In light of the Unite the Right protests, it takes a lot to piss white people off, but when you do it results in the biggest chimp out ever. Take notice Antifa...
Pic related: This is what happens when white people get pissed off and organized.
In light of the Unite the Right protests, it takes a lot to piss white people off, but when you do it results in the biggest chimp out ever. Take notice Antifa...
Pic related: This is what happens when white people get pissed off and organized.
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The fire rises. I felt it.
This was unthinkable even a year ago.
We're getting stronger
Soon they will feel our wrath
The thing these leftist fucks don't understand is that this is a REACTION to their bullshit political correctness insanity.
You're right though, this would have been unthinkable a year ago, even by me.
I never thought I would be pushed to feel the way that I do but it wasn't my choice. Their actions have forced me to react in such a manner.
More white people need to get organized.
As white men we have an obligation to not let this new rising tide die down. Fight to the sword. Sword to the hilt!
The fire is definitely rising, lots of white men of good stock involved
Physically remove commies, Marxists and leftists
Also fuckin double checked
They underestimate us. They'll soon see...
It is important to keep it up and keep pushing. And to not make any compromise.
Kind of ironic how Americans now start to become like Germans back then who they condemned for their fascist behaviour.
The Fourth Reich is coming and there's no stopping it.
Also behold the atmosphere of the stream and the people attending.
Those were not losers or skinhead fucks.
very good sign.
That was better. :-)
>tfw you have been found out
>Kind of ironic how Americans now start to become like Germans back then who they condemned for their fascist behaviour.
Yes and no.
Americans are a resilient people and many white people are sick and tired of being too scared to speak up for fear of being called a racist.
Now we've realized that many people feel the same way and we're not scared anymore. We're tired of being told what to think and how to feel. It's our time to stand up for ourselves.
Those are the workers. They're on our side now. The skinheads and white trash will still be able to serve the new Reich when they're eventually absorbed into the military of the future.
Excellent point. These aren't rednecks or skinheads....these are ordinary people who are sick and tired of this bullshit and aren't going to take it anymore.
Ordinary people. Our neighbors, our friends, our classmates. People who were afraid to speak up for so long aren't afraid anymore.
It's time we make THEM afraid. They're awakening a giant.
Fucking kek. I have a pretty good merchant folder going now.
Yeah but it goes completely against the muh constitution stuff. Like all that lolbert shit does not matter when your country is South Africa.
My point is that people dont seem to realize how important collectivism is for survival unless you are attacked collectively.
You are right. My people, and the British, were unfortunately subverted at the worst time possible, though the Germans were once manipulated too. Hopefully we can redeem ourselves.
I think there are also a lot of students among them. I could be wrong though.
This will get big
>They're awakening a giant.
oyy to the vey
A political and social movement doesn't go against the Constitution. This isn't about taking back government.
It's about taking back social norms and righteousness of our people from being told that their political correctness insanity is what we should adopt and accept.
I refuse to accept their moral relativity and ignorant worldview.
I wish we had some real action going on here as well but this will take time. When it happens it will be fucking brutal though. A lot of supressed anger here.
What I want to bring across is that the window of accepted right wing opinions opened up drastically.
American right wingers until lately were mostly civic/christians that tried to integrate based niggers and spics by giving them guns and bibles. This is completely falling apart and thats a good thing.
More and more people realize that the only way to survive is to do things that dont conform the the human rights and the constitution.
Because our systems are so pozzed, crusted and turned against us that they must fall if we want to survive. And so many people are realizing this right now.
It will be a glorious slaughter for the history books that is right ahead.
Everybody can feel it in the air.
You're all hyping up a racewar, meanwhile, I'm optimistic about the future of your movement. With that ammount of people in the street you deserve a fair hearing on the public debate.
The best part is, their fear will cause them to push back against us, making it even worse for them.
>you deserve a fair hearing in your house just as the burglars do x))
You really think the Germans still have some fight left in them? I hope so. It doesn't take a majority to start a revolution, but it does take a determined minority, and I haven't seen too much of that coming from Germany... maybe it's just because it's much harder to express your views there.
The media has no interest in treating right wing white people with any fairness or equal terms. This will not happen until it is too late, just the same as in the American revolution where the Brits could have just given them a vote at the beginning and nearly everyone would have sat down and paid the tax. If we had remained white this wouldn't have been a problem, if they listen to what we want and give 25-50% most white nationalists would probably calm down. But they won't because they are greedy little gold worshippers stuck praising their golem negroes.
What's it like in Germany with the refugees pouring in? Are Germans pissed off about it?
Well that is also a good thing because it keeps the pressure high.
Our intelligence agencies are on high alert on potential right wing terrorist groups forming because they know how big the pressure is.
Germany is not as worse off as the US racially speaking and our economy is booming right now.
But everbody knows how bad it has gotten, how obvious the replacement has become withing the last 3 years.
Once the next recession hits us there will be be something going down here.
True, but I also think that many people are so sick of the media that they're ignoring it these days. They KNOW they can't trust the media anymore to tell them the truth.
With this being said, it's hard to demonize alt-right people in the media if nobody watching it or reading it is taking it seriously.
