Unironic White Hispanics. What side?

Deny it, bitch about it, white, etc

You cannot deny that hispanic is not a race. Any race could be hispanic and not all hispanics are mestizo

>inb4 are you saying hispanics are white?

No and Yes. Not all hispanics are genectically the same since it's a geographical term. It's like asking if "Are people who sing white?" makes no sense.

The reason why people think hispanic is a race is mestizos priding themselves on that term because they don't want to admit their race is mixed mestizo mutt and liberals and the media are too lazy to call them out.

There's white hispanics, black hispanics, and asian hispanics. Twitter keeps thinking white hispanic is a meme thanks to the media misusing the term on a brown hispanic mestizo. Thanks again CNN...........

Hispanic is not a single ethnicity based of genetics, it's a COLLECTION of ethnicites that speak spanish.

Anyway, will we continue to demonize the word hispanic and make enemies out of criollos and spaniards or will we call out the race what beaners really are, mestizos, and stop blaming mestizo crime on white hispanics?

Stefan needs to change his "Hispanic family values" to mestizo since he interviewed a mestizo mexican.

Libertarian Realist makes this problem too

Jared Taylor is a fraud for this problem alone

The only famous /OUR GUY/ who gets it right is Pierce but he's dead

Other urls found in this thread:


*Deny it, bitch about it, whine, etc



>tfw no hispanic gf

Castizo(75% white 25% Native Mexican) Here

>Blue eyes

but thanks to this "Hispanic is it's own race xddd" I've always felt like a black sheep in the right wing groups and saying Hispanics is it's own race just alienates people who would not be otherwise.

her forearms aren't hairy enough


Those are mestizos.

What's your point.

Kind of white. You most likely look like a hapa.
Her race is mestiza

The Castizos are on our side. The alt right has a podcast with people from Argentinia and other Spanish countries. Its called beyond the wall. Pretty good show had someone from Venezuela talking about whats happening. We do need to correct some things that have gone wrong. There is a reason Hispanics are with whites in the FBI stats. Latin America has alot of white people. I think Brazil has more whites than germany is what I heard

White Hispanics are such a tiny demographic in the USA they may as well not exist. If you think you're a white Hispanic because you're light skinned you should get a DNA test because you're 99% probably mixed like the rest of the mestizos.Real White hispanics never needed to immigrate because they had it good in their countries.

She is clearly a 100% Aryan woman

>Light skinned

I'm not talking about castizos einstein

>Small minority

Go to any state that's not by mexico.

White hispanics were the first hispanics to come when spain CAME

>Rest of mestizos

Hispanic doesn't mean mestizo

I've been to Florida faggot. All of you Cubans are obviously part black/native, no amount of denying is going to change that. Have you tested your DNA? I guarantee you're not as white as you think you are.

>White Hispanics.

>All hispanics are cubans and mexicans
>Cuban and Mexican is a race

Or Puerto Rican, same shit. Where are you from?

I heard whites were placing "hispanic" on their college applications because universities want to diversify and bieng hispanic will enable you to get in eaiser than being white.

>Where are you from?

I'm not from anywhere. American citizen that's never been out of the state of New York. Family came here when the spanish came here centuries ago.

New York was known for having a spanish population. Look up "Little Spain".

>Same shit


Hispanic is not a race.
From my understanding, "hispanics" only happen to speak Spanish. But are not necessarily European. In other words "hispanic" (the concept) is supposed to put all spanish speaking people in the same basket. (i.e. Argentina , Mexico , Spain , Cuba , Chile , Peru , Honduras , Panama , Bolivia , Puerto Rico etc.....etc..)

The hispanic question is separate from racial questions

At least in government forms. I think the private sector has bluepilled it self on the term


Mutts are in a sad place. You may very well be a an exceptional person fit to live among, contribute to & be respected within a white community, but you do not belong. You carry cancerous genes which must be snuffed out.

Only acceptable if they can prove all their grandparents came from Spain. Otherwise it's a bunch of mutts trying to use the term and devalue the meaning of European.

