if niggers have such low IQ then why are they consistently the best selling and most popular musicians?
If niggers have such low IQ then why are they consistently the best selling and most popular musicians?
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'cause they been stayed clean af on some real shit namsayin. they out on they grind for they shit on some real shit ya feel me.
high iq jews plant them in the music industry
because drugs
Because classical music has fallen out of fashion
high iq = being able to rap about drugs and the crimes you commit?
Okay then.
jews take all thier money and low iqs are happier so they sing and dance like idiots for other idiots like you who value them
>Need IQ
nigger op detected.
>high iq
lowest-tier bait
most popular musicians, black or white, are absolutely retarded when it comes to anything other than making music
It's da Joos! Also niggers are stupid and eat this crap up.
Their ritual dances were one of the few things they ever did so having rhythm became a selective advantage.
Most of the "beats" (aka, the actual music) is made by whites or mulattos anyway.
How much music to they actually compose? Most of the rap songs use appropriated hooks, most of which were composed by whites.
Any monkey will get money if it dances and makes noise to some music.
>high iq jews plant them in the music industry
high iq jews plant them in the music industry
and who buys their music? whites.
Because they're easy to take advantage of in contractual negotiations
they're not musicians you dumb fuck, musicians play instruments, they don't talk fast into a microphone with autotuning and digital music playing in the bakground
They can make good rhythmic music, but lets be honest... a lot of it is the power of marketing.
I remember the first time a friend of mine played a Kanye West song for me and the hook was from a fantastic song by Steely Dan, my favorite band ever, and I was pissed off for like a week
>Kanye's song
>The far superior original Steely Dan song
>They can make good rhythmic music
Lenny White is unironically my favorite drummer.
Ooga booga bix nood
Suck muh dick real good
Catch me round the hood
We wuz powerful and still is
Ooga booga box nood
> Steely Dan
The whitest band in the world.
Because most people are retarded.
that's essentially hiphop. They take something good sounding that someone else wrote, and put a beat over it and rap.
Then people think they made the music. It's absolute shit.
Yes that's the Jewish scheme
>I'm sure none of you newfags has the comic about this
50% of whites are under 100 IQ.
75% of beaners are under 100 IQ.
100% of niggers like nigger music
Jews sell nigger diversity garbage to this consumer base.
Have you ever been in the presence of someone so intelligent you felt like a complete retard in their presence a person so intelligent that the intellectual difference between you and him was equivalent to the intellectual difference between you and a Bernie supporter?
well, I met a black man yesterday.
They're natural allies.
Kinda funny how something based around thievery is so popular with blacks.
nice condemnation of your own race.
This. A lot of black music is based on samples of someone else's work. Throw a heavy bass line under it and shout some violent half-rhymed lyrics over it and it'll sell.
Jazz and soul are exceptions, but rap, hip hop, and R&B are plagiarized trash.
Jews. My father actually had first hand experience. Gather round /pol.
Okay so my dad had owned 3 car dealerships in NJ which are now owned by his sister (I think only one is opened. It is buy-a-ride for broof). He was called to deliver an escalade. Well he did it. And he said the jews he calls 'curlies' (due to the curly fuck twigs on their head) in manhattan stroke 10k to deliver rims to a location. Which is where they filmed in a music video by Jay-Z. He went through the slums with multiple thousand dollars, scared as shit. Jay-Z pulled out a poster and asked my dad if he wanted an autograph. My dad yelled 'Yeah, ON THE CHECK!". lol we were from jersey. Heres a video. My dad sold him the car and transported those ridonk rims.
>Can't remember the song, can't listen to the garbage. Was about 5-8 years ago if anyone likes his music and knows what I am talking about? Gold rims with bunches of diamonds
Because son, people pay good money to see a clown do their act.
Double if he has a monkey.
if dogs are so stupid, how can they catch frisbees?
if crows are so stupid, how can they open boxes?
if cows are so stupid, how can they make milk?
you see what this shill nigger is doing
no you don't
they're testing a new form of lying
if X is so Y, then how is X so Z
implying Z == Y. Implying you need a high IQ to make music
implying jewsteins and others aren't part of a lot of music
implying making sounds from vocal chords, motor functions, etc, beats, aren't high level tasks
you can do these after being shot in the head
you see the lie now?
besides that, the "beats" are incredibly easy. there's a reason why a hundred beats can be made in a day with a computer, whereas a country song takes a while to perfect because you actually playing an instrument.
Didn't Mozart have the best selling album of all last year?
Died 200 hundred years ago and shitskins still can't compete with his superior white creative abilities.
if what niggers do in the music industry is so easy and they are only successful because of jewish subversion, then why are no whites stepping up to out compete them? why are no whites claiming that huge share of profits for themselves? its almost like youre all completely full of shit.
Most musicians are really stupid.
Jay z has never had any type of nigger stereo types in his video. He wears Versace and raps about investing.
That's exactly what's happening.
