Every fascist regime in history failed and even the average communist regime lasts longer than the most enduring fascist regime. Why are there still fascists when this ideology clearly doesn't work?
Why does anyone take fascism seriously?
Well, it is total government control. Easily able to be subverted by the wrong person in power.
Of course it fails eventually.
I'm not fascist but I get the idea that fascism would endure much longer if they would just stop getting involved in so many wars, especially ones of their own making.
Edgy teenagers/gen Z
That's it really, they're also the ones making this place a shithole
Cause it wasn't real fascism™
>Republic of China
Really gets my noggin joggin
It worked for Rome
> Germany
literally ended Jewish culture in Western and Central Europe
> China
Compare the relative intelligence, happiness, and knowledge of the Taiwanese to the mainlanders.
> Spain
Literally destroyed liberalism, anarchism, and communism in Spain
> Chile
Ended a leftist regime
Those don't exactly seem like failures.
I am one but yeah... I agree with that sentiment.
The Brazilian Integralists had some drawbacks but were part of the miliraty governent between 64 and 85.
It's intellectually dishonest to label something that was forcibly crushed a "failed system", implying that a nation bombed into collapse during war is comparable to a system imploding politically during peace-time. The Soviet system failed, as did the Roman Empire, and every Chinese or Ottoman dynasty. Some of these examples of government lasted hundreds, if not thousands, of years, while some didn't last more than a generation. All forms of government inevitably fail. This has been true since ancient times. Polybius famously articulated this process of Anacyclosis: social organisation paradigms rise, fail, and give way to further systems. This is the cycle of history.
Fascism is not a failed system, it was a defeated system: A.) it was not an economic system, but a social one; B.) the so-called "failed system" had a control group: the US. Germany, Italy, and the US were operating under Keynesian policies; only one of them won the war, and experienced a massive period of growth once their industrial rivals were destroyed. So no, it wasn't a failed system, because both sides were using it, including the side that won.
Why don't you go shitpost in Lolbertardian general about how you're so scared about "muh big bad authority"
Each one of these regimes (save Germany and perhaps Italy) fell due to unique historical circumstances unrelated to their core ideologies.
Sorry, it may have to do with (((external forces))) as well.
* military
Why can't fags and brainlet a realize this
>it's the current year shitlord! I'd rather be a skinny fatshit than a Roman god
nice revisionism
the fuck are you smoking, >1 post by this ID
daily reminder that true fascism has never been tried
Portuguese Estado Nuovo was the best time in history of the country. They were even not removed by popular support but by a leftist coup.
No revisionism. None of that is even controversial, even a leftist would have to agree with those points.
Economically speaking fascists states often redirected their economies to support their militaristic policies.While this was an initial boost to their economies, they overproduced for the war effort, which then devalued the weapons they were making. Not to mention you don't find entrepreneurs in a total war economy where you're rationing resources and sending men on the front lines.
Overall they failed because they were basically command economies.
this is so stupid. They after wwii, they economically and diplomatically those authoritarian Iberian regimes. Snake meme flag, not even half of those pics were fascist regimes. My country was in dictatorship since 1926. And the regime fell because the soldiers had enough of chopping nigger heads with small pay, long comissions and change of rules in the military plus diplomatic isolation and economic sanctions leading to the erosion of the regime.
I fucking wish, the MNSCh never got into power and Pinochet was never a fascist or natsoc
Except that it's literally the complete fucking opposite at the present moment. All of these countries are cucked. Retard. People like you are proof fascism can't be taken seriously.
>They isolated
>Every country except the axis powers had peaceful transition of power
>take fascism from southern europeans
>ruin it with muh arian mustardrace
Never change.
>be a lefty
>choose flag of X ideology
>proceed to be retarded under that flag to make it look bad
>all prior-Fascist countries went to shit after Fascism was removed as the governing power
Reellee meks yew thinque
This. For some reason fascists rely completely on the benevolence and loyalty of their government, and supposedly if the government went against the nation then "the people" would rise up and overthrow them. Of course, for some reason when we ancaps say the exact same damn thing about people trying to form a government in an Ancap society it's treated as ridiculous and futile.
