EMPs and you

Why does no one bring up an aerial detonation by North Korea?

Maybe I'm using shit logic, but if they could bounce a signal back from the first stage of whatever shitheap of an ICBM they launch, then they could hit the whole US. Even an aerial detonation over the pacific could knock out some of the power grid of the western states...at most?

Anyone with relevant info, please post.

benis bomb would DESTROY usa death to amrica km said and then america bomb.
You are right, emp would destroy all electronics, basically destroy america

Why we have to border these fucking americockroaches

normies that watch cable news wouldn't understand emp. a big fireball is much scarier and easier to visualize

what they also probably don't mention is how fucking puny the nork's nukes really are, and how much more viable it would be to use one simply as an emp weapon

Thanks for the hot take No-Dong 1

They can't get the rocket that high over the USA.


Are large scale air detonation EMPs actually a real thing? Has anyone successfully made one?

NK hasn't detonated anything over 15kt, which would provided a fairly minor EMP for about 200 miles across at optimal height.
Some electronics might be affected, no cars would be. Damage to electrical infrastructure would be considerable with a lot of transformers, motors, switch yards, even transmission lines destroyed.

that's not how EMPs work
but assuming that was, Norks couldn't logistically do it.

>NK attacks
>spics and leafs get dragged in

Nukes aren't real kid
Learn some fucking chemistry fuck how dumb are people

Yes, a nuclear detonation in low earth orbit would cause significant EMP. The last test done were the Starfish Prime atomic tests, in 1962, 900 miles SW of Hawaii and at 250 miles altitude. Several satellites in low earth orbit were disabled. Unfortunately, we are much more dependent on space based systems for communications and defense today than we were in '62. The effects of a North Korean high altitude test would presumably be quite significant.

I'm sure this threat is being treated very seriously by the military.

Someone's going to have to pay to replace my computer if some asshole fries it.

If I have to rebuild my retro console collection im going to be slightly irritated.

its no use many find it hard to believe they were raised on lies. what you can do is point out that the emp will get weaker as it grows theoretically. it wont even cause a power outage across the country thats fear mongering bullshit

also america fired that railgun at china and china shot the round out of the air without any advanced warning. the demonstration model was put on a battle ship and some tard decided to prove murica is number 1. then got court martialed and every one kinda scratched their heads as to how they could shoot down a projectile thats not even the size of a missile thats going mach 7 aimed at a random building thats not near a military port

What? Any proofs of your nutty Ness?

EMP won't happen with anything that isn't at least 1 MT. North Korea is nowhere near that.

Fuck your EMP:

North Korea doesn't have functional ICBMs let alone nuclear warheads for them, it's all political tough talk that both trump and kimmy benefit from. It's amazing that autists on /r/politically incorrect have spent the last 2 years sperging out about the lying media, but now that they're (unintentionally) shining daddy trump in a good light, they are going unquestioned.

In a matter of months the MSM wants you to believe they've gone from unguided rockets to almost cracking nuclear tipped ICBMs. Really, double niggers? They have rockets capable of reaching America in flight time alone, there are no other features that render it dangerous. Who's satellites will they be using to guide a nuclear missile? Who's going to make the guidance system? Let alone the years it will take dumb norks to scale down to a nuclear warhead.

In case you are too young or too much of a newfag to know, best korea does this in a cyclical routine. Which brings me to my next point, I see no mention of best korea as a meme in any of these threads, which is 100% proof that they are infested with newfag plebbitors

NK (ICBM) missiles reached 2300 miles (3700 km) of Height
A Nuke detonated at 1470 miles (2370 km) of Height is enough to make a EMP that shut down the Power grid of entire USA, Canada & Mexico International Space Station orbit at 270 miles (435 km) of height. An EMP could destroy even ISS & satellite electronics