You have ten seconds to explain to me how Islam is NOT the ideal Sup Forums religion, without invoking infantile racist cliches.
>duuuh most muslims ain't white
Neither are most Christians, dumbass.
You have ten seconds to explain to me how Islam is NOT the ideal Sup Forums religion, without invoking infantile racist cliches.
>duuuh most muslims ain't white
Neither are most Christians, dumbass.
Other urls found in this thread:
because they fuck goats and little girls
it's not a cliche if it's a fact
Sometimes degeneracy is fun.
>neither are most christcucks
Which is why a good many of us don't like Christianity either
Headbag for women is stupid Arabic traditions stupid praying 5 times a day with your ass in the air
>they fuck goats
False, bestiality is a sin in Sunni Islam.
>and little girls
Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed. Real men understand this. Keep pretending it's natural and healthy to have children with a woman in her 30's though. Fun fact: Autism has a very high correlation with the age of the mother,
No bacon, no alcohol :(
>I hate anything brown people like
>I am a mature rational adult and my worldview is completely sound
These two things are responsible for more white deaths per year than black crime, Mexican crime, and terrorism combined.
overreaching: it's a political system attempting to govern too many aspects of your life
too controlling
mixes religion and state: science can't flourish in an environment where the gov tells you what to think
was created 1300 years ago by an ignorant desert dweller, which means that part of it it's outdated, but it can't be reformed
Also in b4 you can have 4 wives which most can't afford :(
>science can't flourish in an environment where the gov tells you what to think
What is the Golden Age of Islam?
The Qur'an is cornerstone of all scientific thought and rational inquiry in the last 1300 years. We were writing science books at the same time (((Christians))) were burning them.
the scientists weren't sunnis, they were heretics, bida'at
If you can't afford four wives, you shouldn't have four wives.
If you can't afford one wife, you shouldn't have a wife, either.
This is nature, it's survival of the fittest. Enforced monogamy is basically a gibsmedat.
Is that a Homosuck character as a Muslim? What in the fuck
It's not a religion, it's Arab imperialism
fuck off mudslime scum
fucking bullshit
golden age of islam is shitty meme
>Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed
So islam is ok with paedophilia?
Honesty is the highest virtue, any religion which permits a man to lie to further his goals is a religion for scum
Racist non-argument. This is the same argument used by marxists and other leftists against Christianity (that it's "western imperialism").
Sup Forums doesn't like to live in a mud hut without any internet, it's not gonna work
abrahamic religions are not native to europe and should stay in the middle east
you're the one who saged the shitskin in a bodybag pic
> The Qur'an is cornerstone of all scientific thought and rational inquiry in the last 1300 years
top kek
> We were writing science books at the same time (((Christians))) were burning them.
> what is a monastery
Not an argument.
Show me in the Qur'an or hadiths where a Muslim is permitted to lie about his or her religion?
No, Islam is not okay with paedophilia (sex with pre-pubescent girls). Either you don't understand Islam, or you don't understand the word paedophilia. Or, you actually do understand both but are being deliberately deceitful.
>look at thumbnail
>is that a muslim teletubbie?
>nvm it's just some other shit
>"abrahamic religions are not native to europe"
>Australian flag
You were destroying records of ancient civilisations while monks were preserving their history
>Tumblr nose
Muslims are backwards. All I want is a good traditional American life, I don't care about beating women.
Because a muslim murdered my best friend because he was triggered about a joke. any religion that's is that incredibly sensitive is gay.
Actually there hasn't been enough clear evidence, various studies have been done but not enough conclusive evidence to prove otherwise. Some studies have shown that teen moms are more likely to cause Autism along with drinking store orange juice.
TLDR; It's really fucking hard to find the hard source of autism.
But if Muhammad is the best example to be set for moral perfection, and since he also was against other things clearly of his time like polytheism, then shouldn't he have also been against the practice of marrying 6 year olds and then raping them when they're 9? If Muhammad is the greatest of prophets, then he should have set a better example yet he failed to do so.
Your silly right-wing websites are not an argument... If you don't have a citation from either the Qur'an or a commonly-accepted hadith, you don't have a citation. Spamming "taqiyya taqiyya taqiyya" is not an argument.
