Ok which one of tou here did this?



They're grrrrrrreat!



Thats fucked up


>Sup Forums anthros meetup

Why they always wanted Tony the Tiger? There lots of furry characters, why just him?

>get a bunch of nerds together in the woods
>look at pony porn together
>drink beer(?)



get hiv

Gay orgy is less gay than this

Thanks for summarizing what I was thinking polack bro.

I'd fucking string them all up. Goddamn nothing makes me go full murder than perverts hurting children.

Jesus fuck you just know that web is 3x bigger if that was all found as public knowledge.


I remember reading internet drama LiveJournals over a decade ago. There was at some point a huge investigation where 3-4 black furries were purposely spreading HIV and wouldn't admit to it.

Any furfags know what I'm referring to?

Okay, that was easy.

>google "furry hiv drama livejournal"

that reeks of murder