Is this really going to be a yuge event or is the media blowing it out of proportion?
How many antifa are going to be there?
Is this really going to be a yuge event or is the media blowing it out of proportion?
How many antifa are going to be there?
Other urls found in this thread:
they're saying there are already 400-500 rightists camped out there
Where are their hoods? I tease. Hope antifa gets rekt
Spencer's (allegedly) going to be outmatched 2:1. Antifa are bussing in from across the country.
Thread earlier today about some tech blogger tranny that was bragging he's going to be conceal carrying at the rally and for "nazis" to "watch out."
Really seems like some shit is going to go down tomorrow
pre-game tonight went well
attendance was way more than expected
the march went to a monument on the UVA campus, where they surrounded and beat down a group of leftists
These brave warriors will protect innocent garbage receptacles from anarchocommunist oppression.
Any rightists end up dieing, they die a martyr.
But it wont get crazy so no deaths im guessing
I'll be there with my bros and my signs.
Antifa won't show. In Virginia it's illegal to cover your face with a mask in a public place.
I live in charlottesville. Rumors are circulating that 6000 people are going to be there. That park cannot hold 6000 people, much less the counter-protesters. Whole streets alongside Lee Park barricaded off. Tons of police around.
I probably won't be able to make it, wish I could.
>tfw live in uneventful area
>tfw more and more people livestream happenings
>tfw have watched multiple happenings while snug as a bug in a rug
That's probably the way to go about it. No need to go get teargassed or locked.
Why would someone get (((locked)))
8 long years of jacking off
any more webms? who stared the fight?
i've got 1 more after this
if I had to guess, I'd say one of the leftists got scared and pulled out pepper spray once they saw they were surrounded
What percentage of the city would you estimate support Specner? Antifa? How many are radical centrists?
I imagine most just wish this rally wasn't even taking place
in all seriousness, let's pray we don't get any rightists chimping out tomorrow.
Commies and Nazis get the chopper.
Fuck off centrist shitbag
highlights of the tranny streamer meltdown lads
Virginia here, cops everywhere today and helicopters above
why? why wouldn't you want open season on the left?
would it not be amazing to see an unstoppable mob break through barricades and completely crush the leftists?
National Guard is in town as well
how will whites recover
rumors have it you are a faggot, there were 400 at most there tonight. there will be at 1000 at most tomorrow.
Same. Can't wait to get in the thick of it, though.
This. Who gives a fuck about our 'image' at this point? The media's already spun it out of control. We might as well have some fun helicoptering lefties while we're at it
i want a repeat of berkeley in every city
It's hard to say how many were at the rally, probably between 400-1000.
There were only a dozen antifaggots actually camped out to meet them and they were literally beaten and driven off, afterward the police moved in to drive off the whole rally.
After this makes the front news of a lot more antifa will probably show up but they didn't plan on them being this successful and numerous.
We will likely have parity with them in numbers and might outnumber them. Expect the Battle of Berkeley on a much larger scale with real white nationalists instead of kekistani faggots.
The only vid I watched, just posting to say I really want to suck on her huge milkers.
>my father would spin in his grave like a dreidel if he saw this
every fucking time
>No commies
>No fags
>No niggers dressed in drag.
what if they chimp out in a self defense situation
this needs to go mainstream and TRUMP needs to make a statement on it.
he could be the next Fuhrer if he doesn't "disavow" -- hope he knows how much people would rally and march for him if he stops pretending he isn't white nationalist
yall look like fags
This. America isn't nazism and it isn't communist. America is America. Way more of us than any of you nazi faggots and commie faggots.
Jesus republicucks sure act like niggers
Yeah-commies gotta be scared. It is happening
that's not chimping out, that's self defense.
whoever makes the first move is the one that will look bad in the eyes of the public
hope rick flair turns up tomorrow need his high energy
Yeah everyone hates it. Loads of businesses shutting down for the day. I guess a bigot's dollar isn't worth very much. The city voted for Hillary, and i believe kasich won in the gop primary so not many. There definitely is some support as the statue removal has been a pretty big topic this summer. There are many "counter-protests" planned, and there has been political violence in the past against people like Kessler. Although I do not know how Antifa will function without their beloved masks.
Hey, you go to a right-wing rally, there are a bunch of hipsters out there counter-protesting, maybe one gets really fed up and hits you with a bike lock. It's happened before.
That's just weird. It's like you want the FBI to shoot your dog.
>Posting a shopped image
>obvious photoshop is obvious
Jesus, what the hell is going on guys? Is this just C-Ville? Am I gonna have to go innawoods and ride this shit out?
America is going to become a race mixed shithole unless something radically different happens.
If resurrecting Adolf Hitler is the only thing that will save Europe and the former European colonies, then so be it. We have to become Nazis.
if mega digits there's some blood spilt
it's just cville but if it gets hectic enough it could spread, a possibility I guess
The National Guard is rolling in, so......
