Specifically I want to be redpilled on what goes on. I've heard mentioning about Shillary being a high priest in the occult? What is disinfo? What is real?
What is up with the occult?
Other urls found in this thread:
Spirit cooking
Podesta lolita express epstiene
Madelan mccan kidnapper drawing
Oh and bill Clinton lolita island
Podesta with 14 and symbol of fish on hands
i don't know but i just went on a date with the hottest girl i've ever seen. was made possible solely because of the internet. will let you know if I fuck her.
>I've heard mentioning about Shillary being a high priest in the occult? What is disinfo?
It's fake news, bro. For some really occult stuff, take a look at what is going on in Saudi Arabia at the moment...
Shill ....
what are you doing. This isn't kikebook
I've seen this. Has there ever been an explanation by him or a rep? He's a weirdo fuck
High prestest maybe dis info but spirit cooking and cutting ones finger in a specific place and cutting the head off a chicken is in the emails. Also having your picture taken with the band aid showing .... Obama had it on his golf photo .
No.... look at his artwork in his home....
Can you post bandaid pics? Haven't seen/heard of those
I'm on my tablet and enjoying a stiff drink . Sorry. But if you search molloch spirit cooking cut finger Hillary Obama podesta...
Holy shit it sounds like you're onto something! Get Alex on the phone right away.
Thank you for your bumps shill
Occultism among people like her is just pretentious clique-y shit
They get off on people seeing them as powerful scary ''occult entities''
I know from experience that the occult is real, but stop feeding these degenerate's egos
The occult is about discipline not being faggot degenerate snobs that focus on their perverted carnal pleasures. That shit is lavey-tier but worse because Clinton is a pedophile whore
They all worship Saturn.
Saturn (The god) ate children. Moloch is a representation of Saturn.
Look up the seal of Saturn. It's the freemason symbol.
Saturn is referred to as "The Dark Lord" "The Dark Sun" and "The King of the planets"
Saturn the planet has the lowest vibrational energy.
My pleasure. This is important news that everyone must know about now!
Found the Obama photo. Notice dates to find Hillary and podesta same hand and positionfellowshipofminds.files.wordpress.com
There all in there basement watching my little pony while raping children.
I saw somewhere lurking on here that the ancient roman or greek gods (can't remember which) were actually planets. Is this related somehow or is that larp bs
The roman gods names are literally planets.
The gods were based off the planets.
>Saturn the planet has the lowest vibrational energy.
That's a rather nu-age way of putting it. But in the occult and Pagan traditions, Saturn is seen as a gateway to the realm of Chaos and the Dark Gods
Here is podesta with the finger cut swell fellowshipofminds.files.wordpress.com
Is Saturn where the chariots come from?
I warned you,boys.But you are don't listen me.PREPARE YOUR ANUSES
Related weren't they obsessed with ayy lmao? Did they know they were real or did someone troll them?
What was the thing about Hillary hearing the voice of Eleanor Roosevelt in her head?
Most of the shit youtubers say are lies and are trying to scare you away from occult, making magick look satanic is prolly the biggest deception that has been going on.
Fucking idiots
On a related note - I constantly hear musicians of all types and eras talk about spirits in their music. Some musicians have alter egos apparently. Is this just multiple personality disorder or is there some evil shit going on in the industry?
Fucking street shitter
The dark gods can enter this world through nexions of chaos, which exist on Earth and strongest of all near Saturn
Dark doesn't always mean bad though, Lucifer for example can be seen as a Promethean entity which liberates man
The occult values discipline, purity of mind like the chaste and noble Pagans, so Occultism, Luciferianism which is heavily derived from the noble ideals of Paganism and the discipline of ancient witchcraft/ancient pagan magick really has nothing to do with degeneracy
being in a cult sounds pretty dope desu
Nigga if I put all that shit into any search engine it will point me here and to Alex Jones videos. Lol.
What is so great about Moloch that anyone would want to worship him?
didn't like what I said eh?
Saturn is pagan proxy for Satan.
What does occultism do for you
Occultism is just laziness. Thelema was an offshoot of Buddhism with drugs. Some have interesting ideas but most lead less educated people to fuckery.
Your 5 senses are evolved to help you get food, and fuck, but there is more to reality. Long time ago as the age of man was beginning spirits contended for the affections, and worship of man. Both for power and satisfying their egos (in the image user). The creator revealed himself to the Jews, and made a covenant with him. Some of the tribes did not honor the covenant, and also worshiped spirits that they took to be other gods. Some of the tribes split off. At times they were united under a king, but they still sought favor from these spirits. The one true god was displeased at their lack of loyalty. Bad shit happened, a parent must discipline a child. The temple on little st. james island is a replica of the temple Solomon built to mulloch.
Anywho, GOD still loved his children, and gave his Son a human body, so that he could bring a new covenant. Some other jews fucked up (but part of plan, he knew they couldn't help themselves) and put him on cross.
Now a little quantum mechanics: Space and time are interwoven, it is our consciousness that flows, as your eye flows over different parts of a painting. What happened in the "past" (just another point in spacetime, like a different area of the painting) is still happening. The physical man Jesus is still on the cross. It is the Holy Spirit that overflows the physical vessel and connects the physical man to GOD the Father, all mankind, and connects all of spacetime. The physical man must stay on the cross suffering until the end of the age of man (he did take the weekend off in Hell saving the earlier lost souls). This is the sacrifice. This allows free will. This is how he can pay for sins not yet committed.