Dude, Puerto Ricans are even more mixed than the Cubans. You've been brainwashed by White Nationalist propaganda. Go do a DNA test and see the reality. I had a friend like you who thought he was a white Puerto Rican, ended up being 1/3rd Black.

Hispanic is not a race.

I'm not defending mestizo mexican mutts. I'm just saying hispanics who aren't mestizos shouldn't be blamed due to those too lazy to google it's not a race

I'm not Puerto Rican.

When did I say so?

This is basically the justification thay miscegenating white women have for miscegenating.
>muh gibs
>muh (((college)))
>muh (((feminism))) i can do what i want and be a piece of shit because the state will cover for me so who needs responsibility
white women are a meme, sadly

I didn't say it was, you subhuman beaner bitch.

>From Hispania, the Latin name for present-day Spain.

If you're an Amerindian negro mutt you're a mestizo/mulatto slave and nothing else.

With your passive aggressive attitude for a relativity calm thread, I would suspect you to think it's a race.

You're treating it like a race and you're not getting my post.

You're either a troll or someone who doesn't know basic terms.

>If you're an Amerindian negro mutt you're a mestizo/mulatto slave and nothing else.

I'm not.

You realize not all hispanics are mestizos.

This is basic knowledge 101

You're a fag that does not belong, I'm sorry that triggers you so, Paco. You can still be a man, just not a white man.

No Hispanic is a mestizo. Hispania is a historical European term. Slaves trash have nothing to do with it. If you're mixed you're a slave.

try it faggot

There are very few white hispanics, most are mongrels.

You're wrong and you know it. Hispanic is a geographically term and mestizo is a mixed race. Those are two big differences. If you're getting emotional on facts, then I suggest you leave.

Emotional projection argument with no point that stoops to random vulgarity that derails this thread.

You lost a point.

And you call yourself a white man.

>Dude, Puerto Ricans are even more mixed than the Cubans.

You do realise than there's even white people in South Africa right ? What's my point ?...Just keep in mind that no matter how "mixed" a country is , there's always a small minority of whites or East Asians , or Jews , Indians...etc...

Even in the very homogenous Poland. You'll find a vietnamese minority. In Japan , you'll find small groups of Turks , Koreans , Chinese...

This girl (see picture attached) Is from Cuba.

(she's actually also in the latest Blade Runner)


>Mestizos breed more, therefore we should blame the white ones too!

Imagine if it was the nordics that sailed and conquered half the world and we starting calling half nordics half indians "Nordic" because the hybrids spoke nordic languages.

How would you feel?

>If you're mixed

How hard does one have to drill "Not all hispanics are mestizos" into your skull

It must be very thick

jared taylor isn't a fraud, calling him that is a bit strong. The guy's a saint for our movement, obviously i'd prefer if he said mestizo hispanic but his lack of distinction is certainly not malicious. if we're honest with ourselves when you think of hispanic(in the us at least) you think of mestizos, some of that is due to the media, but unfortunately the majority of hispanics here are indeed in fact mestizos

It doesn't matter which group fucks the most

It matters about calling out THE group causing the problems

Lumping them up into one is uncalled for

I will not respect smug Taylor until he sees the error

There's some spirit, if only you had something to call your own to fight for.

Give it all you've got, but you're still worth less than the trash in the trailer park that will never learn to read. On top of that, you choose the path of a whiny fag. Sad!

What are you talking about, you idiot? I didn't even say anything that can be disagreed with.

If you were born out of Spanish men fucking slaves then you're forever slave trash. At no point did you get promoted to Hispanic.

>worth less

And I say NO Hispanic is a mestizo because that word belongs to Europeans.

It's like saying that "not all Anglo-Saxons are mulattos", yeah no shit, none of them all. Just because Anglo-Saxons in America are becoming a minority doesn't mean the rest can hijack the term.

Hispanic doesn't mean mestizo.

Hispanic is not a race. There are 3 races:
1. Caucasoid
2. Mongoloid
3. Negroid

>I will not respect smug Taylor until he sees the error
Wait what ? I appreciate Jared Taylor. What exactly did he say ? any vids ?

