Daily reminder

Daily reminder

If you listen to metal or rap you aren't white

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b-but death grips is patrician

I wish someone would help Tim, and teach him how to play a single guitar chord properly.

This is now a mrtimmyuk thread btw.

Metal is fine - to a degree. I agree with you regarding rap. White people need to completely abandon their fascination with rap music, and popular music in general. A lot of rappers have nothing but contempt for Whites.

Metal is probably the whitest musical genre.

God listens...to Slayer

>metal is fine

Kys white nigger

>whitest music
>based off nigger music

Kys you fucking mess

>anyone with a semblance of whiteness
>not listening exclusively to hezbollah nasheeds

daily reminder
if you use Sup Forums you're probably a loser

I wish you hackers would stop hacking Tim's computer


Wait what? I thought metal was a genre invented by whites?

It was and its still the pinnacle of white music in the 21st century.

OP is some popfaggot or just a shitposter more likely

Is nobody else going to join in? Genuinely feel bad for this guy. One day, someone's going to notice a brutal odor, and eventually the police will discover his 5-day old corpse :(

He just needs some pills and a bit of a social life.


Name 5 relevant non white metal bands....

>direct derivative of big rock music
>created by whites

Lol you edgy freak. Leave this board forever man child. Metal is trash

What is the most red pilled chord? F Major?


Name a single metal band that wasn't influenced by rock

Name a single rock band that wasn't influenced by niggers

I can never understand peoples hatred for metal. Yeah there are terrible sub genres in the genre itself, but the ones that don't suck are actually pretty good.

Hello man child

Metal is based. Black/Thrash/Power/Heavy/Death

If you fucking people want to rid yourself of nigger influence, start listening to classical music. The forms are too difficult for niggers to deal with. The instrumentation is too complex. Niggers have no idea what to do with it. Get on board.

Hello man child

Historically, maybe any simple chord with a tritone? Spoopy Satanic stuff. But you might be onto something... the most red pilled chord may have not even been discovered, yet.

Metal isn't white?!? youtube.com/watch?v=eK0rvReE-4c&t=8s

Me jamming, fuck rap

OK. I still don't understand people's hate.

Ya cavemen made music too.... pretty good shit too I must say

Death metal is white.
Sage because OP is a fag

I like you.

Literally autist music

Well me and my buddy with a trio pedal

How do you do?

Who cares what it's based off? Nigger music is based of white music.

It's shit either way. It's niggers in its very essence

White men do not listen to metal

Blacks take a Pentatonic scale from their Scottish masters, and add a blue note.

Its literal garbage and school shooter tier genre

Metal is degenerate satan worshipping trash influenced by nigger music. It is not white


real metal, it's singing about killing the infidels shitting up the metal genre

how can you be this disassociated from reality.

>Not liking metal
>claiming to be white
Chink detected.


Even if it were not influenced by nigger music it would still be shit

It's literally Judaism in musical form

Kys Jew lover nig worshipper

agreed. gangsta rap and thug life hop hop is the true white mans choice of music. also k pop and anime op's

Good thing I'm not white then.

But seriously, if this isn't in your "It's finally happening/SHTF" playlist you're probably a humongous faggot.


Old school exodus is underated

>liking metal
>over the age of 12


Metal is very White, especially black metal.

Metal is 100% the whitest music genre.
It's also been shown to have many of the same cognitive benefits as classical.
>mfw I listen to both Metal and classical music

Found the fatherless only children households

tfw i've seen probably two niggers my entire life and apparently i love them

Metal is good.

What about gay ass indie hipster music? I love that shit.

Metal is the whitest modern music there is.

Thread theme:

Me too senpai

Willing to place good money down on the bet those of you who are preaching metal as some kind of nigger tier music are skinnyfat and generally awkward people who only listen to the most plebe orchestral compositions thinking it makes them whiter or something as asinine

Folk metal

guarantee you use shampoo when it was invented by the niggers you hate so much

new favorite picture.

Yes the British 60s 70s bands whom were patroned by the Rothschild were satanists.

And that horrible guitarists, Rothschild's, Jimmy acid propaganda, couldn't write his own songs, Hendrix.

Is an ancient Spanish guitar satanic or black? Is Nicola Tesla's electrical tubes on overdrive Satanic or black?

Guarantee you have a shit kd ratio on csgo

As a guitarist, blues is the most fun genre to play, for me. Despite listening mostly to metal

Pic related: it's you

nah i play tf2


How is metal based off of rap/ hip hop? are you retarded?1

Cradle of Filth rule

Playing the guitar is probably the most white thing you can do. If it's rock or classical. Blues need not apply, bluegrass does.


I squat 400kg for reps atg and own a business, what about you my le reddit friend

I'm actually white though. Checkmate, faggot.

hes referencing metals blues/rock roots, which do have roots in black culture, that we BLEACHED and made into a white genre.

As a result, its stayed white. Cant say the same for pop...which is literally just rap-lite now kek

What about sabaton, they're technically a metal band yet have none of that edgy goth kid stuff

Or a diminished fifth

Ironically black metal is literally for white people only. Back to huffing gas fumes for you Abo

So you have the Australian record for squat then?

Nice try kid

Say again?

I try to listen to rap or metal minimally, maybe when I exercise. There is a huge catalog of Western music to listen to, can't waste too much time on decadent trash. Been listening to Mozart's Piano concertos and Ravel's Bolero on repeat for the past month though. Very nice.

>this is was australians look like

lol jesus

best burzum song, it's depresssing and atmospheric sounding, bit repetitive though

>listen to metal not white
NSBM - national socialist black metal
yeah that's pretty nigger music isn't it
fuck off cunt biscuit


Holy shit you look like Isaac Brock after a 3 day meth binge.
And not the good kind of meth binge where he writes 2 albums worth of material.

This. Furthermore, it is basically the great normie filter of metal too, most normies will listen to it and just scowl because its nowhere near the noise you hear off of the radio today. It is alien to them, and they dont like that.
Stop listening to rap
Theres some pretty non-decadent metal out there dude, some white nationalist stuff too, hell even cheesy shit if you like that, but the same is true of any genre.
Good taste

>he thinks 400kg for reps is some mystical unachievable number only documented in PL comps
some of us do more than talk about being physically powerful individuals on Sup Forums and actually exercise physical discipline and eat what we need to eat

this user is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. but call him a skinnyfat redditor and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Major is for sissies.
Captcha: hit the road again, turn the page.

How can you listen to metal? Like there's a metal door right near me and I can't hear any noises coming from it.

Bag pipes are designed for Pentatonic scales, Scottish colonize southern slave states. Black slaves posis a pentatonic scale with one added note. Whoaa, black invention every body! Therefore Blacks invented all sound vibrating through the air.

Where did I infer I listen to rap

Everyone in this thread are giant faggots.

Lol I can smell the Doritos on your breath through my screen

it was a meme u dip

"Where did I *IMPLY* I listen to rap?"

yfw you find out he's actually a performance artist

What about National Socialist Black Metal?

This is the most red pilled cord



and I can smell the estrogen and lynx africa through your posts

>thinks listening to metal means he has high test
>in reality every quantifiable example of somebody who listens to metal says the exact opposite

Pic related: it's you