I just realized something

I just realized something.

Is Africa shit, not because of the niggers, but because it's mostly a matriarchal society?

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It's the niggers.

I only took one anthropology class, they mentioned African matriarchal societies but is the majority really matriarchal?


I'd say the matriarchal society.

specifically its shit because of the tribalism and lack of impulse control. American blacks are slightly better because they have so much white mixture.

none of it is matriarchal.



don't be so hasty, it could be both

I've read that the sheboons actually have a higher iq. The nogs would gather and the shenigs would farm, requiring slightly higher IQ.

They also seem to be the ones that build the mud huts from the videos I've seen.

I'm fairly certain there isn't any matriarchal Bantu culture, and off the top of my head I can't name any matriarchal African culture

I believe that the fault is that because they were born into such a resourceful area, they never bothered to learn agriculture, fishing and resource management, which is why they lack behind so much

Interesting point.

I'd imagine the two factors reinforce eachother.

they are matriarchical in the sense that there are no black fathers, just black sperm donors
pic related to the matriarchy

Nope. Women are mostly enslaved in Africa. The whole Matriarchal thing in Africa is mostly a meme.
Leftists see a village with just women and kids and think its a matriarchal society. In reality the fathers leave like typical black behavior, and the women submit to raiders that rape the village, but also offer protection. As you can guess there is no workers in these areas, hence why all live in tents and need to get water from a well outside the village.

Women, across all races, have a lower IQ than men due to the extra 10% cranial capacity men have.

This is very possible, as well.

Look at the Nile. Very fertile area where the natives learned agriculture. They prospered.

Also, are you actually from Israel?

There are a hundred reasons why, nothing that monumental can be explained away with one simple reason. It's certainly not just because whitey came along and oppressed everything, but of course it's not just because of IQ stats. There are many reasons, but humans want simple explanations for everything.
I've suspected something like this for a while, perhaps it helps explain why there are more african american women at university compared to men.

Except, apparently, in blacks. isteve.blogspot.com/2005/12/do-black-women-have-higher-iqs-than.html

Why would these ideas be mutually exclusive?
It could be because not only nigger heaven, but also because it was a matriarchal nigger heaven society. Literally the worst setup you can have.

No. Sage. /thread

He's trying to blame environment for the problems niggers face.

Of course he's from Israel.

There are more women in university because they're either thrown in with affirmative action, more men drop out to do work like farming (happens a lot in southern culture), and the fact that men choose harder degree plans than women who usually choose the smooth sailing degrees.

The average male SAT score is higher than the average woman's.

>Look at the Nile. Very fertile area where the natives learned agriculture. They prospered.

True, while I think that is also because they had contact with Europe and more northern cultures, unlike per say Western Africa

>Also, are you actually from Israel?
Yes, why?

I'd say the niggers.

Africa is shit because they don't have fast food chains, walmart, and pc gaming. < your brain. Africa was of spiritually enlightened place of black people who lived in harmony with the land and followed natural human laws. Until white colonists who sprouted from the deep depths of hell to colonize and rape the beautiful land and it's people.

This is in the US. The US has a very unique gangsta dindu culture where black men normally don't give a fuck about school and join gangs. Black women, however, usually try in school as a female's natural instinct is to compete with other women in a social culture.

I would say environment is a bit of the problem but not nearly all of it.

I'm about to visit Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv soon. Any places I should hit up?

All I wanted in life was the join the IDF and kill shitty Palestinians. Feels bad, bro

Congrats. You've found cherrypicked excerpts from enemy nations describing enemy nations. That's something called propaganda. If we find North Korea's description of the US in 1000 years, is it true?

Thanks Mohammed. But statistically, if we assume IQ average is equal, but the spread is different, it would depend on the entry requirements. If the entry requirement is even slightly below average, that would put much more women within the eligible area, see pic related. But you'd be correct about the harder degree paths. Remember the SAT is essentially an IQ test.
Now what about for Black people? I'd have to see data on that to be sure, but black women seem to have more of an interest in intellectual activities than black men do, that's all I'm observing.

