It seems the price of liberating those savages and stringing Kim up a pole would be less white blood able to procreate and raise the next generation of Americans while a bunch of loser darkies bed their girlfriends and make mongrels. Am I wrong?
Won't a war with NoKo just cause the deaths of a bunch of white men?
Other urls found in this thread:
>U.S. military
Definitely not nowadays.
It's good for the US because we have to move inventory. The slaughter of life will be felt by the South Koreans and Nips
Whites dont join the military.
The only real men we have are in the military. Have a war and kill them, Trannies and sjw's will then run our countries.
>U.S. military
Sweetie ... it's already less than 50% white, even more so among the enlisted.
user, you fucking retard, that only shows 40% are non-white.
Yess , so ? what's wrong with that ?
Also dont forget the one who will cimmot suicide when they come home to find their Wife/GF impregnated by anigger.
Can confirm. Im army, and its basically africa up in here
No, it will also cause the death of millions of gooks.
70% of male soldiers are white as of 2015
The other 10% are fags and trannies, I'm not even counting the womyn. The military has barely 1/3 english speaking straight white males left at this point.
only if we can't convince the gooks and nips to do the ground pounding for us
Its not going to be a Conventional War like Iraq.
Because Kim has soo many Arty, rockets and missiles aimed at the south that the war has to be over in the first 5 mins.
We will Neutron Bomb the fuck out of them.
I'm planning on having 4-6 girlfriends once the idiots here go to war. Dying for your gubberments, ffs.
Anyone who thinks China won't retaliate against US troops on their border is delusional. War with North Korea will be the pretext to WWIII. Cap this.
confirmed pog
The kikes are virtue signaling by saying they don't want war but you can tell they are salivating over the prospect. They want war and white Anericans to die by the millions so they can hang it around Trump's and whites' neck like the kike neocon establishment did with Iraq after they instigated it.
You can see the kikes agitating for war in Syria, Russia, North Korea, or anywhere. Everything they do is to provoke and instigate.
Trump is talking tough to try to prevent war and dissuade anyone from buying the kike bullshit.
Don't fall for Jew tricks.
Do they stop stealing and being nogs once they're employed? Also ask your fellow soldiers what they think about this;
African migrants are sent to the west to form infantry reserves, they're the only ones dumb enough to go and they respond to obvious carrot and stick style management. Like working dogs
The fact that it contradicts the OP and if anything would be beneficial in killing more nigs and other degenerates.
Think before you speak
This. There is a difference in fighting for your government and fighting for your country.
>kikes agitate for war everywhere
>when the president does it he's preventing war
Make up your mind
No, it will cause the deaths of a bunch of useless trannies:
>tell trannies they "can't serve in the military"
>trannies, predictably, blow up on social media and clickbait about it
>Trump let's them carry on
>Trump finally drops the hammer:
>"I was wrong. I LOVE OUR TRANNIES! Not only will the y be allowed to serve, but a special draft will be enacted with the express purpose of drafting as many trannies for the front lines as we possibly can!!"
>Literally hundreds of smartphone videos of trannies being dragged kicking and screaming onto bootcamp busses
Ground assault would be vietnam agian. It would be a complete nightmare like before.
S.Korean's are supposed to do that, same people and not evil american's who want to rape their women. We're supposed to help bomb the shit out of the norks, that's about it.
The kikes want to start a war. Trump is talking tough to try and force other world leaders to back down so the kikes don't get what they want: white men dead and the ability to blame white men for another war they started. We saw this in 2001. It's a kike trick. The mostly kike neocons who agitate constantly, the kike controlled congress members who pass sanctions to provoke Russia, the kike reporters who always ask about wars and nothing else, kike reporters talking about enemy agents interfering in things to spread fear. It's an obvious Jew conspiracy. Plain as day.