Fake religion. Earliest Mosques all face towards Petra
What does lying about his religion have to do with it? But i am aware that you can lie about your religion under specific circumstances so i dont see what you're getting at here. Im not going to sit here and argue scripture with you desu, taqiyya varies from sect to sect in it's usage anyway
Australians are of european descent you retard
> One of the few books exclusively devoted to the subject, At-Taqiyya fi’l-Islam (“Taqiyya in Islam”) make this unequivocally clear. Written (in Arabic) by Dr. Sami Mukaram, a former Islamic studies professor at the American University of Beirut and author of some twenty-five books on Islam, the book demonstrates the ubiquity and broad applicability of taqiyya in its opening pages:
> Taqiyya is of fundamental importance in Islam. Practically every Islamic sect agrees to it and practices it … We can go so far as to say that the practice of taqiyya is mainstream in Islam, and that those few sects not practicing it diverge from the mainstream … Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era.[1]
and you're trying to convince me islam is cultivated
you guys can't even read an article
> but muh hadith
> Written (in Arabic) by Dr. Sami Mukaram, a former Islamic studies professor at the American University of Beirut
guy probably knows.more than you
The Christian Bible is translated into many different languages. The Koran is in Arabic. Wearing hajibs and burkas is a tradition amongst tribes of the Arabian peninsula. Having multiple wives is an Arab cultural tradition. The dietary restrictions are Arab traditions. You face the Arab homeland when you pray.
Muhammad never raped anyone.
He knew how to please a woman.
This triggers Sup Forums because most of you nerds will never take a girl's virginity (I know this is a non-argument, I just think it's funny).
Religion is just a cover for corruption. We should have no form of religion take hold in any government or society. Religion should be an individual value alone so that it cannot corrupt any law or rules to allow pedophiles and powerhungry sadists to rule the nation through manipulation of their God's image.
This also means religion cannot become bastardized and regulated, destroying any sense of faith in God.
Jesus you're retarded.
Does someone has that comic that explained clearly how islam is just worship of the moon goddess? There should be a chart and posted everytime someone brings up this stupid shit.
This is why you scum are impossible to argue with, you get called out and start telling people to rummage through your fairy tale looking for verses even though you know what it is. Fuck off mudslime
>Im not going to sit here and argue scripture with you desu
Subtext: "I'm not going to back up anything I say"
>Argentina is white
Not a hadith, not an argument.
Muslims follow Muhammad, not Dr. Sami Mukaram.
Ever wish Christianity was compatible with white nationalism? That it wasn't jewish? That it made SENSE with scholarly and thorough scriptural PROOF?
(Saving files will prevent audio crashes)
>[Master list of podcasts]
>[Judea, Judah, and Jew. Learn the Difference]
>[Debunking Churchianity/Catholicism]
>[Race Mixing is the Unforgivable Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit]
Audio sermon:
>[Debunking Universalism]
>[Eight Witnesses Against Universalism]
>[Discussion on the Settlement of Europe]
>[Two-Seedline Explained: Pragmatic Genesis 1/28]
>[The Edomite Jewish Immigration Agenda]
>[The Curse of White Genocide]
"People are being lied to about history, and especially about ancient history [...] This website is a reflection of the religious research and historical inquiries of William R. Finck Jr. The purpose of this site is to correct the record in regards to the history and origin of the peoples of Europe, and the reasons why they have adopted the Christian religion and must keep it, along with their ethnic identity and culture."
>muh Qur'an, muh Hadiths
I judge people by their actions, and not what's on their bookshelves.
Are you an Arab?
No home ownership because no lending. No dogs. Wife beating and girls considered inferior and allowed little freedom.
Islam is a savage religion created as a vehicle for arab warmongering.
In fact, it originally started as a splinter sect of Christianity. Mohammed was just a warlord. A few decades after the conquests, the arab elites retooled the religion to justify and enforce their conquests.
No im just not going to waste my fucking time again
They dont like dogs
no Islamic country has been relevant to science for over 500 years
that's what someone practicing taqiyya would say
And there is no justification for Muhammad fucking a 9 year old, no matter how much you try to justify it with your shit theology and "historical context." Nothing justifies it. It's logically inconsistent in the first place to say Muhammad was a man of his time and so it was ok for him to do that, yet denounce other things of his time like polytheism and such.
At least be honest with yourself. Islam is pretty based overall but these guys aren't wrong. Just own it.
Have you ever interacted a all with a 9-yr old girl? I doubt she was pleased.
Only good thing about islam is if you go for muslim women you can add 2 or 3 points to your sexual market value.
