National Socialist General
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fucking racist losers
Stalin wins, faggots.
>be Hitler
>lose the war
What a hero.
Oy Vey! theres kikes in the house! this thread needs to be fumigated!
Which one is it?
Both. this is NS GENERAL, anything related goes!
This is a shit general. Where's the pasta?
>mfw I see a nazi larper
Top kek, your ideology is dead. 1945, stormbitches.
nigga get yo bitch ass out!
But how can someone who's inferior rule everything? Makes zero sense.
They are inferior because they profit while producing nothing. they are bankers. they leech off others work
Jews would be nothing without our help. We willingly give them power. They aren't dumb. They are morally degenerate, ugly people. White people could own the world. We choose not to for some reason and we are trying to change that
>mfw when your ideology is also dead
So how do you go about finding national socialists? You guys have BBQ and gun shooting events?
So if you're so superior why aren't you a millionaire or a banker if it's so easy?
jewish baby stroller
join a reputable group, go to the rally in charlotteville VA tomorrow, unite the right
It's not easy for goys though
Holy shit libertarians are retarded, they are all crypto commies
aww screw, that's far away. Just wondering where do I go so I don't miss a party in Colorado
Worst general ever. Where's all the links? No hail victory or anything?
there will be even bigger ones down there, dont you worry.
Why didn't Hitler listen to his Generals? That's everything he needed to do... must have been frustrating, specially for Rommel.
help me add some. this thread got raided by kikes.
300 rats beat wolf. Wolf beats rat.
White people decide what happens next, always. The only reason anyone is doing anything is because we havent decided to kill them.
>dead ideology general
>dig yourself a grave you fucking faghot
Let it die and don't make another one. Leave this to the specialists.
You're so adorable
tfw live in the midwest
Where are you fuckers? I'm sick of being surrounded by liberals and somalians.
Did they ban Generals?
I went to the March Against Sharia in Denver. The Traditional Workers Party showed up, 5 of them in Crusader LARPing costumes. IT was the wrong venue. The people there were biker groups, Militia, Kekistanis, and regular people who were against Sharia Law. They didn't all share the views of the TWP. However the TWP could have came there out of costumes with vague fliers and invites to a private event if they wanted to learn more. Instead they were asked to leave.
Piss poor recruitment strategy. Hope the nat-socs don't make the same mistake
TIL Minnesota isn't the midwest
This brings up a good question, if fags can be national socialists? There were some brownshirt fags that were useful, atleast until the night of the long knives.
They can.But, like women, in second positions
Maybe I accidentally swallowed some jewish blackpill. But sometimes I feel like I wouldn't make it trying to join some white nationalist organization. I'm white in pretty much every way possible except for maybe my brown(not black) hair and my one Polish grandfather on my mother's side. I believe in white values and follow white customs, and believe in the value of white people. I was born with blond hair and blue eyes and raised in a white christian household. I guess I'm fuck ugly though, puberty was fucking brutal. Is that a deal breaker? I just want a to be in a country of my people for my people and live with others I have things in common with. But if no one is going to be on my side, why should I be on anyone else's? Am I just spazzing?