We're 17 years past his prediction and still working our asses off. John Maynard Keynes mastered compound interest when he was four years old, literally FOUR YEARS OLD. Regardless of if you agree with his theories he's still a genius. Now he said with automation, we could live the quality of life of a 1920er in the year 2000 with two hours of work a week.
Keynes said Humans Can Work 2-hour Weeks by 2000
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>homosexual economics
Literally an economic system that doesn't think about the future.
Keynes was bi-sexual actually. And Keynesianism is BASED off pulling a nation out of a depression to give it a brighter future. How is that not based?
libertarianism and gadsben is homosexual economics and a homosexual ideology.
Like I want to live with the 1920s standard...
>Most don't have electricity
>Cars have like 10 HP, maybe 1 per family
> Food isn't very plentiful
> 600 sft "house"
>Mass communication device is called "radio", how you watch porn on that?
>Own one suit, wear it every day
But houses were much bigger
there was much more food.
Definitely no.
He seems to have underestimated the power of human greed. Even the 40 hour work week for many Americans is becoming a thing of the past, a lot of people I know work 50-60, for that not that much money, either. The golden times are over.
Food today is so expensive.
But our productivity is SOOOOO high, we should be getting so much more money.
Keynes was a faggot who couldn't into capitalism
pic related
>600 sft "house"
you aren't from california or nyc, are you?
Bad food is cheap in America and that's why there are so many fat people compared to decades ago.
He is right but you can't blame him for the date
There are too many factors in timing
People say there is going to be a market crash.
They are right but it may happen in 5 or in 20 years
Yeah but look, i buy a steak, it costs a shit ton. Meanwhile i watch "Gangs of New York" and food isf frree
Nice space elevator you got there, West
I quit my job today and have nothing to look forward to.
I'm actually in NM where my house is 2200 sft, but my second property came with a single wide trailer that is definitely as big as most houses that were built in that time period.
It's actually pretty comfy for a small family, not that anyone with a real job would deign to live in something like that. Just pointing out that the "average" in 1920 is considered uberpoor today
Because it didn't. It turned a bad recession into the Great Depression.
How was the New Deal financed? By issuing bonds. Which means investors bought bonds and had no money left over for private investment. Which is why the economy stagnated.
Fuck Keynes and his socialist bullshit, it just tells left wingers what they want to hear.
Why didn't the kikes just print more money to put into circulation like they do now?
He was pro capitalism. Non keynesian can't into economics
>literally FOUR YEARS OLD
Literally iterated multiplication.
Why are Sup Forums so painfully stupid?
What you are saying is just what rightwingers want to here. There was a LIQUIDITY TRAP. Banks had money but no where to invest so they just kept it. That's why go had to borrow
I didn't learn how to multiply until I was at least 12 and I'm high IQ as fuck. You are clearly really dumb
>regardless if you agree with his theories
why would anyone agree with theories after they've been proven wrong?
low quality bait
sounds like a bunch of bullshit, children don't even develop the ability to think logically until they're 7
They've been proven right. Only nutjob with no political influence refute him
You are a really bad troll
more low quality bait
good food is obsurdly cheap here.. but so is fast food which is why theres so many fatties
You can't have people being liberated from pointless work and only working a small amount.
They might spend their spare time educating themselves or reading.
They want a populace that questions nothing, works like donkeys and has enough intelligence to push button B when told to.
He was an idiot and his economics were completely retarded. He was on the right track with the 0-bucminster fuller0 theory of labor value in the future, but vastly over optimistic. (and he was technically wrong too, he did not envision how bad the jews would tax us to death) The extra hours of labor are to pay for our masters taxes.
Absent slavery level taxes we have now, we could live fine with two or three day a week jobs. With the jews gouging us with their jewgeld taxes, five to six day work week for the goyim, just to make ends meet, not enough to attract a female to mate with, that is for the chosen people.
>good food is absurdly cheap here
Reminder that trolling is against Sup Forums rules. Enjoy your 3 day ban
That makes no sense. Keynesians believe in economics not photocopying food.
Bro. It's basic game theory. 50% of the population male 50% female. The same amount of people will be able to attract mates. Persobally I think k we need to raise the federal taxes to balance the budget
It's not proven wrong, its a matter of not accounting for the incompetency of governments. Same reason why sci fi predictions are way off, people assume that government would make the best use of resources and invest in science and technology instead of going to war. If the US didn't waste resources on the korean war, vietnam, and iraq, we all would be driving in flying cars.
Then why is our tech way further than Sci if predictions could ever predict?
