>t-the alt right isnt r-r-rea-

Nah nigger we drones too.


Other urls found in this thread:


How was this organised by the way?

Music makes it even more cringe. Never thought I'd be ashamed to be white.

Can't into æsthetics?

Is it time to burn dindus at the stake yet?


>400 white men

>0 white women

The AmeriKKKian population will all be 50/50 BLACKED in 100 years.

The whitest girl will look like a Kardashian. Blonde/blue eyed girls are ugly anyway.

Bump and Sick.

Cry about it faggot.

by lots of hard work.

months of planning.

And richard spencer and the alt right.

post a picture of your white hand with timestamp

Sorry it isn't "fucking my cousin on the tractor" by cletus mcgraw.

everyone had Sup Forums gold, they organized in the hidden boards

TRS, Dailystormer, twitter nazis, and the IRL groups (American Vanguard, Trad Workers' Party, etc.)

We have the best aesthetics

where do you guys hide? there's no shilling around Sup Forums, even with all the nazi LARPing going on daily, but then a small protest like this happens IRL and suddenly this place if filled with comments like yours.
Are really a shill or you're just baiting for (you)s? for real.


someone needs to stop these wypipo

hey look this nigger can use a keyboard

>letting the breeding stock into dangerous manly activities

spotted the beta male faggot tfwGF

Not your goy, schlomo

I like the vid, but I agree, that music is cringe as fuck

you're not white tyrone.

Inner circle. Enoch, Mosley and Spencer primarily. Numbers tomorrow will be much greater. This is the start. Stay tuned. Fun fact: did you know the biggest meteor shower in human history will be tomorrow?

Oh and the alt right isn't real. ;)

trad worker party was NOT present at the torchlight.

they were ((((BUSY)))) with other shit

There's a network of websites and groups that rally under the flag of the Altright, so word passes from group to group and eventually an event is planned if enough support is garnered.

I hate niggers love nationalism and love Trump but you can fuck off with your garbage labels you fucking newfag

>by lots of hard work.

>months of planning.

>And richard spencer and the alt right.


>400 white men
>0 white women

That's all your months of planning and name recognition got you?

Your white whores were busy getting BLACKED by my cousins tonight.

Really? I guess I just assumed Heimbach would be there.

Then cry about it.

They're with their kids Tyrone, more than you can say.

Amazing. I'm more excited about tomorrow since there'll be much more heavy opposition there, this rally took them by surprise, and now they know that it's still going on tomorrow, hope you niggers are prepared

So many people in threads about this tonight pretending to be Sup Forumstards nitpicking this apart, making fun of the tiki torches, making fun of cherry picked individuals who attended... calling it a psyop because youtubers attended.

They're afraid. This rally was fucking excellent and you shitlords better get outside and attend one near you soon.

There were women there.

Obvious shills with different IDs were spamming the last thread with this hilarious intimidation. "If you guys stand up for yourselves, you're going to really look ridiculous, in my opinion. They're all going to laugh at you."


look, a right-wing identity politics chimp out. it's like a marxist chimp-out, but minus the looting.
basically, look's like a CIA psy-op. identity politics for the blacky, identity politics for the whitey.

while we all move one step closer to one world government. keep chanting 'muh whiteness', guise.
it's all going to ((their)) plan.

That's nice, Tyrone

There was roughly 800.
Stop baiting.

>Is it time to burn dindus at the stake yet?
oy vey there shill, gotta go after who put them there first then deal with the rest.

Fucking hell that song just makes me want to kill kikes all day long

They're doing exactly what the regressive left did to de-platform themselves. This violent rally around racial identity politics shit literally was JUST PROVEN INEFFECTIVE, and now they're trying it... this is beyond stupid. It's regressive.

Shit is gay dude. Marching around is faggy as shit no matter who does it. I want to enjoy this but I'm not a teenager

You think he's going to leave half a pot of gravy undrunk?

