support israel
Support israel
America is Israeli clay generously bestowed upon us by God's chosen.
who is he
i wonder how he got employed at google
Supporting Israel is a must if you are truly anti-Islam.
Agree, I don't have a problem with this at all.
Shoo shoo, away to your ovensf
Not the oven!!
Try harder shill
>doctorate in systems biology
>being a good programmer
what do you mean how you fucking inept sperg
google isn't some extremely hard corporation to get employed within, if you're in a big city there's a 99% chance there's a Google office that'll employ a ton of developers, database techs, and other people
they run, manage, and develop servers, websites, mobile apps, general apps, and have a ton of mobile shit
Can you get any uglier?
'1 post by this ID'
Fuck off, shillposters.
, opening it's borders.
>support israel
well i'm convinced. i never really thought about it before.
>green eyes
>long chin
>big lips
Bogdanoff confirmed.
Get a job there then faggot and stop posting on a semi-ironic image board
I get the feeling this guy doesn't really know whats happening, he's just trying to ride this ride because it looks fun
Sundar Pichai was right to fire him, but not because of what he said. Basically every millennial snowflake like him thinks he's captain of the ship. He's not. He's a fucking pleb. Despite having demonstrated no leadership ability whatsoever, he thinks he's entitled to a position of leadership. That's why he was out there spouting his opinions about shit. Nobody cares about your opinion pleb. If they did, they would have asked for it. Sundar is the Chief, not him. He challenged Sundar and was fired for stepping out of his position into one where he didn't belong.
Fuck the fucking jews
p sure it's that guy that ate a bunch of subway sandwiches and ended up raping little kids
>People constantly talking about how ugly this guy is
>Kind of look like him
>Falling for yet another Jewish trick
Come on goy, not all of us are zionists.
Looks like that guy who was a wrestling coach and then got involved with the Republicans. Turned out that he was diddling little boys the whole time and was a very nasty person all round. Think his name is Dennis or something.
Dumb ass fucking shill doesn't know the difference between asking a question and an overt challenge in authority.
He / you just needs a bit of /fit/ 'n' Zyzz.