Do black people have anything to be proud of, like at all?
Do black people have anything to be proud of, like at all?
Uh, they wuz kangz, remember?
why are all clocks set to 10:10?
Well endowed kings that invented peanut butter.
The only thing they ever contributed to the world is peanut butter and aids. Remember that.
Because he wanted to set it to 4:20, but can't count past 4
No. They didn't even make peanut butter. Aztecs did.
The only good thing they have is, on average, a bigger dick.
Or I should say, can't count to 4.
Damnit, botched the delivery
muh dick
peanut butter was actually made by whites i believe.
that's not even true lmao
They can run fast and jump high.
>You know I'm something of a street nigga myself
Why does pride in one's race matter? You didn't earn it. And this goes for everyone.
this pretty much
There's a reason clocks in TV and commercials and whatnot are always set at this hour, and it was to not obscure the logo on the clock and because it looks like a sort of upbeat, smile rather than a frown. 10:10 is the default time clocks are set in now, so that nigga's clock has never been used to tell time
They kick ass at sports. Bout all the niggers got goin for em. besides being kangs
Generally the brand's name/logo is in the top center area so the hands are used to frame it. Not sure why i know this
OY VEY you should not have any pride in your race goy
Beat me to it, Juan
Because those are our ancestors dude they are in our blood, and we will pass on to ours.
>They can run fast and jump high.
Result from selective breeding by slave masters?
sports and music
Detroit and Chicago House
They killed this guy
Dey Wuz Kangz
Dey Biled Pyramids N Shiet
Dey come from Atalntais
Dey Wuz Real Romans
Greks Wuz blacks
No. not one thing.
Yeah, drawing a blank.
Sure, they've made a lot of contributions to sport and music.
They tend to be good entertainers.
Actually, some blacks can be very pleasant people. The ones who are friendly are very friendly... Unfortunately the ones who are unfriendly can be extremely nasty.
I think the bottom 20-30% in IQ/temperament will destroy a society, and the rest are OK, but don't have the ability to stop the destruction.
A big problem is the Jews have raised Black expectations so high, that their ability can't keep up. If they were satisfied with what they have, that would go a long way, but as a group they want to take more than they are able to create.
It's sad that the IQs aren't and can't be equal, because I think it dooms any hope for a stable happy situation.
They literally invented every genre of popular music, jazz, rock, hip hop, techno, r&b, soul, black people were even pioneers with a lot of electronic music. They are GOAT in music
Kenyans, Tanzanians and Ethiopians can doo that too and they weren't slaves, not most of them.
There's barely any difference between the races. White women like black dick because it's considered taboo.
George Washington Carver didn't invent peanut butter but he was a rather intelligent fellow for his time. Ben Carson was an innovative surgeon. There's been empires in Africa and Ethiopia was one of the oldest nations. It isn't that black people don't have achievements, it's that they'd rather steal white achievements instead of having to learn about their own.
Peanut butter is pretty good, desu.
Rock ? You're sure ?
So you cannot be proud of your father or mother? kys faggot.
Yes and no.
>Do African Americans have anything to be proud of?
No not really. Any progress that's been made towards "equality" for them has been done by white people, bar MLK. Yet they still blame whitey for keeping them down.
>Do Africans have anything to be proud of?
Yeah sure. Despite what you might think not all of Africa is a shit hole. The ones that come from more developed countries can be proud of their culture. A lot of the Africans I know are pretty based.
they know how to dance
Carver invented peanut butter AND regular butter
...Margarine too.
But the white man stole the usual.
Jazz negros were pretty hep!
White and brown people found them useful as slaves. That's something I guess.
I do like their music from the 1950's and early 60's.
>So you cannot be proud of your father or mother?
Pride in one's race is narcissistic, it includes you without you necessarily contributing. If you've done something good, be proud of yourself, if someone else has, be proud of them. Yes you can be proud of your father and mother, but only if they've done things worth being proud of.
>kys faggot.
Why do you have to hurt me so?
They gave us the glorious Bel Air pasta
Not every notable person of your race is your ancestor. By your logic, you can only be proud of those notable people who you can prove a direct relation too.
1) they were living in pyramids when whites were still living in caves
2) they invented math, astronomy, and contacted aliens (the aliens left without sharing the secrets of intergalactic space travel because of whites)
3) only become violent because of the white devil. before that, africa was a very peaceful continent
4) culinary adventurers. the only race that still eats people when it isn't vitally necessary
5) fearless warriors who learn to shoot the unarmed with ak47s by the age of 9
6) know sacrifice. their African Queens undergo radical genital surgery during infancy to keep them chaste in adulthood
7) do not let HIV (invented by the CIA) deter them from pursuing the universe's mandate to stick their unwrapped BBC everywhere to spread superior genetics
any questions?
