Do you see this is all a game now ?! HAHAHHAHAHAH!
>CNN bashes Trump 24/7 everyday
>Trump bombs Syria
>CNN applauds
>CNN bashes more
>Trump threatens North Korea
>CNN applauds and encourages it
They are owned by the zionist warmongers.
How the fuck is a half-starved nation ,surrounded by the US military,a threat to us?
How many times do we need to fight unnecessary wars for you simpleton fucktards get that the people in power don't give a shit about you and that wars aren't about protecting "freedom" or anything of the sort?
Yes North Korea is going to nuke your bumfuck town in Ohio. Sure.
You neocon cunts should be drowned.

but Sup Forums is also shilling for war.

War = ratings

Wow we won we really did it guys!!!

Sup Forums is full of democrat and republican shills, both of which want war. Sup Forums is controlled opposition.

but i want war. remove commie scum PEACE THROUGH POWER

Because CNN actually isn't fake news, user

Notice when their journalists get caught writing fake news, they get fucking fired?

Because we can't fire McMaster when we are in the middle of another fake N. Korea crisis.

That's the Opinion area of CNN, retard. Doesn't matter.

Sup Forums wants war because the world has become degenerate and must be purged

it's pretty much a doomsday cult at this point

as opposed to our based open borders anarchists

>Ted Cruz supporter writes an opinion piece for CNN
>CNN includes a disclaimer that this doesn't represent the views of CNN, just those of the author
Stop doing this, also kill yourself

They are dangerous because they have nukes. There are many ways to bring or use a nuke against a country as large as the US. Anybody using nukes on any nation would be destructive for the world and the economy.

Steward not a ((jew))?

We did it pedes!

Trump is becoming the deep state puppet he was groomed to be

So why publish it? Since when does CNN post far-right stuff on anything else? Where are the Obamacare opposition articles?
They ONLY do it for neocon bullshit wars.

Don't be so dense.Wake up little lamb.

we all understand this completely why are you talking like we dont
trump pretends to be playing ball with the sick kikes every so often to see which of his (((allies))) working with him come up to him about how smart he is

>Notice when their journalists get caught writing fake news, they get fucking fired?

CNN Opinion publishes opinions from people on all sides all the time, you low-info subnormal.

NK is not the enemy, that is what them in the media tells you to believe. Yesterday it was Syria and today it is North Korea.

SK is corrupt, an SJW paradise like no other. And now you will die for them yet again only not in the middle east so they can have more power by having the North and South.

WAKE THE FUCK UP! We should be liberating SK from SJW rule not dying so those same SJW's can take over the north and spread farther into asia.

That guy needs to GO.

this is a kike operation to remove mcmaster
is he an idiot yes but i dont think hes disloyal or bought so hes actually a useful ally for trump

oh interesting opinion that its such a threat well when has it happened

Of course you say my damn state you lucky fuck

Remember when CNN helped rigged the primaries for Clinton? They arent even trying to hide their bias these days.


these are opinion pieces which I am frankly surprised CNN would even consider allowing.

They allow it because their masters tell them to allow it. How many anti-gay marriage opinion pieces are on CNN?
The war agenda is all that counts in the end.

>How the fuck is a half-starved nation ,surrounded by the US military,a threat to us?

I'd like you to say that once the mushroom cloud appears over Seoul.

Of course they do. The kike reporters say what they do for a reason. The jews are conspiring to instigate a war so white men will be killed and they can blame white men for the war. The kike reporters always ask only about war, the kike news anchors always spread lies about enemy agents interfering to spread fear, the kike neocons always agitate, kike controlled congress passes sanctions only to provoke. It's all part of their bigger plan to discredit Trump and destroy the white race. Trump hasn't fallen for it. He's talking tough to try to get other world leaders to back down and prevent the jews from getting what they want.

It happened in 2001 but there weren't enough redpilled people to stop it then. It's the Iraq playbook exactly.

Trump is just establishing boundaries and making it very clear any lines being crossed will be a severe mistake. NK isn't stupid, they're going to back down.

So we should go to war to save a bunch of Koreans from ...Koreans? HAHAHAA! It's shocking how easily propaganda works.

Seoul is almost 6,000 miles away from us,why the FUCK should we fight their war?

Fuck I live in one of those Ohio towns. Fuck off

CNN is just happy no more Democrats were arrested today. That we know of.

Went to a restaurant today and cooper was on talking shit about all this.

CNN doesn't know what it wants. It just knows that everyone fucking hates them.