>Is this really
yes, it is. another display of identity politics being peddled. this time around, right wing.
I know some of yall wanted this last thread and here it is.
Oh, that really sucks, not white but I hope they'll be okay
WHeRe the FuCk aRe tHe ReSt of (((You)))?
yeah i was watching baked alaska's stream and some kike called them out for being nazis and he and the dudes around him denied it -- the next step is for white men to admit to being nazis without shame. like who the fuck cares, Hitler was right and there's no shame is standing up for that truth
>be antifa
>have the opposite effect of what your organisation was supposed to have
leftists literally can't fucking do anything right, here's to cracked commie skulls tomorrow
Jesus Christ. This freak needs to hurry up and join the 45%.
>it's nothing more than identity politics
it's racial consciousness awakening, it's real, not a dumb political game
White male butthurt will echo from valley to mountaintop!!
Is this continuing into the weekend? or is there something else entirely happening?
This will be the true successor to Berkeley 2.0
Looks far more organized than a typical nignog chimpout.
Most of those guys probably aren't NatSoc's.
>There definitely is some support as the statue removal has been a pretty big topic this summer.
I read somewhere that the former leader of the local NAACP was against removal of the statue; instead, he proposed that it be moved and have a new plaque put up for "historical context."
Honestly, I think this is the correct solution for all these statues. Everybody wins--Confederates get to keep their heritage and those against the statues get to have their negative opinions on them not only heard but (nominally) endorsed by the state.
Tearing down statues is erasing history and ISIS-tier behavior.
Thank you, sane person.
damn you really showed us
It's Virginia, so tons of right-wingers and Confederacy supporters. But it's also a liberal college town, so tons of liberals in the city itself.
Should be interesting.
>you will not replace us
>hail victory
>white pride
it's like you aren't connecting the dots.
Any mob is in high danger for that.
the negroid must support his upper body by placing his hands on his hips otherwise his frail malnutritioned body would collapse at the ribs
>Confederates get to keep their heritage
It's not about history classes, guy, except for a small percentage of boomer cucks. It's about white people having a right to their own countries and interests.
Virginia right-wingers must put Cali right-wingers to shame.
>that bitch in the wheelchair
It's probably not a huge event but because the media likes the way the optics play against republicans, expect them to blow it way out of proportion.
what i mean is they are still pretending not to be nazis, they are marching with torches. they know subconsciously they are the same as nazis but still have that jew-instilled fear of the nazi-flare. that HAS to go.
Discipline, discipline - some places have reported on us in our own terms - white identity, not white supremacy. Don't give them the excuse to throw us back into the KKK pile.
kekistani go home
The real rally is tomorrow. I will not be surprised if someone dies. Hopefully, whoever it is, the optics work for /ourguys/. If that happens, then history will be made.
natsoc has nothing to do with white pride in 2017 you fucking stupid faggot shill DIE
The leftists made the first move by deciding to stage a counter protest in the first place.
Serious question here guys, what should you do if you came alone and where are people gonna park?
Am I gonna be a target if I walk to this thing because i'm by myself?
You've gotta realize though, EVEN IF nat soc was right for Germany in the 1930s, it's not necessarily right here. The US is far more independent. Really, the extreme right here are paleocons.
White Identity =/= NatSoc
Stop appropriating white culture and white supremacy.
None of that necessary means Nazi, except maybe the hail victory.
You have to understand that normies have a lifetime of Pavlovian conditioning against Nazis. If you can advocate for beliefs that align with nazis, and nazi policies, but calling yourself "Nazi" makes people balk, then what's the point? Only people who do this as a fashion and not to win don't understand this.
I'm not saying that if they call you a Nazi that you should go out of your way to prove how much you aren't one. I'm just saying it serves absolutely no purpose to adopt the label, other than to feel edgy and cool.
Just go alone and if you don't want to join, be a "neutral" observer. Wear normal clothes. Make no display towards either side. Stay out of violence. Just observe . You should be fine. Obviously defend yourself if you have to. But really, you should be fine. Violence at these things is really limited to isolated frontline areas. There are tons of people standing around taking pictures/video.
Exactly, German NatSoc just doesn't translate here. At least yet.
"white hispanic" detected
>it's racial consciousness awakening
you sound a lot like some marxist cuck. 'it's class consciousness awakening' or some shit like that.
we ain't buying it, though. you may fool a few idiots by chanting 'muh whiteness', but you ain't fooling us.
Looked crazy & badass. Hail victory!
warms my heart to see clean cut white men be4ating the shit out of filthy commies..
if this turns into a return of the Nazis it's going to fuck everything up. why would Americans want to become a totalitarian country where the state has supplanted God?
the hell with that, Americans have guns, keep your bloody independence.
>basic gestalt
Low iq morons led by leftist infiltrators continue to drive a wedge between conservatives in a divide and conquer operation known as the "alt-right". Or not... who really knows what's happening in this fucked up timeline.