Concern troll fuck off

We'll take the women back once WHITES take back the country

Good work guys. But I expected more people. There's a lot of work to be done.

I want to. If there is one near me I will definitely go.


>takes the bait
>stop baiting!

Have you noticed the shills who say "go back to t_D" every time anyone has fun or gets hyped around here?
It's really starting to tick me off.


haha I love you

There were women there actually, all of which would be repulsed at the sight of your kind.

>There was roughly 800.


it looks like all the guys you always knew and suspected were racist and sexist

Lol u love a zog puppet
Back to the Donald Anglo swine

I'm ashamed fellow white goys I mean boys

Yeah dedicating yourself to a cause is gay, it's better to stay inside and not do anything but complain and masturbate with anger.

Larping just never looks good. But muh power level!


White people actually have jobs we can't just not show up to.

>less than 200 people with tiki torches

This is embarrassing. You'll make normalfags think the KKK is active again, not solicit much needed support.


Mind if I save straya?

There's more behind the photo, you can see the line in the lower right hand side. Nice file name by the way, are you ok?

it's like they've learnt nothing with easily boots on the ground movements are co-opted by cointel (tea party, ows etc).
don't fall for the memes kiddos

I played this over it to make it sound better youtube.com/watch?v=z8ZqFlw6hYg

We need to organize more of these. I'd go to one if it were held in my town

larping ass nigger acting like de doan liek da whyte womens...

I suppose rejection can have that effect.

Keep flinging them word salads, surely something will stick. What none of you can understand is that we are not the cartoon you made of us, we are not doing this because we were dared to on a forum, and so we cannot be talked out of it by some focus-group-tested Sunsteining on a forum.

Division of labor, you should look into it. It is the foundation of civilization your people should take note.


>how was this organized

Just like BLM. George Soros. Globalists want a civil war in the states.

Protip- Baked Alaska was a BLM activist and worked for Buzzfeed.

I was thinking something like


Actually there were tons of women on every stream I saw. Ideally, women don't really belong in politics, but it's okay to have them as spectators

I doubt this is even a psyop or co-opted or anything. I think social retards exist on both sides of the isle, and that's what we're seeing. The regressive left = the alt right. They're proving themselves to be so similar it's laughable.

Intellectual dishonesty really gets you nowhere in life. That's the lesson neither side will ever accept & learn.

>Yeah dedicating yourself to a cause is gay
>Walking around with other grown men singing
So brave so powerful

>boots on the ground
>post on the internet

pick one.

No, there's not, I've watched all the videos.Lace up your reds for tomorrow. FUN will be had.

if you want it to look slightly lest cringy play this over it

you're just mad that your beloved antifa got smashed

If you honestly invest any faith in CIA fatbodies like Dickface Spencer, you have bigger problems then "white genocide."

Serious question, what would the alt-right do if every black person in America just joined?

Yeah the real power is in sitting behind your computer and shitposting, right on man. Going outside and showing support for a cause is cancer.

The concern troll shills are really going all out today, they must be worried.

Muh 800 gorillion.

Sauce on the song? It's fucking awesome.

This is the pre-rally for the main event tomorrow at 12est.


i bet you din even do nuffin....like watch the drone footage..


>the absolute state of Sup Forums

Enjoy your glorious leader Richard Spencer spending all day getting hit in the mouth tomorrow.

Anyone see the end of the live stream? It got a bit crazy at the end. Pic related

>Brittany Venti

what the fuck this is pathetic. yeah all of the shitskins, spics, mudblood, and whatever other le based uncle toms are totally fine and will be allowed to reproduce in our ethnostate as long as they come hold a torch with us and be against political correctness!

what a fucking joke all of you are

This. S m h f a m. wtf u doin fellow wypipo?

Tell them join hotep instead

xurious. thank me later

thanks, top kek

"literally shaking right now"

I don't give a shit about Spencer. If he wants to attend or help organize an event about opinions I agree with who cares?

that part caught me off guard tbqh

>hating on the only good thing