Literally the opposite of what?
On my first point, Jewish culture in Western Europe still hasn't revived to its pre-WW2 level of influence.
On my second, I'm referring to now. Taiwanese are leaps and bounds more sophisticated than mainlanders.
On the third, Spain is a struggling modern republic, which is neither here nor there.
Chile certainly isn't a Marxist state like it would've been without Pinochet.
You, sir, appear to be retarded.
We need fascism or capitalist cucks will keep bringing in shitskins en masse forcing diversity and welfare section 8 and welfare paid for by us for their new workers.
Capitalists opened the borders for cheap labor. Capitalism has failed me. Fascism is the alternative. Kikes like google shouldn't be allowed to exist
>ROC is fascism
the nazi's didn't fail..
>Overall they failed because they were basically command economies.
People are not aware of this there is difference between econonies of communists and fascist countries altghough both are central commanded.
In communist regimes the means of production is nationalised in the hands of the state. While in fascists the means are private but the owners need to follow the order of government how to invest their money.
>Rome spanned the entire Mediterranean seaboard
>Combining Natsoc with Fascism
user I...
Yeah, and?
>Portuguese fascism failed
Really activates my almonds
>hurr durr they lost a war so that means their ideology doesn't work
Fucking kill yourself please
Formosa was a facist state under the Kuomintang until '87. Learn some fucking history.
it wasn't even fascim, retard. Left people use fascit term to every right-wing mov right of them.
>literal kike on a pike
What happened to Chinese Emperor-san?
Germany and Japan fell cause of war not cause their systems were trash you fucking idiot
Only "failed" because the rest of the world destroyed them.
>Republic of China
lol how the fuck was that fascism? If every right-wing government in history (which is basically 90% of them) is 'fascist' then there are hundreds of non-'failures'.
These didn't fail.
>Francoist Spain
its very similar to communism. so much so that i pretty much consider them the same thing
A god emperor isn't fascism lmao
>The National Union (Portuguese: União Nacional; Portuguese pronunciation: [uniˈɐ̃w̃ nɐsiuˈnaɫ]) was the only legal political party in Portugal for most of the period of the Estado Novo. Ideologically, the National Union was an authoritarian, clerico-fascist organisation.
Getting Shoah'd by international banks is not the same as collapsing from within.
Falangist Spain was successful in many respects, and only ceased to exist when Franco died. Portugal under Salazar wasn't even fascist.
Pinochet did nothing wrong, and he wasn't a fascist. Brazilian integralists were just authoritarian--they had no racial ideology whatsoever.
You have a very liberal definition of fascism
In what way was China fascist?
And do you think I care what a bunch slack-jawed faggots call my movement fascist? We have our "Estado-Novo" that althougth is not fully fascist like let us say Musso's one , we still brought a lot of things from their experience .
Peronist Argentina didn't go to wars and it was doing pretty well
>Brazil 1937-1945
Except that's wrong retard
We were under a protectionist government in 1937
Salazar literally criticized NatSoc for its racial policies. He was just authoritarian and centre-right.
>"dude communism works lmao just there hasn't been a real attempt at communism yet"
>"dude fascism works lmao just there hasn't been a real attempt at fascism yet"
Lol another meme flag teaching the history of my country. It was a right-wing authoritarian corporatist regime. Check ou pt wiki flag about the controversy if it was a fascist regime or not.
Fuck off commie.
You're cute.
The Kuomintang were Axis collaborators which is why they're associated with fascism.
Since the Pinochet regime, the socialist party has won like all but one election. Only reason the place isn't a hellhole is because the party is extremely limited in what they're able to do by Pinochet's constitution, but I'm sure they're trying to subvert it however they can
>every fascist regime gets sanctioned and zergrushed by communist and liberal kike pawns
Uh, RoC was never fascist, nor was Chile, or Brazil, and Portugal is questionable. Hell in Brazil, Vargas violently cracked down on the integralists.
>Third Reich
Got invaded by outside forces
>Fascist Italy
Outside forces
Not fascist
>Republic of China
Not even close to fascist
Franco was a catholic conservative who used the phalangists to build his state and then utterly sidelined them.