Not really, white people beat them even at their own game
Jay-Z is a nigger stereotype.
Because all they did for 6,000 years was sit in a jungle banging drums
No. People said over 1.2 million Mozart CD's were sold last year. However, every single CD in the box set they were sold in were counted individually, when the box set included over 600 CD's. Additionally, people hardly buy CD's anymore, so most sold CD's doesnt mean dick
It's quite simple.
Record companies pick someone they think will sell, and they do it based on image, not talent.
If that's not bad enough, they have to take heaps of people to actually make an album work, and they create beats and lyrics.
Before the use of Instruments the would beat their own bodies( similar to monkeys) to produce a "musical beat".
>best selling and most popular musicians?
I am a professional studio producer. I produce hybrid music industrial / electronic / metal / dub /
dub step / w/e, you would not believe how many of these "artists" suck in reality. Most of them
have no musical skill at all. Its all abc rap faggot bullshit or auto tuned crap. All of the
tracks are produced by someone like me and literally the shit is 4 tracks of bass, piano stabs, and shitty canned percs. Fucking ridiculous.
Why was the most influential rapper a white man then?
Because other races write their songs. Look into it, many black singers and rappers have bought their tracks.
Marketing...... their "music is garbage"
That's called sampling, when you sample a song you usually take a small bit and make your own creation out of it. It's perfectly fine and in order to sell a song with a sample legally you have to "clear it" . Clearing a sample means you have to actually ask the source "hey I was digging your song and I liked this one part so I made my own song out of it" at that point you play your version and the original artist can say no or go ahead.
So two things:
1, Steely Dan is ok with it. So you as a fan should be ok with it as an extension since "champion" by west has his blessing.
2, when you look at anything in life specific things pop out and inspire you. Sampling is just a way of saying you inspired me, and also finds a way to bring people who like different genres of music together.
Now there is also oversampling where you straight up rip someone else's work, but this isn't that.
Most influential, no.
Arguably the most talented, yes.
Probably this.
Because people buying it have low IQ as well.
wow, consider my almonds activated.
niggers made string instruments, check mate illiterate
never made i meant to say
Lol nobody buys music anymore is 2017 artists only make money through concerts and commercial deals
their music is low quality music, exemptions hendrix, coltrane and some blues musicians, all from old ages, now the nigers dont respect their own good legacy.
niggers never making string instruments baffles the fuck out of me with all the wild life in africa, again, it resorts to stupid lazy niggers
37m blacks in US
gold record at 500k, platinum record at 1m, diamond record at 10m
many artists viewbot youtube videos to make it seem like more people are watching
Pop music has nothing to do with anything other than appealing to the lowest common denominator.
They are playing their role
>advertising degeneracy
itz cuz da JOOZ always stoppin da WHYTE MAN from getting anywhere in life. jews are to the white man what the white man is to the negro.
american niggers invented jazz because american niggers are typically all over 25% white
they are satan's children if you check the table of nations they are the builders and they are our worst enemy
Hush. You're scaring the goyim.
>not listening to rap that secretly embraces race war meme
but user, the best rapper of all time is white: Eminem. and I say rap because is the nigger music flagship
Best selling and top artist last year we classical dead white dudes.
If an animal performs in a circus it is because the ringmaster has trained him to do so. The ringmaster makes him perform for the audience and the ringmaster gets paid. If the animal was clever he would make the ringmaster perform.
Because a lot of people are hood rat idiots, and it's what's in right now, it's litterally another music trend.
That is not to say that there aren't some decent ones in the mess, such as Kendrick who has more musical/intelligent substance to it, or Lil Dicky for keks
>implying that music requires substantial amounts of intelligence to produce
Low IQ whites*
FTFY. Remember, high IQ whites do not speak in ebonics. It's only the millennials that are screwed. The degeneracy of today is what gives birth to nigger tier music such as Jake Paul.
I'm sure this has been said but JEWS.
Who could it be?
user if you are still here, two questions
>How do you feel about compression ruining sound quality
>Are there any rap/hip hop artists you do like
I can't listen to nigger music anymore. I only listen to the classical music station, where I can finally feel at home with the music of overwhelmingly anti-Semites and racist shitlords
can you poo, poo in loo?
you know youtube drives up the views of certain music videos right? they get all of their money from concerts, which happen to attract the younger generation because they have a high reward system
This. If they are so clever why isn't there a ghetto space program. Why aren't symphony orchestra's needed to play the complicated music they write. There is a big difference between quantity and quality. I know personally I prefer quailty.
>Their ritual dances were one of the few things they ever did so having rhythm became a selective advantage.
This likely
>Lynn also reviews tests of "MQ" or musical intelligence for black and white Americans. While blacks score lower on almost all the items, commensurate with the fact that IQ correlates with musical ability, they also do much better, on average, than whites on rhythm items - Lynn calculates a rhythm IQ for Af-Ams of 106
Because the people buying their """"music"""" is equally stupid.