Post your country's greatest ally. Pic related is the obvious choice for America. You frogs have had our backs from the beginning.
Greatest Ally Thread
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France is an atheist/muslim shithole that's soon to be a caliphate.
>majority of Americans have German heritage
>American midwest founded on traditional central-European values
Obvious choice, desu. New Deutschland when?
>>majority of Americans have German heritage
(((German))) heritage.
Really made me think.
>choosing muslim frog over proud hussar
The French despise us and we hate them too. They are filthy socialist frogs that has done jack shit for us. Japan is our greatest ally. We built them in our image.
HAHAHAHAHA..... hahaha
Why are Poles such wannabe, dick-sucking prostitutes? Have some fucking self-respect, Jakub.
>We built them in our image.
Retarded, morbidly-obese Jewish slaves?
Serbia is our one and only ally. "Orthodox brothers" we both say. I would volunteer to any war that would threaten their homeland, to honor that alliance. I am not even Larping. I have made up my mind about it.
>Had our backs since the beginning
So did the Spanish, Germans, Dutch and all the other powers that reveled at the sight of fucking over the British.
French are no ones ally but themselves. The French government has fucked over every ally they have ever had countless times.
People always make jabs about the Eternal Anglo and the Eternal Kraut but really it should be the Eternal Frog. Dump Pierre.
Nah the ww2 English-French alliance was strong and concistent.
Frogs surrendered like 2 years into the war. It was an alliance of necessity to be sure.
American-French relations would not be as solid as it is without the excessive shit posting on both sides. I hate you frogs.
But I'll burn in hell if I let your country turn to ashes at the hands of muslim hordes. Your nation helped forged mine. It is only right if mine helps reforges yours.
Now keep making good wine and sultry women.
Saw that movie. Wasn't the best.
One of our first allies that really helped us out early on was the Russian empire.
But relations soured in the early 20th century as the soviet system succeeded the Russian empire. Surely it's just a coincidence that the bulk of the people leading that revolution where jewish.
>Americans are slaves
Pretty ironic from the country who can't own guns, can't own knives, needs a license to watch TV, and can get arrested for saying the wrong thing on twitter.
America's greatest ally is the UK. Anglos stick together.
I love my best allies.
>Five Eyes
>Combined Communications Electronics Board
>Air and Space Interoperability Council
>The Technical Cooperation Program
>UKUSA Agreement
We are the five greatest nations in the world.
Their government moved to london from where they were seltered by the Anglos and although their country was taken, they still organized defences in French colonies in africa where the war was still waging against rommel, who although outmanned and outgunned was giving them hell. They continued to fight (although their impact was minimal) until the end of the war
Wouldn't mind moving to america. I'll take burgers and milkshakes over poutine any day
Isn't Israel your greatest ally though?
>has 1st amendment
>but country is a giant mall with cheesecake factories and mexican hordes
the USA had such potential
fuck no, our forefathers fought and died for independence and that wasn't for nothing
You're my greatest ally Australia
Honestly I'm going to wait to see how cucked the people are. We had a conservative government for 10 years. If Conservatives win in Ontario and Nationally I will never leave this country.
t. Ir*sh diaspora
Then why do we speak English and not French. You stupid cuck fag
>>majority of Americans have German heritage
That's not true at all. Studies in the 80s found that 0ver 26% of Americans, the largest group in any of these studies, ever, cited British ancestry. Now it's much lower. Why? HAve we had a sudden influx of krauts? No. A sudden outflux of Brits? No. What is it, then? Many old-stock British Americans now use the "American" category, that's the biggest reason. Also, many majority old-stock British Americans with one German Grandma call themselves German.
British Americans are likely a good 30% of our population, with Irish ones another 15%. And that's total, not just white.
>Australia receives the least US foreign aid of any country in the world
>Aussies need foreign aid
>They receive less than Africans
Haha holy shit.
We fought not because we hated the British, not even because we hated the King, but because we hated Parliament.
Hey amerifats, if you gonna nuke NK can you also 'accidentally' nuke china too kthxbye
You sound fat
Aus can suck us.
Anglo pride worldwide, fuck Israel and fuck krauts.
Poland. Best ally since the 11th century.
any country with minority rights