Why are you supporting the virgin USA in this conflict against Chad DPRK?
Why are you supporting the virgin USA in this conflict against Chad DPRK?
>supporting (((America))) in anything in current year
Mind if i save this image aussie bro?
The meme singularity is going to swallow this universe whole.
You have my blessing.
>tfw your country has literally already said they will send your sons to our war whenever trump tells you to
Prepbull won't be in charge for long after this gay marriage vote blows up.
>he doesnt realize we made you send more per capita to vietnam than we did
Nice samefagging, we have ID's you know.
I mean...I wasn't exactly trying to hide it. It's a pretty clear bump.
Well this is a complete lie, we had 61,000 military personnel involved in Vietnam with 500~ casualties, and bigdick straya didn't go because cuckmerica asked, we went to stomp out the rise of communism in southeast Asia.
Gee are your soldiers really incompetent? Even if we did send more per capita, we didn't get slaughtered like you, if anything you embarrass yourself with that statement Burger.
strong reading comprehension, now be a good lad and sign up for the draft
NK are going to nuke some insignificant island that nobody even knew about a few weeks ago just so we can nuke their capital and give the rest of their land to South Korea.
Standing with brave Kim Jung-un against the evil forces.
Virgin USA? Has North Korea ever nuked a country?
>Implying communism isn't a jewish trick.
>w-we may have had 1000 times more casualties than you did b-but..muh capita...
Burger education in action
I can't enjoy this meme properly when most of them are done incorrectly. The virgin is an exaggeration of what virgins are supposed to do. The chad was a joke to make fun of concept of the virgin character by doing the complete opposite of the virgin. For example, there is one where the virgin is in the bathroom. On the virgin panel it says he tries to be as quiet as possible, and the chad panel says he is making ear-piercing yelling. Here is one from the original collection where it was done properly.
memes evolve
this one is spicy and rules got loosened
This is probably the only accurate non-ridiculous one.
No that is how memes die. I bet your storage drive is full of frogs
whos the guy on the right?
also, who wouldnt want to pee on trump?
>misusing memes
fuck off, I'm enjoying it
Get on the correct level you pretentious faggot
You cant. I wont let you.
i welcome the chad memes
I've changed my mind
kill it with fire
Is NK the Satania of geopolitics?
>implying we know anything about current NK and their economics
>implying even if they are still commie that we shouldn't support their fight against the eternal jude
Love you Australia.
does the 30 minutes against the wall works?
>doesn't know what twitter is
fake news
i refuse to beleive this.
anyone got the virgin/chad white nationalist?
this is the new meme?
The DPRK has elections. There are ballot boxes, you just can't vote for anyone other than the supreme leader.