We have agents in position.
International guarantees from major powers.
Possible to act within a year.
What if I'm telling the truth.
We have agents in position.
International guarantees from major powers.
Possible to act within a year.
What if I'm telling the truth.
nice role play thread you faggot shit head. now fuck off and kys. nice fat sage. no bump for you, abdul. lol.
>What if I'm telling the truth.
If thats the case good luck and god speed faggot
>What if I'm telling the truth.
About to sign up for the Bundeswehr next week, even if you're meming a friend in there has said something similar.
If you post on Sup Forums you should be familiar with meme warfare to some extent.
What can we at Sup Forums do to help make this whole thing go over smoothly for you? Just meme Merkel into increasing unpopularity?
Whats the end game?
Its regrettable how open some have been, we had multiple agents be suspended/kicked out for it.
However die Bundeswehr has and will always be the recruiting ground for supporters.
Honestly that ship has sailed, so pic related would probably not be happening anytime soon.
Although I do autistically enjoy imagining a series of alternate universes where every kind of proposed, historical, or alternative social movement of all countries and tribes have their own empires of billions each, and all of them become connected through portals known to the new world order.
Protection of the German Citizen and German Borders.
Limited de-regulation of the economy.
Cutting of all social benefits for any non 2nd Generation Citizen.
Pure defensive military action.
(It was the only way we could get international support from the East and West. )
It is not an attempt at empire. It is a strategy of Fallback and Consolidation
She and her party are at war.
We have a handful of supporters within.
They think of us as a puppet. But alas. Support.
And of the EU?
The current campaign is to hijack/infiltrate Anti-Fa. Hamburg and other events have made them a viable tool of military/police distraction, and will be used "properly" if action is taken.
Germany is cucked, they want their refugees. A coup wouldn't change the people.
All the good Germans left or died at war.
Are you sure that's an accurate representation of the populace? Think of how many are being silenced by the law and the media?
The vast majority of German people are automatons, they do what they're told.
Do it.
It will be maintained, in the short term.
We need the ability to retain trade and relations.
>Germany will immediately stop interference in the Eastern states and attempt closer ties with Pol, Cz, Hun. Would attempt further action in Benelux, purely political. France/Italy will be respected, assistance given if requested.
>Euro will be maintained, for the same reason that it was assumed in the first place, the DMark would be too strong by itself.
>Border controls would be enforced. Free trade maintained as well as possible. Free Citizen movement. Limited Resident Movement. Freezing of all immigration for limited time.
You'll be surprised. Much of our support is from these. And many have planned to return, you may see similarity to the way Isis pulled recruits from the world.
>You'll be surprised. Much of our support is from these. And many have planned to return, you may see similarity to the way Isis pulled recruits from the world.
Someone in contact with some colonies of billions of demigod antarctic/moon/agartha nazis?
Mein body is ready.
nice larp faggot
You're not telling the truth OP because all Germans have a hard on for ruining Europe, it's in your genes. From sacking Rome to the Nazis and now Merkle you guys just like destroying what other Europeans built and claiming you're the best.
I saw more west germans pissed at paying taxes for the reunification than I see now with this invasion
Infiltration and immediate subsequent agitation would be paramount. You need them at a critical mass for police priority if you want to act. There is no reason to delay, or wait for a trigger. More rallies. More masses.
It is not hard to stir a hornets nest, and providing the islamists with the soonest opportunity to join with them or feel safer in attacking is our only way of unifying an enemy against national and international efforts. It could save germany, or at least buy her enclave more time. Migration will halt, and war will break out. Sooner, not later. Later, we will be too late.
Do it then, In reality I'm tired with this modern era millennials gender identity gender war bullshit, I want blood, death and disorder in the world.
I was hoping ISIS could do something but the fucked up, then North Korea chicken out.
Only then mankind can progress to the next stage.
This rash action is what makes states flare up and die.
We cannot act in a vacuum. We must recognise that we are surrounded.
I personalty agree that sooner rather than later.
However we must choose the right time. The election must come first. Then we will grow off the result. Or we will not be needed.
Who are those agents you talking bout? Reichsbürger? don't make me laugh.
To make a succesfull coup d'etat, you first need to win the proletarians and they are still busied with watching football and drinking beer. Shit has to stir up much higher for the submissive Germans to rally, but then it will be already too late.
>you first need to win the proletarians and they are still busied with watching football and drinking beer
This is why we will succeed. As long as they are placated we need not fear retaliation.
The forces that matter:
Police -> In conflict with gov
Military -> Islamist -> Their removal will gain us support.
Anti-Fa -> The Prolls ->
This is some true autism right here larping this hard.
Discussion is one thing. The proper thing to do would be to start a thread to that end without being a larping faggot, but we can speak of it So how about you weigh in instead of dropping by just to remind us you are a non larping faggot?.
the real germany exists, but in the americas
I have books and bibles from my grandfathers.
I'm ready
Is there anything your western brothers can do to help your cause
Sieg Heil mein bruder.
I'll wait for 2 years and if it happens then you'll get some PogChamps
But I can't support a conspiracy Mr. Maybe Law Man