You see much more niggers. Inner cities have changed completely and they started putting them even in 500 people villages. A lot of people feel uncomfortable with it but are afraid to speak out publicly. So only friends know. Yet they vote the same shit every time. Which is also a good thing since this will not be solved democratically anyways.
We have had peace for too long in our lives, that is not healthy and a self cleansing purge will set in in the west within the next two decades.
>A lot of people feel uncomfortable with it but are afraid to speak out publicly
That's how it was here for decades, but it's changing my friend. White people have had enough of this shit...
It's ok for niggers to organize and march but as soon as white people do it they're racists and all Nazis...
The funny thing is, I didn't feel this way a few years ago. I feel that I've been PUSHED to hold the views that I now hold.
Indeed. A lot of people like me feel also cheated. I thought I would have that life like was depicted in the storybooks explaining society to children (polce, gardeners, firemen, families, pets, in a clean green city with only Germans).
Thats how I always thought of my future. And then I go downtown and see dirt and rubbish everyhwere, gypsy bums in their own vomit, the whole streets and sidewalks are riddles with bubblegum, everyhwere are niggers and arabs, I barely here a spoken word German when I go there.
And I would rather be dead than live that life. And I think a lot of people feel like that.
That's good to hear. Remember the US was around 87% white in the sixties, so things can change quickly... I hope Germany never comes close to our current numbers. I am a minority in my city, and it is horrible. You are right that it won't be solved democratically. Is there a particular group you know of in your country that's close to our beliefs, or are they all in the shadows for now?
That's terrible. I was in Hamburg last year and around city center and Reeperbahn there were nothing but Arabs and North Africans.
I was with my wife and son and we didn't know we were walking into that area and I got the fuck out of there. I didn't want my 2 year old son to be around it. It wasn't the Germany that I had visited many times in the past.
Here in America it's a little different. There are lots of illegal Mexicans everywhere and more come across the border everyday.
Mainly for me, it's the niggers who constantly want me to feel guilty for being white. They want me to think that I'm responsible for their shitty life and that I should have to give them something for what happened 150+ years ago.
Shadows. As soon as you join a group it is much easier to spy upon you legally speaking.
Just be a NatSoc in mind in action without calling yourself that and convert your family and friends and people you can trust till the graph of the critical mass of NatSocs meets the graph dire need on the race war scala.
It was not suddenly bred, it will not swiftly abate
Yes, that's the plan. I have honestly been stunned by how willing many of my family, especially older people, are willing to speak the truth about the Jews and niggers and such in private. We are so very tired of the manipulation. We'll be ready when the time comes.
was stadt war es?
Reject people who use collectivism as a naughty word. They're either kikes, shills, or just clueless. Leave that for the autistic Ayn Rand fucking loser libertarians. Of course we ought to be individualistic, it's our nature as well, but damn it feels good to finally be part of something.
ich haben lernen deutsch fur 17 tage
ich möchte spreche mit deutsch menschen von Sup Forums
Thats basically every German city or are you asking about the picture? Idk about that.
The need to be lead and we need to help them articulate their feelings in clear cut messages and repeat them ad nauseam. Hammer them into their heads, just like the kikes do with their media.
Hamburg is a leftist governed shithole anyways. Just think of the riots.
An Ethnostate is the only solution if you want a peaceful society. Thats just how it is.
This country, as well as yours, was built by people like me and you for people like me and you, and many of our own kind sold us out to a bunch of kikes for a bunch of niggers and purple haired dykes and faggots. We are the enemy, that much is clear. We'll see how that works out for them real soon.
Yep. I hate cuckservatives even more than the reds desu. The reds are at least open about what they want and the consequences for us.
Probiere es in 17 Monaten nochmal :p
We all know what needs to happen, I also suspect that a lot of liberals or cucks know but are too scared to think it through because that would actually mean defending yourself and getting violent, and thats unpleasant, and you werent raised that way right? So you rather bow to your fat wife that would leave you if you beat up a nigger.
Thats how I imagine a lot of people
>17 Monaten
>68 wochen
>476 tage
warum kraut neger?
Befehl ist Befehl. Außerdem musst du noch an deinen Umgangsformen arbeiten; so locker wie in den VSA gehen wir nicht damit um hier. Da setzt es schnell mal eine Tracht Prügel.
ich gehts nicht zu Deutschland
Ich mogen dein history und ich wollen lern Deutsch, das es
fuck you kraut for shitting
17 Monate. Benimm dich.
- on my dreams
Every kraut i speak to is dry and boring why is that?
Your German is horrible dude. It is not an easy language you have to really study hard to get into it but the more respect you will earn if you succeed.
You're boring and lame
>actively discourages other people from speaking German because it isn't good
I hope all you germcucks aren't like this
>"lernt" Fremdsprache in zwei Wochen auf saumäßigem Niveau
>erwartet von Muttersprachlern unterhalten zu werden auf einem anonymen Forum für Internetloser
>Ist unter achtzehn Jahre alt
more like
>learning for 2 weeks
>try to expand learning
>german is giant cuck and only wants niggers to speak german
>shits on white people for speaking it
I hope your mother gets blacked
No wonder your culture is dying
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
h-hans, c-can you calm down p-please
NEIN, it is too late
At least he ever had a culture to lose in the first place, we should of killed all of you americant's in the crib early on
With Americans I often feel they never are serious about anything and their attention span does not exceed five minutes. Also they resort to insults quickly. Not all of them of course but still.