They did make pretty decent farm equipment at one time.
Best athletes and biggest dicks
You racist tool. Whitey stole it.
I donĀ“t believe that the average black dick size is under 6 inches desu.
Well the Irish have survived so far, and I'm surviving, so can I be proud of myself and my race?
>Considering the whole 900 years of genocide.
And shitty "music".
how bout giving black people their credit. Or giving them time to shine. Friends was a copy and paste of living single and moonlight won the award however the night was totally messed up with LaLa land being announced as the winner. And instead of the main story being about their win, it was about the mix up and how they two films should share the award. Rather than a black movie and its stars being able to get the recognition they deserved in the 50+ years the award ceremony has been about.
It doesn't matter what you believe. What matters is scientific evidence and I don't see a reason for the scientific community to be involved in a conspiracy that supports niggers over everyone else.
Blacks really have no ancestry to look at and feel proud of. That's why they invented the whole egyptians are blacks, so they can make themselves feel better. Plus in the 21st century the most improvished nations are black majority. While almost every nation on Earth suffered colonization from european powers. There is literally nothing I can look and say wow blacks really did something amazing in the past like asians and natives did. At least natives did nice pyramids and rituals and great myths
>how bout giving black people their credit
yeah they were pretty good slaves
How is Irish a race?
Thats why its the common ancestor you admire.
Celtic Pagans worship the same guy as Mongolians (The Red Hero) because thats our common ancestor, and all members of the race decended from him. (Phoenicians, Greeks, Celts, Slavs etc.)
So they might not be a direct ancestor, but they are a relation and have benfitted me and my family by doing what they done (because it reinforces our culture => increases the chance we want to keep our culture, have more children, continue to worship (fostering community), and generally avoid the impending demise of secular "only one race" society.
That's not true, every race is pratically the same size, some bigger and some smaller but not by a large margin
They didn't fake the moon landing
They have big dicks. I don't think the women have anything to be proud of tho
no dindues only want loud nig tunes and to cuck white bois, can we killem yet?
Well of course you feel pride in your father or mother! They raised you, worked hard to put you through school, fed you, taught you stuff and managed to raise a functional human being.
The complete stranger down the street who is the same race as me did not. Why should I feel pride for him? If he's my friend who achieved something like quitting smoking or graduated with a masters, I'll feel pride for them!
Do YOU feel pride for random strangers and homeless people on the street?
Checkout Jimmy Hendrix
That's right.
Ask any american nigger where his family came from in Africa. 99.9% will not be able to tell you, where most whites can tell you where their family lived in Europe down to the town of village.
>Celtic Pagans worship the same guy as Mongolians (The Red Hero) because thats our common ancestor, and all members of the race decended from him. (Phoenicians, Greeks, Celts, Slavs etc.)
I've never heard of this, proof?
>the impending demise of secular "only one race" society
Do you personally have anything to be proud of, shitposter-kun?
watch and weep
they wuz kangz n queenz n shiet niggu
Do you think your ancestors ever fought a life-or-death batter with the sole intention of saving their lineage?
I'm not saying you should be proud of every White person, but, as a whole, the White race is the most glorious race to have ever graced the face of this planet. I carry the genes of this race and I am damn proud of it whether you like it or not, Mr. Goldbergenstein.
Dey wuz jooz n sheeit
Sports. And even then, just the ones that require speed over strength. Which is most of them.
Everything else has been accomplished with Jewish money.
besides jazz and sports, no
they murdered and raped hundreds of thousands of white people with zero reaction.
Bigger dick, higher t, most of sports players
Basically physical , not mental attributes
I bet he can play piano better than you
BBC is a meme pushed by interracial porn
>one two three four
>"dances" to 4/4
>nods along with the lyrics of "he a nigga, you can be my nigga, nigga"
>look at me everyone, I have style and can count to 4, praise me
Uh....Jazz? That's literally fucking it, everything else they've done has been done before a million times by everyone else.
And they still get btfo in their own genre. No wonder they quit and went to something more suitable to the lowest common denominator.
Why are you a faggot?
last time i check white people are cocking cornrolls like blacks.
sorry but american culture jacks shits from the black
peep game
Im pretty sure the salt trade was a legitimate accomplishment on the African continent. If you want subsaharan I think they had a couple of (short lived) iron age empires too.
>Do you think your ancestors ever fought a life-or-death batter with the sole intention of saving their lineage?
So? I could also have murders and rapists for ancestors, as well as you.
>the White race is the most glorious race to have ever graced the face of this planet
So? Did you invent Calculus? Did you invent the Internet? What have you done?
Don't Believe the Hype