Keep showcasing those Home Depot loiterer IQ points, Juan.


Iv'e been called off white, but I identify as off right.

You're learning.

Hispanics to me are just a group of Spanish speakers

Connected thru Spanish

Some chill with each other , others arent.

whos that bitch? i wanna bang her ass

Why are you guys so fucking infactuated with my people. You never seize to speak about us. Are they white, are they not. Who literally gives a fuck? We are our own race we don't care about you faggots and your inferiority complex. All you do is ramble on like fucking niggers at the most petty things. This is the reason why the white race is dying, paying attention to the most vain things.

'I Wish I was White' - the thread.

Actual White "Hispanics" are less then 5 Million, the rest are just Mestizos identifying as white. Only reproducing and increasing European immigration can save us now.

because little bitch boys like op are too scared to accept what they really are and have to latch on to the approval of other people

It's actually dying because of Anti-Natalism garbage pushed by the MSM. They'll gladly talk about making nonwhite babies. Notice how almost all Childfree articles have white children on them? College Education is a bitch.

Hispanic whites (=people of Latin American nationality with little to no admixture of non European DNA) don't need to be catered to because the vast majority of them, just like the vast majority of white immigrants, integrate themselves easily and simply "disappear" from the ethnic census by just referring to themselves as whites.

So, what was your issue again?

European immigration is what caused Brexit in the first place, Poles and Eastern Europeans were as much a problem for the brits than Pakis and blacks

>immigrates to country X by the millions illegally
>LOL!! why are the people of country X so obsessed with me???!

If the communist revolutionaries and drug cartels went away, Latin America would be a pretty solid place desu.

Yeah and you guys are supposedly the Nietshean Übermensch, the Noble-ones, you guys are fucking societal loser clinging to past victories because thats all you have now.

You live in Italy. You don't understand that hispanic is an American meme word.

With hispanics, they usually list you as your race then hispanic, i.e, white hispanic, black hispanic, etc

But the problem is with mestizo browns. They were too dim to realize they were indians so they prided themselves on a geographically term like hispanic like a race

aka this retard

This is a mestizo piece of shit

"We are our own race"

You are your own race of browns, yes. But that race is mestizo, not hispanic. Hispanic is not a race. It's selfish that you mestizo fucks are stealing this term and trying turning it into a race you think you "Own" when you know not all hispanics share your filthy aztec indian hybrid genes.

You are not brown from your "Hispanic descent" but more so your indian genes. So why can't you call yourself an indian.

Latinas are the master race. Period. White women, Black women, Arab women, Indian women and Asian women have all been beaten. Call the cops, we are talking domestic violence here.

Latinas master race. i must give them my White seed in two weeks when i move to mexico for two years.

I'm not getting real arguments. Just mindless vulgar emotional responses that aren't going anywhere.

I'm assuming you're a troll. Please go.

America is different compared to the UK, They're in Europe while we aren't. We could handle loads of Slavs if the Raise act were to pass. White Majority Colonies like the US, Canada, New Zeland and Australia should remain White Majority nations. They're just as important as Europe.

pretty amazing that you're managing to be BTFO by white nationalist and shitskins at the same time desu

the terms go far beyond mestizo only, if you feel like reading (in english):

>for two years

Why not just forever, raise your mongrel spawn somewhere else we don't want it.

Because normies exist, they're as intelligent as a fish and will eat up any bait that goes near them.

non-hispanic whites represent
get that telemundo light skinned bs out of here

Put white criollo hispanics of spanish stock in the same room with brown mestizo hispanics of aztec stock

They will not get along

Hispanic is not a race

Get it though your teeny tiny brains

Latino isn't a race.

I'm not.

Getting shit flung by retards is still getting shit flung by retards.

>and make enemies out of criollos and spaniards

lol who gives a fuck what they think? It doesn't matter what you call yourselves, Pablo- what matters is citizenship. Call yourself white all you want but that won't keep you in our countries.
Spaniards are europeans and can simply identify themselves as such. The rest of you savages can fuck right off.