Come now, we're not all bad. Most, probably, but not all.
It is in the air man. For like 3-4 years now I feel like this system is not going to last much longer and till now I was proven right.
Exciting times ahead, I just wish it would happen now.
The Jews have been subverting our culture, our identity, our economy etc. since they hopped ship from you guys after WW2. This is our post WW1 depression when the Jews wreak havoc upon us. Hopefully we get our own NatSoc movement, and hopefully we win this time.
I've honestly been waiting for a bit over 10 years for things to come to this. Finally it's starting, and, yes, it makes me happy.
It is our last chance
I can see all of this building up in my head, I can feel that soon the time comes when we just have to push and push and push.
Glad that I dont have to live like a boomer cuck
Good luck to you guys as well. Maybe this time around we can be an Axis power with you Germanbro :')
This, lefties believed they would just rob everyone blind and brainwashed little kids and nobody would do anything to stop them.
Boy were they wrong.
I think we can only get out of this together desu
The left trampled the constitution for the past 40 decades, it dosent mean anything anymore. All that is left to do is to punish them for their unruly and unwise behavior.
Yep. Constitutions mean shit. They can be created anew. Your people cant. Once we are gone there is no save game/respawn. Its 100.000 of years of Evolution gone forever.
The price of comfort. We're used to everyone else knowing English and having malls everywhere.
>never serious about anything
Can't speak for others, but it's a defense mechanism for me. If I took everything seriously in my leftist, 30% white area, I'd lose my mind.
Hoffentlich ist mein Deutsch nicht so scheusslich. Ich finde es aber schwer, die Sprache zu lernen. Die Verbenregeln und Grammatik sind komplizierter als in Englisch, und es gibt nur ein Paar Webseiten, von den ich mehr lernen kann.
Nachrichtenseiten haben zu viele neue Woerter, also kann ich fast nichts verstehen.
Giving you a sample of my shitty German skills. Any recommendations where I can go to find something in German with just enough new words for me to improve, but not so many as to make it unreadable?
What don't 'le civic nationalists' understand about this?
Well that was actually kind of good. I would start with reading books intended for children of maybe age 10 and work up from there. Reading helps a lot.
Try to get German literature in stuff you are interested in and familiar with in English already.
Like guns or history or whatever.
is this video accurate?
They are leftists. The difference between left and right (even though its a silly thought pattern in general) is equality.
If you believe like libertarians and "classical liberals" that every human is worth the same you are a lefty.
Also a lot of lolberts are just liberals who want to be edgy, they have no grasp on history, philosophy, and foremost reality.
Ancap is as delusional as Communism, both is the same shit advocted by mostly jews.
Thanks, will do.
Damn it.
When is the unite the right thing? Is that the 12th? Was this just the warmup????
>Pasty white faggots who have never worked out in their life
>Trailer trash
Yeah, Unite the Right really showed how dangerous and scary you fags are.
Also, pic related made me kek.
Well it is intended for Children and certainly about a topic you are interested in - the perfect book to improve your German :))
Lol, saved
Yeah, I understand the sentiment. Nothing infuriates me more than trying to further Redpill my conservative friends for them to further see the truth. It's like they don't want to embrace reality, almost like they have convinced themselves that "no, half measures work, one more chance, maybe it will be different this time". This constant fucking circle jerk over MUH FREEDUMBS and MUH CONSTITUTION is fucking infuriating and exhausting; at least with liberals; you understand they are just idiots and won't understand but with conservatives it's either all the neurons start firing and they get it or they become a brick wall
I asked a friend of mine why he was even a conservative and what the fuck he was trying to "conserve" if he wanting going to conserve our race, tradition, and culture: "The Constitution". Fucking gay as shit non-answer. The Constitution doesn't deserve conserving; our people and our right to exist does. Pic related
Yep. Also Conservatives are they gays that will tell you in 50 years that gay marriage was your tradition since it has been around for "so long".
Not a lefty, but you believe this will happen? Because I think that's a tad bit delusional.
Most of you fucks can't even run under a 10 minute mile or do the necessary pull ups and pushups required.
lel. probably they are also the gays as well then.
Your digits prove you wrong
>Not a lefty
>Most of you fucks can't even run under a 10 minute mile or do the necessary pull ups and pushups required.
>a german with fire
no wai hell yea
It's about time I've seen a true German on this board
>The thing these leftist fucks don't understand is that this is a REACTION to their bullshit political correctness insanity.
>You're right though, this would have been unthinkable a year ago, even by me.
>I never thought I would be pushed to feel the way that I do but it wasn't my choice. Their actions have forced me to react in such a manner.
>More white people need to get organized.
where is this taking place again?
Anyways SEIG HEIL!!
I bet you cant even lmao2plaet, lefty weakling.