How are the liberals you're connected to on kikebook handling the impending ass fucking of best korea?
How are the liberals you're connected to on kikebook handling the impending ass fucking of best korea?
Deleted my facebook while back but I'd like to know as well.
Same here, haven't used kikebook in over a year. It's been blissful.
I think anyone who thinks the end of the world is coming because of Norks is a drooling retard who needs to be put down like an animal, regardless of what side of the political party they're in.
If you ever had a facebook you're part of the problem.
>economically we cant' afford another war
Isn't the american military budget like 700 gorillion dollars and greater than the next countries that follow? I mean for fucks sakes the second largest airforce in the world is the american navy
>connected to liberals
Negative on both of these.
next ten*
Don't being physically nauseous + emotionally worried contradict being mentally prepared?
I got it the first year it came out in 2004 because I was a college student and the idea of college only networking seemed very intelligent to me.
When they opened to everybody, that's when I became less interested.
Haven't actively used it in years now.
What is she prepared for? To watch her toxic male relatives get drafted and actually fight?
Oh how brave of her.
How you'd expect. Makes me want this war to happen even more just so we can get rid of snowflakes such as the photo in question, send them on the frontlines
what does it matter what the liberals think?
can't you think for yourself?
Isn't a real war historically good for the economy?
I've felt the same. been a year without retarded shit, and it feels good
It's fun seeing stupid people lose their minds.
Emotionally worried, as opposed to what? Diagonally worried?
they seem mad because NK is taking away from all their fem and transgender fag issues
> economically we can't afford another war
> Being this retarded at economics
People don't realize how good war is for the economy. War means more government spending on contracts to build shit. More shit being built is more jobs. More jobs means more money being used.
Debt means absolutely nothing the way the global economy works. The whole purpose of it is to keep making imaginary money to constantly increase growth.
when an unstable president threatens a country with nuclear-capability with nuclear war there is cause for concern.
For liberal or non liberals. bombs and radioactivity don't care what you are
>using fagbook
My job requires having it so they can monitor my activity and I still don't have one.
What is your job
>>People don't realize how good war is for the economy. War means more government spending on contracts to build shit. More shit being built is more jobs. More jobs means more money being used.
>three entire cities get leveled and you've dumped 25% of your GDP into new ways to kill people for the last 3 years
"what are you talking about? war bad for the economy? look, i understand that san francisco, seattle, and san antonio have been leveled and have lost over 100 years of progress, but look at these new 6th generation fighter jets! they can do 20g turns and shit!"
you're going to have to put the cities back together.
Has it gone down? Last I heard US military spending was 57% of the total world military spending. So literally more than all other countries put together.
I mean there are some serious institutional problems throughout the US armed services, (although I really only know about the airforce for sure) but still that's a lot of money.
It's so amusing to see these people speak their opinion on the matter as if it means a damn.
We have yet to have a city leveled. In general war is good for the economy. The reason the Soviet union did so well was because of their military spending. War spending is the bread and butter of economic spending.
>physically nauseous
I can't even fathom being this much of a weak faggot. How do you get through life if something like that causes you to be physically ill and take a sick day?
>We have yet to have a city leveled.
you're an autist. when was seattle leveled?
>The reason the Soviet union did so well was because of their military spending. War spending is the bread and butter of economic spending.
do you not know about the russian in an american grocery store incident? you think nazi germany had a great economy too, don't you?
They are virtue signaling by saying they don't want war but you can tell they are salivating over the prospect. They want war and white Anericans to die by the millions so they can hang it around Trump's and whites' neck like the kike neocon establishment did with Iraq after they instigated it.
You can see the kikes agitating for war in Syria, Russia, North Korea, or anywhere. Everything they do is to provoke and instigate.
Trump is talking tough to try to prevent war and dissuade anyone from buying the kike bullshit.
No, it's really bad. It turns valuable resources and people into scrap and corpses. It drives up prices and reduces availability of goods. People always end up thinking it's beneficial (at least for the winning side) because of the sudden upturn when the war ends. Things are clearly much better than they were during the war (and sometimes better than before as well, if the war started during a bad economic period), but it's harder to see that things would likely have been much better atill had there been no war at all.
1. You have bad reading comprehension
2. I'm talking about military spending. The chances of nork missiles here let alone foot soldiers is next to nill.
The increased spending will boost the economy. I don't think Nazi Germany did well b3cause they were blockaded from doing trade.
Well nuclear war is on the table desu
Cons of war:
Some innocents on the Korea side will die- they are living in a dicatatorial regime where nobody trusts anybody. Nowhere to go.
Trump will get shit on, but that will happen no matter what anybody does so it's neutral.
Pros of War:
Liberal tears.
I'm beginning to turn pro-war
this is masturbation machine tier
Well, US have their way to turn war into profit.
>cool their jets
I hate that term so much but given the prospects of nuclear winter she'll hopefully get her wish.
>Posting a Mexican WWII poster.
>Not posting the best one.
user, I'm dissapoint
Any retard that actually believes the North Korea distraction needs to be culled for being too low IQ and gullible
>We don't need to wave it around and show it off
Women.... yes we men do need to wave it around and show it off. It is our pride and joy. It brings happiness into this world.