So, some of those spirits remain among us, and some have never stopped worshiping them. Every favor that is granted is in our realm, only fleeting, and condemns the recipients as they are turning away from the one true GOD.
It gets things done without without having to communicate or make much physical effort.
How does it get things done? You just ask some spirit for shit and it gives it to you? I'm curious
Thelemites believe in looking at all religions for the hidden meanings to gain a higher knowledge. It's not focused on buddhism more than it is any other Pagan religion or even the Judeo-christian cosmology or worshipping Satanic demons
It is a very personal path defined by the individual
All ancient religions believed in magick, and very similar concepts like the life force, spirit, chaos and the gods.
And had similar traditions
Crowley did drugs but he was a renegade of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Occultism is the farthest thing from lazy, it requires pushing your will the highest possible limits
You clearly know nothing of Hermetics
And yeah, one could even worship the jewish/christian god and still be a thelemite, many do. Not they I condone jewish (christian) practices, but some do
isnt she jewish? why would she be in an occult?
Being saved is not "get out of jail free" card. It refers to the change in you. You are saved from being a cocksucker that is no different than an ape with a big brain. You don't want to do bad things, you know love. Your spirit is able to receive Grace, and grow. You become worthy to dwell in the light that emanates from the throne in Heaven.
Those spirits still run amok, leading men astray. Do not give in to the false song. Be more than just an animal. GOD loves you, and wants to be with you, but he is Holy, and pure. We are like a filthy dog, we don't always understand the master. We cannot track our filth into his house, but if we bathe in the Water of Life, we will be worthy.
Holy, Holy, Holy
The Lord GOD almighty
He who was, IS, and is to come
He worships Kali, probably has a statue of her and communicates with her. Serves her and in return is rewarded
all these pyramid scams are not because shes in occult, everyone in congress knows what each person is doing, thats why they cant be fired, they probably get paid like 1 million each
This was well put
All dark entities belong to Saturn, good or bad, they're a essence of Saturn, saturn is the pure dark energy which is neutral, a part of that energy is taken and given a personality and ability, then the entity is created. Some of these entity always existed while other have been created by human.
You can't be so vague. The dark energy is put into a person? Or a mirror? Or what? What kind of entity?
Also, if it's a person is that person purely evil if you incarnate dark energy into them?
And you never answered how it gives you "favors"
All of the Bible is the story of the different stages of God revealing himself to us, and leading us closer to him. This is why the conclusion is Revelations. Think about Jesus on the cross, he can see us, our eyes cannot see him. We can only fell him. He sees those that do evil. There is no "getting away with it". Repent, try to sin no more. Love GOD with all you heart. Love your fellow man. This makes the world a better place. This saves your soul.
I'm an atheist and I can get behind most of this shit. The last bit sounds like metadata though...
They don't belong to Saturn, but their power is strongest around Saturn in our galaxy
Their powers are also strong in places of death like the grave yard, hospitals, morgues, battle grounds, and in the untouched wilderness
I have an altar with a dead iguana skull from a lizard I adopted when it was already very old
At night, sometimes I can see it, alive, illuminated with darkness
this was my thread
If you have any questions let me know. I am an expert on the occult and wrote a book about it.
There is only one god. money. Anyone who tells you different is trying to get closer to god
That's some delicious pasta
Ha well they deleted it good thing I archived it
This guy is good. He is a little to politically correct for my taste, but his occult work is true to the old traditions so it doesn't really matter what you think of him, he does his research of occultism well and compiles it into easy to access and grasp sources of information
I say this as someone who used to spend hours on end reading about the occult and pagan mythology.
He is an ancap
Ask any priest or physicist if there is any teaching that contradicts what I said. That infinitely thin membrane dimension, leftover from the Big Bang (let there be light), that connects all of spacetime may very well be the Holy Spirit. IDK, we grow closer to finding our way home, but it is a long and complicated path. LOVE is the moving walkway.
Sometimes when I am in my physics, and the equations all fall into simple harmonious forms, it makes my skin crawl. We get to see the ancient footprints of GOD. He who imagined it, and brought it into existence in an instant. Perfect, down to the last atom. This existence is but a blink of the eye, and is very deceptive to our pathetic intellects.
Back when Bill was pres, one of her former staff members came out and said that she would often take trips to California to visit her witches coven.
I'll have to find that article.
He's great, I also have an account on his forum, also mindandmagik is pretty good, he has more of a building your life and programming the subconscious approach, while ea is left hand and pushes towards having ultimate power and control. I was messing around for two years until I found ea, that's where I started doing this seriously.
Ok, I am clearly wrong. Thank you for educating me. Can't really find shit and everything I seem to have ever found about him must have been biased to hell and back.
This sounds like when I listened to Mortal Man on LSD
she's a latin king/queen obviously.
She is saying "Queen Hillary Love"
Anyone have info on South Korea government admitting occult influence?
How does this relate to shillary and pedosta?
That's all there is too it?
Glad we put that to rest.
>With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .
>Chicken Lover
UD: Chicken Lover: a lowlife scum who gets turned up by little kids.
Hillary is an occultist and likely Satanist.
Occultists are tranny supremacists. They want a hierarchy with them at the top (like now, but hidden), men in the middle, and women on the bottom. The twin towers represented male and female (one had an antenna). No coincidence that the tranny thing went into overdrive after 9/11.
>one had an antenna