She would make for a good house slave for a Spaniard.

>Light skin

I'm not talking about castizos

Read the thread for one

When I mean hispanic whites I don't mean mixed between mexican mestizos and whites. I mean unironic white hispanic.

>Latino isn't a race.

Shut the fuck up faggot.

Latinas master race.

My father is 2nd Gen Franco-Mexican from provence, my genes are new to this continent stupid Nigger faggot

Any hispanic that isn't a mestizo tends to be legal and english speaking

You realize I'm shit talking about mestizos this whole time

Wow you posted a picture of mestizos acting like niggers. That's really showing someone who hates mestizos too!

>Spaniards are european

Hispanic and European are not mutually exclusive, idiot.

I don't know if you know this but hispanic is not a race

well it's a good thing most white hispanics have some indio blood in them right? How else would you explain south america not devolving into race wars... i mean my own mom was white i guess she's an exception lol.

What's your point again? I should put myself as native american in my census form? I doubt you know this because you seem stupid but that section is reserved for north american natives, i sincerely doubt they put that for native south americans

Your race is mestizo.

Butthurt mestizos

You are mixed you idiot.
Put mixed or "Other"

The census doesn't have hispanic as a race but I know you mestizos are begging everyday for it to be which is stupid

It's not a race you own because hispanic isn't a race in the first place

oh no you absolutely are getting btfo my suicidal friend, i like how you're trying to appeal to white nationalist on the board and your thread is back firing amazingly, it's pretty funny desu.

I'm in Washington. You can't be further from Mexico without being in Canada and it's nothing but slope faced, knuckle dragging, pot bellied goblins as far as the eye can see.

i'm a handsome White man about to move to Mexico for a year or two. Ill have a wide selection of beautiful latinas.

Latinas master race.

White "Hispanic" here, I will fight for Europa and for the White Race, those dirty fucking shitskin Amerindians and Mestizos will have their heads caved in.

Are you not familiar with the Caste system, are you a mental migget?

Say it with my nigger-idiot "Castizo"

At least I know what I am, At least I don't have to grovel at the feast of stranger for acceptance points. You societal lame.

>why won't they respect my self identification as a white person?

I'm not trying to appeal to white nationalist as a whole

Just the smart ones

Not the idiotic manchildren who can't argue with abusing lingo like a retard

I'm assuming you're a bitter mestizo

there is no reason to be this upset at his thread.

they are just spaintards . every one knows they are not genetically different enough and dont even remotely resemble the true indigenous people in a genetic sense. native americans are dark . there is no such thing as a pale one. east asians can be pretty pale if they dont work out doors. native americans are kinda proto east asians who are genetically related to east asians but different enough to be their own group

spaintards dont get that dark and even when they do its a different color. spain tards turn brown. they are middle eastern and white mixes. carthage being fucked up by rome is to blame mostly. the mass exodus from the other side to europe in what is now spain happens after they get fucked up

native americans got a slight redish tint to their brown. this comes from the whiteys who came to america that they beat up and raped in the stone age

Unfortunately most hispanics of wholly european extraction fell ill to the degeneracy of latin american culture.
See germans in brazil.

That's a mestizo

Not a white hispanic

If you think posting mestizos will btfo of someone who's opening shit talking them, then I don't want your approval seeing that you have more fingers than iq points.

As if Being German had any prestige or nobility these days.

I'm unironically a white hispanic and 99.8% European by ancestry. We are real.

haha so they're stupid because they don't agree with you, honestly the only point of this thread seems to be you trying to tell Sup Forums "i'm not like those other hispanics" which of course isn't a race but you're still trying to win approval like a fifteen year old girl so....

I mean this is why you're being called a whiny bitch in this thread because you come off as a whiny bitch.

Either way, latinas are the master race women. Traditional, cultured, fertile, family oriented and hot as fuck. This gringo is releasing the hounds when he moves down to Mexico in a week.

Where were you born?

In which latin American country were you born in?

You're a mestizo? Aren't you? Just admit it.