I would stay away from Tel Aviv. Don't get me wrong, beautiful place, but a lefty household, and home to 99% of degeneracy.

Our country is small, so you could literally drive from the most northern point to the southest in 3 hours, so I would recommend the dead sea.

Jerusalem Is nice, but too many Arabs come there from their countries for a day or two to pray

Lmao, enemy nations?

>Yes, both the Jew and the Nigger have been terribly stereotyped throughout time.
>The fact that these stereotypes are always the same over thousands of years means nothing, goy.

Those tests were conducted on 13 year old children. Women develop earlier than boys. This study is basically comparing prepubescent boys to pubescent women and the boys STILL won. I always found that hilarious. The IQ average isn't equal if you do the study on adults or children where both parties aren't pubescent.

Black women don't care about the intellectual activities. They care about social status and the public and private education system is the best place to show off anything that can socially elevate you.

If Africa was truly an enlightened place and the White Man a cave dwelling, shit eating mongrel, then how did the White Man integrate, and then take over Africa and the achievements of Africans?

Bleeding Heart Liberals.

This is why we don't want refugees.

it's the people who didn't have to adapt to the seasonal effects of nature, for example:
>be a nigga
>sleep, hunt, eat repeat all year along
>doesn't develop a sense of time

>be a snow nigga
>if you don't use your brain and think of the future you and your family/tribe will freeze and starve

thx based harsh nature for developing our brains to think the future and consequences of our actions.

I just want to see it for a day. I know it's full of Palestinian sympathizing libcucks.

The dead sea would be a nice place to visit. I really want to see some of the historical and biblical sights. I know it's in Egypt but how hard would it be to visit Mt. Sinai?

Also, how's the racial atmosphere? Any hate towards any specific race?

I can deal with the Arabs. They piss me off but Jerusalem is too amazing to let them ruin it.

>I know it's in Egypt but how hard would it be to visit Mt. Sinai?

The borders are secured, I would try and get a permission of some sort to pass it

>Also, how's the racial atmosphere? Any hate towards any specific race?

This is basically Sup Forums the country, Just keep an eye for anything suspicious in a woman's hijab

Orthodox Jews are rude, but harmless. Secular Jews are chill

cuz u cant build schools on sand

niggers ARE a matriarchal society. it's one and the same thing.

because we stole their technology

Yeah. It seems like it would be hard to cross from, of all places, Israel to any Arab country.
I see. I'm half black but it's to the point where I can wear a hat and pass as white. I've just heard really conflicting things from different people about racial atmosphere in Israel.

Hey, I'm in the US and I'm always suspicious when I see a Muslim. I always steer the hell away.

Jews are always cool with me. I can't stand the secular leftist Jews, though.

Christians let it get overpopulated, Christianity and Islam promote overpopulation, also negroes can't into future planning

This is the prevailing thought most ancient historians have on Africa. The geographic shape and location doesn't really offer for much travel that keeps food sustainable (i.e. Plants that flourish in the south will not the further north you travel). There was never a need to travel anyways since the tribes were always successful and full or resources in their respectful locations anyway. Because of the lack of successful travel, knowledge never really spread in the same ways as Europe and Asia.

Think of it this way: The most successful civilizations in the past (or when the spread of knowledge was the most significant) were bred in places that are wider than they are long.

Glad to here bruv

Btw, instead of talking about the Palestines near them when they could understand us, we call them "cousins" as a codename

I think that they were left behind with technology because there was no necessity for it, because they had everything they needed resource-wise right of the start

>Is Africa shit, not just because of the niggers, but also because nigger bitches?

>I think that they were left behind with technology because there was no necessity for it, because they had everything they needed resource-wise right of the start
And lack of intellectual curiosity combined with competition for territory bred a bunch of lazy violent retards that want to murder anyone not in their tribe, except when they do murder their direct family.

Yeah iirc there were many pockets if resourceful land but there wasn't many successful encounters where tech/knowledge could be traded because of their environment.

Thanks for the info, my goy.

I wonder why pol hates Israel.

Good goy

we're done here. what's the thread about now?