Question for those against Minimum wage hikes

People argue that if you increase the minimum wage, the cost of goods will just go up. But the cost of everything is already going up for a multitude of other reasons. So you expect cost of human labor to just remain the same, so people get poorer and poorer as time goes on?

The free market has spoken. They're not worth that much.

>the cost of everything except labor is going up

This is a shit slide thread and you should feel bad.

Minimum wage is theft.

If I have to explain why theft is bad, then you should just kill yourself now and save the whole world the strife of your continued existence.

Yes, because local businesses need to shoulder rhe burden because you can't pay for your half finished degree, car lease, insurance, and downtown apartment rent.

Yet state and federal government are fostering the inflation if all of those.

Idiots who ignore reality. In 25 years, cost of burgers will be triple, gas double. But in your perfect world, wages still at 7 bucks. More people, more automation and less jobs means more min wage jobs so dont give me that "but muh college education" bs. Oh yeah and for all you other niggers, "no ur wrong fgt" isn't an argument.

Mininum wage is stupid Morty! is a guy who has maybe ten employees gonna pay the same federal standard as Statbucks? Why should he? Why should the federal government even have a standard of wage when there...(belch) theres a very different standard of living in bumfuck Georgia vs needs to be missiled by Korea California?

You'd be better off setting some sort of price cap on goods. But...but you're not gonna do that Morty. Causr you're a pussy Morty. You're a pussy and the entire democratic party is Jerries. They...(belch) they dont wanna risk another failef election so rather than piss off lobbyists and alienate voters with economics that actually works, theyll tell them that they will just get paid more when nothing is stopping these motherfuckers just charging whatevet they want. Hell it wont even be kfc and your terrible terrible video games that inflates Morty...itll be healthcare and shit you actually need.

most people argue against artificially hiking the minimum wage, the minimum wage should rise with the goods either that or jobs become automated its the way it is desk

The simple job's market is oversaturated and as a result it doesn't even pay a livable wage. Since it's so easy to get into, so many people still try to go for it instead of going the harder path of education and training.

If you hike up the minimum wage you essentially reward lazy behavior and uselessness.



I should be able to pay my child heroin dealer .02 per hour since we both agree to that value.

>minimum wages rise to $15
>Previous $15 wages pissed, demand causes $15 wage to raise to $20
>Previous $20 wages pissed, demand causes $20 wage to raise to $25
Repeat ad nauseum

>Why shouldn't we make this problem worse

it causes inflation

read a fucking book

everyone and their mom has a fucking uninformed opinion that they think has value because they put it on twitter and a bunch of other morons screech in agreement

If you want more goods learn a better skill. You deserve the MINIMUM if all you can do take orders incorrectly. I worked in fast food for 5 years starting at 16, and I would never vote for a minimum wage increase. I

If you want the minimum needs to survive $7.50 is fine. Minimum wage is not meant to pay for your car, apartment, two kids, cell phone, drugs, computer, or anything else that isnt a real necessity

>implying anyone can live off $7.50

Never lived a day in the real world.


I actually did.

You dont rent an $800 1bd for yourself, you get roomates and split bills. You don't lease a new car, you buy used. You don't get the new iphone, you get a regular cell phone. You don't eat out you buy and cook your own meals. Again its the MINIMUM. Almost everyone who is crying for the wage hike lives way past their means

You are fucking retard. The minimum wage is shit pay, but its your fault if you stay there. After 2 years at Mcdonlads I was offered at job at Rc Willey for $12.50 but had to turn down because of school schedule. It is the opposite of being a boomer, you have to put in work to get places

whats sketchy about the minimum wage hike is going from $7.50 to $15 over night. If you want min wage hike, try 2 dollar hike, see how that goes for 6-10 months, maybe try another 2 dollars that will only be 11.. a quick jump to 15 is a shock


This is the biggest problem people don't understand. You can set the minimum wage to anything, but the true minimum wage is $0 when you don't have a job


Minimum skills = minimum wage. When I flipped burgers in high school, I even knew that ( probably before most of you were even born ). I knew then that college was over rated, and already had friends that had a ton of debt and no job ( and this was 20+ years ago ). I picked up a trade, which turned into me working for myself, which has turned into me making WELL into 6 figures. The college meme is way, way over rated.

>When everyone has a college education.. No one does.