Many are but not all.
>You have ten seconds to explain to me how Islam is NOT the ideal
Islam isn't a religion it's a gang of thugs. As long as Muslims believe it's their duty to kill any Muslim who tries to quit being a Muslim, as long as they think they have a holy duty to resort to arms to compel unbelievers to obey Islamic law you can't make it a decent system for anybody. Not even for Muslims. Because the cruelest, narrowest, most evil people will always rise to power because they'll always be the ones most willing to wrap themselves in the crescent flag and murder people in God's name.
fuck off mudslime, nobody wants to wear bed sheets and pray five times a day
>weak women
>polygamist degeneracy
>can't fight for shit
>going to Hell
Oh shit the roach brothers are spamming pol again
God damn it Sweden. Quit having such low self esteem and consider the future of your race for once.
The Black Cube of Saturn is a symbol of the Demiurge.
Pol are Gnostics we dont follow your fake god.
Bacon is most certainly not a jewish trick (they can't eat it themselves!).
Alcohol might be but when consumed in moderation it's fine. Your religion would literally destroy millenia of European beer and wine making tradition. Our ability to create superior booze is something we hold near and dear. If a few faggots can't control themselves around it that's their problem.
Because you are a faggot.
WRONG! Sup Forums is orthodox.
Islam is arab supremacy. Arabs are shit. Therefore Islam is shit. Period.
Islam is most red pilled I agree.
>Gay hater
But why do you have to hate dogs?
Also nice proxy you got there leaf
Islam revolves around the concept of absolute submission to authority. Once you get on your knees and pray five times a day to your goatfucking god, you'll do whatever anyone with authority handed down from that goatfucking god says, including degenerate acts such as:
Raping children.
Murdering those that disagree with you.
Forcing those that disagree with you to convert and agree with you with the threat of violence and bodily harm.
Dehumanizing your women and forcing them to wrap up in scarves, giving them all stockholm syndrome.
It's a religion by cucks, for cucks, a bunch of warmongering fucking sheep that insist they're free because they bow down, cheeks spread, to any authoritarian fuckpot that waves a qur'an at their face.
Although Christian sects are, Anglicanism, Roman Catholicism, Greek Orthodoxy, etc. we're developed in Europe, not the middle east.
Catholic, pfft...
Your Mother is Sophia.
Come back to me when you get some wisdom.
You mean another statistically insignificant group on Sup Forums that is roughly less than the size of all pagans, hindus, mudslimes, fedoras, etc. combined?
>weak women
I'm not weak.
When I wrote "orthodox" I meant it in a much more general way rather than just Eastern Orthodox.
Because they bark constantly and smell like shit. Fuck dogs.
That's not even what he was saying you idiot mudslime
Christianity is the ideal Sup Forums religion, when people actually follow it. The problem is no one actually follows it, they just pretend to and allow fags and feminism in every church.
Daily Reminder: Becoming a Muslim forfeits your Whiteness.
Something's eluding me sunshine, don't you want to let your hair down just to see what it's like to walk around free? How about driving? Ever care for the freedom to go where you please?
Mine dont do either of those thing. Subhuman fucking shit
>duuuh most muslims ain't white
>Neither are most Christians, dumbass.
Exactly. Both Abrahamic religions. Both not European. Both are not White. Fuck off with all of that.
>bark all the time and smell like shit
Maybe if you actually cared for them they'd be loyal companions and this wouldn"t be the case
Youre basically crypto jews. Everyone knows it achmed.
Muslim girls at qts. Did you see this one from yesterday?
if you dont believe the messiah was here you are a kike or a pawn of one
I don't wear hijab outside of mosque.
And I do drive. I'm an American Muslim. :)
>Islamic woman
>not weak
She has pretty eyebrows, but
Do you think she's that one transsexual Muslim who was spamming Sup Forums about six months ago?
I am stronger than a panther and smarter than an eagle. I am a proud strong Muslim woman >:)
Are you the same Muslim woman from yesterday here at Sup Forums ? Don't try to brainwash into your religion, you have to understand not everybody fears god.
>Defending an oppressive religion
>While being in a country not governed by its oppressive rules
B8 thread detected
>not everybody fears god.
Yes, and maybe that's why there is so much greed and evil in the world.... :/
>post ending in 911
You have to wipe your ass with your hand and a pile of rocks.
Yeah I'm pretty sure this is a leafpost at this point