>"I didn't learn how to multiply until I was at least 12"
>high IQ
pick one and only one
I'm really rich so I guess it worked out
>really rich
>didn't learn how to multiply until 12
Sure thing, bud
>implying anyone who's not poor gives a shit about that shit
Sure buddy.
When a parent has a lot of money he doesn't give a shit since I'm his third son and he has enough inheritance money
Like most economists, he didn't factor blacks and Jews into his equation
>he doesn't give a shit about me since I'm his third son
Fuck you
Fractional reserve banking creates money for banks not governments
yes it does.
So governments can't confiscate via fractional reserve
>Kekistan flag
yes. and what is is the process of photocopying spaghetti going to achieve?
inb4 pictures of photocopied spaghetti
I see.
Governments create and uphold the law that makes fractional reserve banking not illegal. In this way they are responsible for confiscating your wealth.
But, yes - I understand that governments are totally insolvent, strictly speaking.
Keynesianism is not economics. It destroys economics
Because people had half a fucking brain back then and when they heard "Fed wants to increase money in circulation" they don't think "sweet I'll have more money in my pocket". They think "shit the money in my pocket will be worth less than it already is," like a logical, informed and aware human being should think.
Joseph Stalin said we should work 25 hours every week. Keynes is 12.5 times worse than Stalin.
compound interest
so hard
Let's try it.
I want to see the world crumble, but I'm too lazy to do it myself.
Radical Keynesianism when?
Nothing. But keynesian don't say that
The federal governmentioned needs the power to borrow for war
Like your economic system is the greatest you think the free market can fix anything. Shut the fuck up every an cap doesn't know human nature and greed
Austrian economics, and free market capitalism isn't economics. It destroys economics
Yeah sure even tho Einstein couldn't figure it out. Sure
I remember hearing the same thing when bitcoin was a dollar
>he's still a genius
No, he is not.
People prefer longer working hours, but shorter working week. In 19 century Saturday was a business day.
Austrian school advocates gold ownership for eg. and gold is literally "capital". There is no way it can destroy economics. I included a quote earlier where Keynes alludes to theft that few men can recognise. Please do the same for you argument. I am interested to hear.
Please explain how Keynes is right over austrian school.
>The federal governmentioned needs the power to borrow for war
War doesn't produce anything. It only destroys. But when monetized debt is your currency, this creates growth. Growth of debt.
Its growth like cancer is a growth.
Because the Austrian school adopted gold stanDard thus making it retarded and not worthy of academia. There is not enough gold to run an economic system that's why money must be backed by credit.
Except you need war for when your nation is attacked. Also I'm an anti war keynesian so stfu
How does counter-cyclical spending not reasonable? The only problem, and it's a massive one, is that there is often no political will to raise taxes and decrease spending even during boom times, and thus "counter-cyclical spending" turns into "printing money"
A gold standard is literally "capital" by definition.
>money must be backed by credit
"Money" is not backed by credit. Money is not backed by anything. Credit is debt - national debt. The more credit a nation has the greater its national debt. The more credit a nation has the more money it can print and the less value each $ or £ has. Soon it becomes so worthless you can't afford a house. We are there now.
I acknowledge that an economic system cannot be entirely backed by gold, but I do advocate a personal gold standard - ie. you and I should hold our wealth in gold and silver and not in cash at the bank.
So that would be "defence" then. And how does a nation thats TRILLIONS of $ in debt afford defence?
>Einstein couldn't figure out iterated multiplication
sure bud
>never has taken econ class
Nigga u dumb, that's why those fucking kikes keep winning over folkd like you, simpleton.
Who the hell takes this faggot seriously anymore, all of his perdictions and economic models failed miserably
Its not greed its people think they can get away with being assholes. Mods especially. They need a bullet in the head and (((social media))) doesnt make anyone any money.
But back to my point take my job. They dont give vacation, noone gets raises, i take the bus so promotion is unlikely. I only worked hard because i thought i was appreciated. That they knew i worked hard.
They through me under the bus for one of their contractors and treated me like more and more shit. They fucked up though by "punishing" me with less days.
Now I dont do dick the days i do work sept be on my phone.
I dont even care if i make less money. Theyre paying me to do nothing and thats the way its gonna be from now on until i find something better. If they fire me ill just break their car windows.
>we could live the quality of life of a 1920er in the year 2000 with two hours of work a week.
But we want to live the quality of life of 2017 so we work more.
Yep. You have to work harder so some Somali nigger can live in your country and I have to work harder so I can afford the 250K USD bill for cancer treatment someone close to me will inevitably have. Really makes you think.