died
You too, bud
They're doing it wrong. You're supposed to roll them on their back, tear their shirt off and jerk them off to assist in the recovery from concussion.
Shame, she was slim with no disgusting yellow body fat.
This picture right here is something you would never see in US.
Look at the feet.
Thats a man,man.
this can't be a real post. Are you retarded? They are drug dealing niggers for the most part, I guarantee most of them are on welfare or deal drugs for the king nigger drug dealers in the area?
You are a perfect example of what is wrong with this country in many aspects.
shit posts like this make me think this thread was set up by shills for shills to respond. It's not a nigger and the pic in the op isn't a nigger. What the fuck are you talking about you dumb fucking faggot?
sounds like fun you gigantic faggot, I'd love to waste my time getting my motorcycle license and a bike to drive like the pussified faggot you are. Theres no reason to have a bike unless you like to go fast as quickly as you can, if you do it to save money on fuel you are a faggot and there's no hope for you.
no she fucking died you fucking idiot
she is not okay
people die when they are killed
>was thinking of getting a motorcycle
I think I'll just buy a truck instead.
>shit posts like this make me think this thread was set up by shills for shills to respond. It's not a nigger and the pic in the op isn't a nigger. What the fuck are you talking about you dumb fucking faggot?
you wot m8?
do you even watch the nigger bike scum vid?
what's you're problem?
i know a lot of people who do that stuff. most of them sell drugs, scam with credit cards or steal / sell stolen bikes
straight out of loony tunes
This is why I'm moving far, far innawoods. Good luck with the niggers, city anons. They've started going Mad Max already.
Luckily she wore her helmet.
my bike
stay safe out there bros
It looks like the Top Half is giving a "Thumbs Up" sign. Everything is going to be ok pol. Now she can eat her own pussy
>niggers clapping hands
>ghetto trauma care
>"clap, clap, clap. Stay woke!"
Niggers are not like us.
I'd still fuck it.
jesus fucking christ how stupid can a nigger be
Is that a 300cc?
250 actually lel I know I know but it's still fun as fuck
>this entire post
>mfw I ride a dual sport and live in the middle of nowhere, barely see traffic. If I drive in the city I use a car usually. If I drive to work in my car on street it takes 25 min. Obeying laws. 10 avg (record 6) minutes cutting through the desert full throttle all the way.
Oh give me a break don't you have some refugees to attend to?
I think I see the problem
>sounds like fun you gigantic faggot
Fucktons of money saved on vehicle+insurance+registration+gas.
But by all means, keep supporting your local kike insurance brokers and goatfucking oil cartels.
And from all that $$$ I save every week, I peel off a $20 and go fuck your sister.
nice bike
Fuck group rides! Those nigs did have some bmx level shit going on tho
>heem sleepy
It would be more amusing if they were all stuck in their own lands far away from me.
I know, but she made it through at the end, right?
>at 2:00 you get to see how baboons give medical attention
At 2:46 you can see bards casting their shitty HoTs but they dont realize it takes forever to heal up that way.
So thats what her OH looks like.
Wow, after the guy face planted, their medical treatment consists of supportive clapping. Apparently you can revive dindus if you show that you believe in dindus, just like Tinkerbell.
Mopeds dont count carlos
Of all the shit niggers do, this bothers me the least. As long as they're not blocking traffic or hurting anyone, let them do it until the police arrest them. Yeah, they should be arrested for not being street legal, driving dangerously, etc. But at least they've shown the tiniest bit of agency to even be out there. Getting a 4 wheeler or a dirtbike takes some forethought and money.
I mean, I'd still like to see them all drive into a bottomless pit, but it's better than the shit you see on Hood Life Vol 3.
hi squid
>peddling the two wheeled hooknose
(((cyclists))) are all degenerate kikepuppet commie pedo homo scum, just like (((runners)))
>(((eric clanton)))
>pedosta operates a cross country kidnapoing and child traffickignfront called (((ragna)))
many such cases, both will get the rope
Now that I'm old the rocket position isn't comfy. Move up to a cruiser, you'll love it. This mafk has cruise control and auto turn signals, haven't missed my rocket yet.
>sounds like fun you gigantic faggot, I'd love to waste my time getting my motorcycle license and a bike to drive like the pussified faggot you are. Theres no reason to have a bike unless you like to go fast as quickly as you can, if you do it to save money on fuel you are a faggot and there's no hope for you.
fags get out
where the fuck are your cops.
why do you let that many niggers roam around as a group?
fucking nigger lovers.
>be me
>used to have dirtbikes
>rode out in the dez here in SO CAL all the time
>never sober, its a wonder i was never killed
>also had street bikes, rode for years
>then i had kids
>sold all the bikes worried about not bein able to support senpai
>fast forward
>2 months ago riding my bicycle
>look down, fall off bicycle, break hand
>surgery, out of work
>cant pay for health insurance now
>get cast off arm, cant move fingers
>fuckin bikes man, theyll get u
>Mfw hitting huge air on the way to work off hills and going 70-90 on dirt roads
They don't call 'em donorcycles for nothing
No they're pretty good and fun to drive, i had a honda 250 twister, right now i have a KLR 650.
>she is not okay
She is o.k. She managed to pull herself together.
haha I was just thinking of that today. Buddy has a yamaha vstar 650 and it's pretty sweet
I'd love if the cops closed the road up ahead of them and threw down this before they all rode over it.
Bikefags always drive the most boring cars. It's like, no wonder you think you need to risk your life on a bike to have fun on asphalt, you drive a fucking honda accord.
We all have to start somewhere. Pity the fool who takes his license and immediately buys a 900cc
I know a kid who had 2hrs on a motorcycle and bought a Ducati Monster 1100...
Can confirm, bikefag, 2015 Accord
>that video
Is this what a full GTA V lobby looks like irl?
Not to mention trying to move someone who probably just sustained a neck/spine injury.
Like holy fuck I know you hate the "man" but at that point you bite the bullet, call 911 and hope when the cops and EMS show up they don't arrest you, but if they do then know that you had it coming.