Been on the edge of debt since the 1800's, Salazar came in and stabilized everything, had good economic growth and managed to stave off utter bankruptsy and collapse despite the fact that massive emigration away from Portugal to it's colonies (mostly Brazil) was a massive drain on the economy and future of Portugal. Can't build a stable country when everyone is literally immigrating away (not the result of Salazar either, it was happened consistently for over a hundred years).
United States puppet running an anti-communist but not particularly fascist regime. Pinochet merely used his US backing to remove political oponnents and enrich his friends at the expense of the Nation.
I know literally nothing about that one.
tl;dr: you're a faggot.
Vargas only suppressed the Integralist movement because they had attempted to overthrow him in a coup.
>hhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrr fascism doesn't work because it's not it place anymore
Why are fascists such cucks and losers? 'b-b-b-but we were invaded!' no shit retards, you got invaded because you were weak and because fascism is weak. That's why all fascist regimes fail.
They all succeeded until they were invaded to install (((democracy)))
>and Portugal is questionable
These are the real fascists of Portugal unlike Salazar.
Roulao preto was the fascist. The regime only had a few fascist elements that started using since the beginning of spanish civil war until end of ww2.
Chile was never fascist
A little bit of this with a little bit of this. The legend of the galactic heroes touches on this subject quite well, a majestic ruler under a fascist (or nationalist) government that has the support of the people can lead the world to near-utopia levels of success and is inherently better than a democratic nation (even when it isn't corrupt).
But even a corrupt democratic nation is more successful and better for it's people than a corrupt fascist government, because you can't do anything againts absolute corruption when your rights are taken away and the government has ALL of the power.
So a nationalist government with checks and balances but still with a strong leader with the support of it's people is essentially the ideal human government, according to what History has shown.
Basically, if the United States had a more powerful President who was voted in, served more terms, and had more control over most/all government branches. The only problem with that is when someone has that much power, they can nullify anything trying to remove them.
It's a rather deep argument that I don't think anyone has yet to truly get right or put into a realistic action.
The ideal would be almost literal WWII German National Socialism, but SLIGHTLY less authoritarian.
Guess you are right , I will go back to calling it just Estado Novo then.
Hey kike, fascist regimes are reactionary. They're invaded because they don't suck jew cocks and were doing well. So the eternal shlomo and his Mason friends all team up to keep them down and under their control.
And? That doesn't mean you guys aren't weak cucks. If you can't defend yourself you deserve to get fucked, faggot. Survival of the fittest, and so far fascist fags have been proven to be the weakest little shits around.
Is fascism = national socialism?
>literally ended Jewish culture in Western and Central Europe
>1 post by this ID
stupid lolbertarian
How the fuck did Fascism in Spain or Chile fail?
In Spain, it created a technocracy and ended the threat of Communism, lasting for most of the twentieth century.
In Chile, it brought the country from the brink of destruction and turned it into one of the few successful countries in South America. The era of fascism ended with a peaceful turnover of power after the country's salvation.
Fascism never needs to be permanent. It's an extreme solution to extreme problems -- like the election of a dictator when Rome was under existential threat.
In reality Fascism is just the Italian brand of Ultranationalism. Since it was the first legitimate ultranationalist force to obtain power in Europe, everything is thus compared to the fascists. National Socialism is a German/Pan-Germanic form of Ultranationalism.
Because they are retarded.
Fascism & natsoc are strength, and it's absence is weakness (((international banks))) exploit. The day is coming for you hook nose vermin. You can't bring your shekels to hell with you.
See: And google translate this
>National-Syndicalism was hated by both the New State dictatorship in Portugal and by the Communist opposition;
Fascists were never in power in Brazil.
Germany wasn't fascist
Neither was Japan
Germany was National Socialist
Japan was a militaristic polyarchy
Bring it, fag. Show me what you and your cucked ideology can do beyond getting domed by random dipshits off the street.
National Socialist.
Military Government.
Falangism (National Syndicalism).
Authoritarian Neoliberalism.
Military Government.
Authoritarian Capitalism.
A fucking combination of Italy, Spain and Germany which will never, ever, work.
Franco suppressed National Syndicalism though